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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Deweydoer

  1. Thanks Guy, I'll remember that! :-0
  2. Let me say, I have followed everything I'm supposed to do to the letter. Yesterday was my birthday, I went to the gym and 52 reps of everything, then I went home and made a nice dinner. I found a recipe online for sort of a mock tuna casserole so I made it and it smelled delicious. Eight only about half a cup was satisfied so I cleaned up put everything else away. Went to bed and around midnight I woke up was surprised that I had not thrown up and I've been fighting Throwing up all day so far. Called the doctors office they told me that probably between the heavy workout yesterday, and the tuna last night, I overdid it and my tummy is not happy. So I'm back to soft foods for a couple of days to get my stomach a chance to settle down I feel like crap I feel stupid but I'm losing weight and have learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of over doing it.
  3. Point taken, slow it down a bit. Anyway, I am working with a trainer and I did more than she advised, I was just feeling wonderful yesterday, being my birthday and all. I'm proud of my weight loss to date, and even the decision to have the band put on! Anyway, lesson learned, I'm going to stay on liquids for today and tomorrow, and let my tummy heal a bit before I kick it into high gear at the gym and work in new foods slowly. I am NOT going to the gym today.
  4. Sorry, meant to say ate, not eight.
  5. Deweydoer


    Checking at 260.2 as this morning.
  6. Deweydoer

    It's the little things

    I'm glad to hear you were successful at a game. I'm going to an Ohio State (OSU) game soon and I'm petrified; OSU games typically involve a lot of drinking and eating. I had planned on having a protein shake for breakfast, freezing one, that would be thawed out by lunch, then I figured I would have something as light as I could get for dinner. I haven't missed much since my banding, but I'm going ot miss having a beer at the game. I won't have one, but I know that I'll miss it and I'm dealing with that before we get there. I'm also going to be doing a lot of walking and I'm excited to not feel so packed into the seats now that I've lost some serious weight. LOL
  7. Deweydoer

    3 days post op

    I had clear broth from my favorite Chinese restaurant and my dietician said it was fine.
  8. Deweydoer

    Time for My Fill

    My surgery was on August 12th and I'm having my first fill on September 26th. I'm doing ok, but I too just feel like I'm on a diet. I'm excited to really get whole banded experience. I'm hoping now that I'm exercising I'll start dropping some real weight. I'm so tired of being fat, it is time to get healthy.
  9. Deweydoer


    Name, real or screen~ Kelly Goal weight for September 30th~ 254 Weight on September 1st~ 262 Age~ 52, next Monday City/State~ Ohio Dietary goal for September~ Get more fiber, hint, hint, guess what I'm having a problem with? Exercise goal for September~ Workout 4 days a week instead of 3 Personal goal for September~ I run a little quilt company, I would like to not buy material for the rest of the month and just use the material that I have in my sewing studio. I haven't been quilting too much since my surgery. I'm a teacher, so school started up and it takes a while to get get used to having a schedule. Date banded~ 12 August 2013 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 21 pounds, WHOOPEE!! Favorite Fall Activity~Well, it used to be going to a local dairy farm to have fresh pumpkin ice cream so I'll have to pick a new one this year. I'm looking forward to purchasing mums and redecorating the decks out back and then replacing the flower pots out front.
  10. Deweydoer

    TMI: bowel moments

    I am so glad someone talked about the TMI issue, BM's. I'm having a serious problem with this and I'm not liking it! I've taken stool softeners and no good, then I took a half a laxative, nothing, then I took a full dose of laxative, and I couldn't leave the house, LOL. Anyway, if anyone out there has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.
  11. I haven't had my first fill yet, but the doctor said I would know when I've had enough to eat. So I've figured out what my body does to tell me I'm full, I burp! I'm not a burper, I NEVER burp and all of a sudden I've found that when I burp, I just put the fork down and walk away. Today at breakfast, I had a strawberry in my hand, I burped, and I put it down. I'm certain that I don't want to find out what would happen if I continued to eat; I'm finally listening to my body and it is really working for me. How do you know you've had enough to eat, any other burpers out there? LOL
  12. Deweydoer

    Pictures at Half Way Mark!

    Super!! Way to go!!!
  13. Deweydoer

    Gym time

    Thank God that my husband is 100% behind my journey. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow and meeting with the trainer to revisit my workout now that I'm post-op. I'm super excited to get back, I've done really well losing weight and I imagine it will kick into high gear once I get back to the gym. Keep doing what you need to be doing, he'll either see the importance or he won't, as long as you know it is important, that is the key.
  14. I was talking to the check out girl at the grocery store today, she commented that she could tell I had lost weight. Funny enough, I haven't been to the grocery in a while! I told her that I had a lap band put in, she indicated that she was thinking about it. I told her, before you even begin the process you have to understand that the band is just a tool, that you have to watch what and how you eat as well as you have to be very self-aware and you have to work out. I gave her my surgeon's number and encouraged her to go to a orientation. It is funny because the term self-aware came up two or three times. I also told her that you have to want to do this and stressed that the band doesn't lose the weight for you.
  15. Deweydoer

    New bras

    WHOO HOO!!!!!
  16. I too have had a FANTASTIC experience so far, I am 3 weeks post op and loving every day more than the last!! I following the program to the tee also and I believe that is why I have had such a positive experience. My nutritionist advised me not to use a Nutri Bullet because it would put too much air in the whatever I'm mixing. Do what works for you, I imagine putting it in a pot and heating it would allow the air to work its way out. Good luck on your journey, in my 52 years, it is one of the best decisions I have EVER, EVER, EVER made.
  17. Deweydoer

    1 week post op, ready to get back to gym!!!

    I've been back to the gym for almost a week, just walking on a treadmill and I'm pooped!! I got home the first day, took a shower, sat down and promptly fell asleep. I can imagine getting back to lifting next week, I might have to take a nap before I drive home!!!!
  18. I know I have to wait until at least next week to get back to the gym, but I've been going for a 30 minute walk for the last three days. I worked really hard pre-op for about 3 months to get used to go to the gym and seeing the results of working hard in the gym. I'm so excited to get going in the gym post-op, because I know it will really rev up my weight loss. I'm so fidgety and ready to start my new life!!!!!!!
  19. I've only lost about 20 pounds, but I can cross my legs now. I know that prolly seems trivial, but it is kind of cool!!
  20. Well, I've packed my little bag, I have stocked the fridge with what I'll be needing, done the laundry, cleaned the house and I'm getting ready to chill out for the evening. I thought I would be more nervous or even a little panicked, but I'm very calm and really looking forward to tomorrow. I have appreciated all of the hits and tips on this message board pre-op, and I'm excited to tune in for post-op. The first 51 years have been great, except for this weight issue, I know the 2nd half of my life will be even better being in a healthier state.
  21. Hi Oregon Rocks!! Congratulations on your surgery date, it is soooooo exciting! Like I'm said, I'm kind of new to all of this and I'm loving every minute of it. I feel like I've started the 2nd part of my life and I'm proud of how I've gotten my eating under control. Glad to be your friend.
  22. I could not of asked for a more perfect first appointment!! All is well, he said I've lost a good amount of weight and he wants to see me in four weeks with the expectation that I don't lose more than 10 pounds. If I'm losing ok, then no fill, but if I haven't lost enough, he'll give me a fill. So it's onto mushy foods for a couple of days and then to eating normally, well the new normal. Excited for this next stage of my new life and I'm shocked at how smooth this entire process has been. I'm back to work and loving life.
  23. At my first post-op appt today, my Doc said that for some patients, just having the band in is enough for patients to make the mental shift to making healthier choices. I'm 10 days post op and he told me to come back in 4 weeks to see where I'm at with the weight loss and he'll make the decision then to fill or not to fill. I'm not sure what to tell you, just hang in there and keep making good food choices and keep working out!! I"m only down less than 20 pounds and I'm already feeling so much better!
  24. Deweydoer

    Should I feel Guilty????

    As I'm starting to lose weight and people are noticing, I just tell them I'm making some new lifestyle choices. No one at work knows I had a lap band put in. I'm not embarrassed about the lap band, I'm embarrassed that I let me weight take control for so long. Yep, I went out to lunch with a group this week and someone asked me why I just ordered a cup of soup, and BAM, I just said I was making some new lifestyle choices and that was that.
  25. I'm just over a week post-op and I've lost a sperm whale’s brain, and a rack of baby back ribs, yea me!!

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