Thank u. Good luck and congrats !!! I had to go back to E.R. 3 days later. Turns out I wasn't doing my laxatives. Enough. After extremely sharp pains in stomach and shoulder and a million test a enema saved the day. Lol. Do your laxatives.
3 days after I got home very sharp pains in stomach and shoulders . Doctor admitted me to E.R. After a million test i was extremely backed up and constipated , best enema ever. Lol. Feeling good now But it was scary.
Congrats. Good luck!!! Make sure u drink your fluids when u get home and take milk of magnesium I had to go back to hospital 2 days later because of dehydrated and constipated. Ughhhhh.
Sorry I was having a rough day yesterday. I was rude myself. I got it done in Brooklyn N.Y. Methodist hospital. Good luck on yours.. Today is my 3rd day feeling about 50% better. I'm doing about 4 ounces every 15 min. Stomach pain is dull. Just weak and headaches. Thanks
Hi I'm new here, just got my I.V taken out going home soon. Still in pain and worried about liquid intake . I hear 1 ounce every 15 min is good? Any suggestions. Thanks
Hi, I'm actually posting for my wife Anna. She is on day 1 post surgery, she's in pain about a 5, and is dying to go home. We leave at 2 pm. We hope. Just worried about liquid intake. Is it 1 ounce every 15 min? Water Gatorade or broth. Thank u