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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MzTia

  1. MzTia

    Too Full

    I've got a fill today and it went great I lost 25 pounds since June 20th
  2. I'm not going to lie I've been eating anything that I want to eat I have no vomit have not feel nauseous. I just know I need to fill because I can eat like I never even had surgery. It is hard for me to put food in a blender and try to eat it. Now I'm eating out of depressed from the surgery making me feel like it all was a waste
  3. MzTia

    Too Full

    I have a question do it hurt when you get a fill
  4. MzTia

    Stretched pouch

    I have the pain in my shoulder also on my left side it gets hard as a rock almost. I'm not sure if that's normal or not is tender to touch
  5. I have a question I've got my band on the 20th I lost 20 pounds within 2 weeks I gain back for so far in my appetite is like I never had the surgery. But I'm scheduled to go for feel on the 25th so my question is once I get a feel with it cut my appetite again
  6. MzTia

    What To Do When Food Gets Stuck?

    I would like to know what is slimming
  7. I feel like I got cut up for nothing I understand it's supposed to be a life change but it hasn't changed yet. I lost 20 pounds put four pounds back on within two weeks of surgery. I'll be very hungry like I never had it done I find myself drinking more protein drinks. And I'm very sore my stomach is swollen on one side I'm just afraid that I ruined my life.
  8. I go on the 25th for my first fill I've been eating like crazy basically what's on the soft food diet. This make me wish I have gotten the sleeve.
  9. MzTia

    What To Do When Food Gets Stuck?

    I thought I was going to die 8 food too soon and too fast. But I'll be hungry like I never had been done what do you think you could be
  10. I got my band on the 20th in a week later I was hungry like I never had it done

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