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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by debifaye

  1. Hello everyone. I am trying to add my surgeons name or soon to be surgeons name and I go to the edit profile and type in my dr.s name and hit save changes and it says setting saved but then the surgeons name never shows up in the profile or patient profile. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? thanks
  2. debifaye

    5k training

    you look amazing!
  3. debifaye

    Dr Orris - WLI Arizona

    Hi, Dr. Orris is going to do my surgery too. I have just started the process, went and filled out the paperwork today and did my labs. I am scheduled for my EGD on August 8th. I live in Tucson but getting the surgery in Tempe at the WLIAZ.
  4. debifaye

    Any Banders with MS (multiple sclerosis)?

    Hi, I have Multiple sclerosis and was dx about 5 years ago. I am just starting the lapband journey. I went to see my dr today and just filled out some paperwork and got some labs done. My neuro said that he did not know of any complications with ms and the lapband and the surgeon said it would not be a problem. I am still kind of nervous about it though . I am so glad that you have had good results with the band mis73!

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