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LAP-BAND Patients
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About inuk

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/26/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    Longterm relationship and 2 yr old daughter,in north england
  1. Happy 38th Birthday inuk!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday inuk!

  3. :clap2: My surgeon said he wil put me on his list after I have seen the dietition...my next appointment with my surgeon is in september, when he will put me on his list, the waiting time will be between 4-6 months, apparently that is how long it will take to go thru the motions for funding etc. By the way, this post was started by me, but I lost my password. Hx
  4. Hi, I have my first consultation on wednesday. I have prepared my pro's and con's and questions list for my surgeon. So fingers crossed he will put me on the list. I have been told the list is 4 months were I live. Keep you posted , XxX
  5. Thanks anon, good advice. I read that before on one of the posts on here, I took mental notes at the time, and will defo compile a list of things to ask closer to the time. I was told by my GP the surgeon didn't like doing banding because he deems it unsuccessful compared to other forms of WLS. So I reckon that meeting will be fun. How you feeling by the way? H x Funny we both sign our names the same
  6. Hi there Sugarplum, Thanks for that, someone else said exactly the same to me. Well... if they do send me away with more pills then reluctantly I will try again, afterall surgery is a last result and specialists wouldn't be doing their job properly if they offered surgery so easily. You look fantastic by the way, H x
  7. Hi, to be honest I am not exactly sure, I'm just guessing it is the actual Surgeon I will be seeing. My Doc said he would refer me and to expect an appointment within 6 weeks, that was the begining of March, my appointment is for june 3rd at the upper gastrointestinal specialist department at my local hospital. I have been dieting since I was 14 yrs old, yoyo dieting for 10 yrs, and erratically loosing and gaining weight the past 4 years . I have PCO, borderline diabetic with type 1 in family + evry member of my immediate family are over 16 stone, and have depression due to my body image and state of health, resulting in overeating. I have had 3 diff types of prescripion diet pills over the years, Addifax, Orlistat, Reductil, the latter being for over a yr, with no real effect. I finished those in March apparently the side effects are too bad if they don't work properly for you, so I have been taken off them. My Doc suggested surgery to me not the other way round. I understand that until I get the go ahead from the right people, I'm not to get my hopes up, fingers crossed. Cheers, H x
  8. Hiya guys been hanging around on here for quite some time now reading and researching,thought i'd say Hi to the UK group.... I have an appointment on 3rd June to see a surgeon on NHS. Was wondering if any of you guys know what I should expect at the appointment?
  9. inuk

    uk wls support.

    Hi There, sorry I was eager, jumped in and asked you without reading your past threads. It was only afterwards I realised you have been having a hard time lately. I wouldn't have bothred you if I had realised sooner. Thanks for repling... However Norfolk is too far for me, nevermind....I will look out for one myself, you just concentrate on you. I am realising how great the support is on here too, makes me feel better even if there are no groups near me. I am sorry to hear of your ordeal and I hope you are feeling better very soon. I have to say... you have done great though, you look fantastic. Despite everything you are going through your still finding the time to answer peoples questions.You are an inspiration,and I'm sure you will continue to loose without your band. Take care H x
  10. Hiya,Thanks guys ! for your responses. Nice to meet you all, look forward to chatting some more. I will have a look round the site a bit, gather some info. A couple of questions though if anyone can help? How long is the hospital stay in general? Has anyone had a band while pregnant? How many visits with the surgeon do you have before the op? Take care Hx
  11. Hi Keluliana, East Yorks. Wow not long for you to wait now.... how are you feeling about it all?
  12. :paranoid Thanks for that info. I wasn't aware of the process. Well I will keep my fingers crossed. I am so sick and tired of diet pills, I was on the last lot for 13 months and they kept me awake and made me short tempered.The ones before that made me get stomach cramps.And the ones before those was pure amphetamine and I believe are now banned. So I hope they think I have had my share of diet pills. After yoyo dieting for more than 10 years, With a Bmi of 40 also I have Polycistic Ovarys and I am borderline diabetic with type 1 in my family, they will hopefully see I could benefit from surgery. Nice to meet you, H x
  13. inuk

    New here

    Hi there, nice to meet you, looks like we are in the same situation. How long have you been waiting? where are you getting yours fitted? Kind regards Hx
  14. Thank you Gina , very helpful. I will have a look round, Kindregards H x
  15. Thanks for that! I understand what you mean. Glad you have stopped the drinking and are starting to loose, wow you have been very patient. But at least it is coming off now. I am not perfect either, and I do see this as my last chance, I loose the weight ok it is keeping it off I have problems with. Send me a message if you fancy a chat. I got loadsa questions I wanna ask ,and if you have loadsa Beans you want to spil then we should be good for each other ,lol.

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