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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by readysetg070113

  1. readysetg070113


    Banded July 1:) and back to normal work and sicial life just eating way less n loving it
  2. I puréed marinated chicken a weight watcher recipe it was like tuna fish consistency if ur on purées I recommended it I bought baby food fruit but still haven't touched it. But I'll get to it eventually after first fill I do liquids and purée again. I like the Isopure as well I found it cheapest at Vitamin shop and free shipping. Good luck ladies think how different we will look next summer
  3. readysetg070113

    Its Summer, I Want To Enjoy It

    My dr said 2 weeks. I had my procedure done laparoscopically. Got banded July 1 he said I was on to go in my pool July 15 and thank goodness just in time for the heat wave we are having. N think next summer u will be thinner and healthier and can enjoy it then small sacrifice now fir great pay off later
  4. Phew I survived today and it wasn't bad. I have been avoiding social situations that involve food cause I'm newly banded and few people know and i need to get my grip on this and don't want to eat the wrong thing and cause damage to my stomach and my band . Im following the rules as best as i can. I was so anxious about this bridal shower only my best friend knows I was banded. Nervous wreck to be out in public not eating or drinking alcohol and u know what? It was all in my head. Nobody cared If I drank water all day or that I had very very little on my plate. I'm on mushies so I picked foods I could fork mash as recommended by my doctor and I survived. I ate the way I should with the band although I had 3 tiny baby spoonfuls of mouse but its ok . I have to live with this band and still be me. I did have a hard time waiting the 20 minutes to drink after eating and tried my best. It surprises me how little I can eat and be satisfied!!! The best part of the day was not being so horrified when we took a group shot down 26 pounds and such difference I didn't notice until the picture. June 1 I went to a bridal shower and hated the me in the photo we took because I couldn't believe it was me. 26 pounds gone and feeling great can only imagine how different I will look at the wedding in October. Even already committed to being the designated driver so I don't waste my calories drinking Just had to share no matter how supportive those that know are not being in my position I don't think they understand the feeling of being the new me. Trust me i have tons of emotions going on .... I'm different but I'm not but I am if that makes sense:) thanks for listening ....
  5. readysetg070113

    First social outing since being banded

    Thank you and thats why i love this site. I read post more than I do post because it is so helpful. This whole experience is and has been and probably at times will be emotionally overwhelming but i know its a good thing. I just take it one day at a time and one event at a time. I need to be able to balance my social life and my banded life. I think half the things I worry about are in my head. I do fell bad about not telling everyone but its on a need to know basis until I'm more comfortable. ( my fear of failure is what holds me back i failed on so many diets, lost weight gained it back and more more times then i wish to remember ) When people commented on the fact I lost weight I was semi honest. I said I replaced some meals with protein shakes and have been walking all of which is true I jsut didnt mention my tool the lap band. Im usually very honest and am like yeah this is the truth take it or leave it its who I am but this time Im more guarded. This tool and change is for me first and Ill share with others as I feel necessary. Everyone on this site so far has been wonderful I read a few post from some people who need to get a grip but there is good and bad everywhere. I am so greatfull for this site and all the great people on it.
  6. ugh still trying to learn hos to use this site and update my info one step at time ;(

  7. readysetg070113


    I took two weeks off from work. I was banded Monday July 1 and returned to work earlier than anticipated in a reduced schedule and started in July 10. I took it easy Tried not to lift anything to heavy and lighten my therapy bag only bringing a few items to work it. Take it easy and remember to drink your water and I packed my meals because I do home based therapy and travel from patient to patient good luck
  8. Ladies to be banded tomorrow u will be fine rest walk and sip
  9. I thinks it was the heat. I went back to work today and so of my patients are very active 2 yr old. I missed my kids I did 5 sessions n felt great. Carried my therapy bags sat on floor with the babies I'm back. My only adjustment is I ran home quic to have dinner burrito less burrito before my last two kids I knew if I didn't eat I would be starved by the time I got home. Tomorrow I have to pack my lunch and dinner it's going to be a long day but I welcome the challenge
  10. readysetg070113


    Yes I have a bad back n about day 3 the back pain kicked it. I think it's from not my normal moving around but after a day it two it subsided and by day 6 I was almost back to the old me . Day 9 is today n I'm going back to work and actually excited !! The pain except for this crazy gas issue that comes n goes is all gone. I think the gas is lost there is no hole in my left arm fir it to escape lol although I thought about making one it hit so bad joking. Give ur self time and you will be fine
  11. readysetg070113

    Governor Christie of NJ

  12. I felt having a band today. Don't know if it was the heat or lack of calories or combination I foolishly decided to go shopping with a preteen and teen age girl. Prior to the surgery I could shop for hours without taking a break to sit. Today I was looking to sit at every bench and so hot it felt like the mall had no ac. Granted I'm 1 week post op And we walked for over 2.5 hrs I was wiped out so not like me. On the positive side I started mushies and can't believe 1 egg with cheese filled me!!!! 5 hrs later a baked potato I mushed up we were in the mall and I was pressed for better choices and my isopure wasn't cutting it. Then 5 hrs later I could barely eat a can of tuna. In the past I probably ate all three and more at one sitting. It's strange but in a good way all though I guess I put to much in my mouth and I quickly leaned smaller fork portions. My emotions are all over happy sad excited scared but so looking forward to hitting my mini goal.maybe I was a bit over zealous but I bought a dress one size smaller for my trip to Vegas in September. A DKNY dress for $30.00 I couldn't resist ,,, if it fits great if not i will return love that you have 6 months at Macy's cause I don't plan on being that size next summer
  13. readysetg070113

    100 lbs lost!!

    Congratulations And that's for the inspiration
  14. For future july banders it's strange I don't feel any different a week post op. I did have horrible gas in my shoulder and every so often my body likes to remind I had survey but I'm almost 100% my per surgery self. For protein I have been drinking the isopure coconut and blue one. Coconut reminds me of Malibu rum my goal for NYE is to down another 30 pounds I lost 25 so far. Finally I feel normal me again I decided to lay low the past week didn't tell many of my friends I was having it done. My issue for not telling them was I felt like a failure that I couldn't do this on my own. I realize it is a great tool and is probably what I needed but all my years of failing on diets just left me hopeless... Dieting since 10 years old 28 years of up/down weight-loss im done i want to be in the one hundreds don't care if its 198 so sick of seeing the 2 as the first number !!!!The people who do kno are super supportive and as I feel more comfortable I will tell the rest of my friends. I know they will all be supportive as I cleaned my list of friends and only kept the good ones to old for drama and bs. I am so glad I found this sight you all have been so helpful. I read more than I post
  15. readysetg070113

    Day 4 post op- very painful

    I feel the same way day 2 post op and feel like the pain is getting worse but I keep telling myself tomorrow will be better. I try and walk but more like I nap all day hoping Tom will b better. This is just a bump in our long successful journey . Good luck
  16. readysetg070113

    Today is my b day

    Congrats remember to walk and sip!,
  17. Getting ready to have it done... All my anxiety and fear subsiding .... Surgery at 9am good luck fellow July banders
  18. readysetg070113

    July 1 2013 band day

    Surgery done and besides the obvious discomfort from the incision I still can't believe I am banded a whole new set if emotions have kicked in. It's difficult since I haven't told many people so in trying to lay low yet it's difficult lol. So looking forward to the results down 20lbs since the pre op diet. Can't wait till August 1 when I can resume my spin class but for now ill throw on my sneakers and walk the neighborhood good look my July banders we got this \0/
  19. readysetg070113

    July 1 2013 band day

    You can do it
  20. readysetg070113

    July 1 2013 band day

    Good luck recovery not so bad done left shoulder gas I'm ready to go home hope they discharge me soon
  21. readysetg070113

    Surgery Tomorrow Morning

    Surgery tomorrow too !! Nervous as anything good lucky
  22. readysetg070113

    Surgery Tomorrow Morning

    Surgery tomorrow too !! Nervous as anything good lucky
  23. i feel the same the way I am getting banded tomorrow so full of emotion but i know this is going to work and we only know if we try good luck to everyone !!

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