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Losing it in Katy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Losing it in Katy

  1. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    I go to True Results on Main Street in Houston. Quick/Easy appointments and pretty sure that they would be able to work with you. Give them a call to discuss/schedule an appointment.
  2. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    And forgot to mention - Almonds are concentrated in protein. A quarter-cup contains 7.62 grams—more protein than is provided by the typical egg, which contains 5.54 grams. Which is why I started eating them in the first place - trying to get my daily protein in. Now if I can just get that water down!
  3. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    Just thought I would share this - I've begun snacking on almonds for a couple of weeks now and have noticed (even before my last fill) that they kept me satisfied and hunger pains away. So I did a little research: Almond's Healthy Fats May Help You Lose Weight A study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders that included 65 overweight and obese adults suggests that an almond-enriched low calorie diet (which is high in monounsaturated fats) can help overweight individuals shed pounds more effectively than a low calorie diet high in complex carbohydrates. Those on the almond-enriched low calorie diet consumed 39% of their calories in the form of fat, 25% of which was monounsaturated fat. In contrast, those on the low calorie diet high in complex carbohydrates consumed only 18% of their calories as fat, of which 5% was monounsaturated fat, while 53% of their calories were derived from carbohydrate. Both diets supplied the same number of calories and equivalent amounts of Protein. After 6 months, those on the almond-enriched diet had greater reductions in weight, their waistlines, body fat, total body Water, and systolic blood pressure. Those eating almonds experienced a 62% greater reduction in their weight/BMI (body mass index), 50% greater reduction in waist circumference, and 56% greater reduction in body fat compared to those on the low calorie high carbohydrate diet! Among those subjects who had type 1 diabetes, diabetes medication reductions were sustained or further reduced in 96% of those on the almond-enriched diet versus in 50% of those on the complex carbohydrate diet.
  4. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    that was my third fill. I believe I'm at 6cc now. I'll see how this month goes, then may get just a bit more to keep in the "green". But so far so good.
  5. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    OMG - I think I may finally be in the GREEN ZONE!!! Had a fill yesterday. Wasn't hungry at all last night. Today, had breakfast around 9am and just realized that's past 2pm and just starting to get a little hungry. Finally, five hours between meals. Now I feel like I can do this afterall - and even motivated for the gym tonight. (happy dance)
  6. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    If my journey were going any slower I would be standing still. But I keep telling myself that I'm not in the green zone yet and once I get there, it will pick up. Right now, just doing my best to stay under the 1200 cal limit and get some exercise in everyday. But will admit that it's hard when I don't feel full after a meal. If it weren't for the scars, I wouldn't know I had a band. Next fill is in two weeks. I'm only at 5 now, so hopefully the next one will put me in the zone (or at least close)
  7. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    Finally feeling normal again - turns out it was a sinus infection and so glad I didn't drag myself to the Galleria and make you guys sick. I will definitely be at the November meet.
  8. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    Sorry ladies, I'm going to have to pass. Came down with a heck of a head cold yesterday and can bearly breathe today. I'm just going to take some more cold meds and keep my germs to myself. Have a great time and I'll be there next time!!
  9. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    I will definitely be there - just give me a time and where in the Galleria we will be meeting. I've never been to the Galleria, but I'm assuming their food court is as huge as the rest of the mall.
  10. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    CONGRATS!!! Way to go!
  11. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    I'll be there to personally thank you all for the support. Just give me a place and time.
  12. Losing it in Katy

    Starting my Journey Today

    Hi, just checking in, how are you doing now that the pre-op diet is over and you have your band?
  13. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    Just wanted to say that "My Fitness Pal" is great. (and it's free). The scale is finally moving. Looks like I wasn't being as "good" as I thought I was until I started tracking the food/exercise everyday. I highly recommend it.
  14. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    Fashion Stylist - Thanks for recommending My Fitness Pal, it works great and the scale is finally moving. Looks like I wasn't being as "good" as I thought I was until I started tracking the food and exercise daily. The 28th works for me as well. Looking forward to meeting everyone and thanking you in person! You've been a great support!
  15. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    thanks everyone for the encouragement. Just downloaded MyFitnessPal and start using that today. Feel much more positive after your comments. Thanks for the help!!
  16. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    I know I need to stay positive. Just a bit discouraging to see the scale start moving back up after failing on other diets.
  17. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    I'm right there with you. Banded on August 5th and if not for the scars on my stomach I won't even know I had a band!! I've already gained two pounds back. First fill isn't until Sept 5th. Hopefully I'll feel restriction then, otherwise will probably seriously re-think the whole band thing.
  18. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    Glad to know it's not just me - I was afraid I was doing something wrong. But I've the same from some "old timers" on another forum, so I feel better about not losing in the second week. As long as I maintain until my fill in a couple of weeks, then hopefully the weight will begin to gradually drop off. Guess I'm just anxious to see the "new" me in the mirror.
  19. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    I know it will, just want it all now. I've just started a food diary today too. Figure I'll see when (and what) I'm eating to see if I need to make more changes. Trying to make sure that I'm not just eating out of boredom or not eating too close to bed time, etc. Plus, I think it will help me to think twice before putting anything in my mouth if I know I'm writing it down. Mind over matter type of thing.
  20. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    Well just finished week two. Total lost is 13. (11 in week one, and only 2 in week two). Guess the swelling has gone down because I'm getting hungry now. Still trying to figure out if I'm really hungry or just used to eating at certain times and just "think" I'm hungry. But when my stomach growls, I know I need to eat a little something. Anyone else have a slow second week?
  21. Losing it in Katy

    Looking for a Houston, texas group

    Banded on August 5th. I'm stuck at 13 lbs lost, lost it the first week or so, but staying steady at 189 for over a week. I suspect that they didn't put any fluid in my band because I'm hungry now and trying hard not to eat and stick with water or unsweetened iced tea. (but I will admit that I'm failing with that). I started walking five miles each night a few nights ago. Plan to join a gym in a couple of weeks after I get green light from doc at appointment on Sept 5th (that's also when I'm getting my first fill).
  22. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    I hadn't thought about the cal intake. Just figured it out and looks like I'm averaging around 600/day. Most of that is the Protein shake. Feels like I'm drinking all the time, but it's just Water or unsweetened iced tea. And I usually end up pouring half of that down the sink. Right now, I just don't want anything. Hope that feeling stays when I get to eat soft or regular food. My fear is that when I am able to take an actual bite of something, it set off a feeding frenzy. On the positive, prior to surgery my greatest vice was Coke. Probably drank a six pack a day. I'll admit I cheated on the pre-op diet a few times and had a coke. But since surgery, I haven't had a desire to drink one and no withdraw headaches or cravings. I truly believed that was going to be my biggest hurdle. And it turned out not to be even be a bump in the road.
  23. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    They didn't schedule for me to go back until Sept 5th, and said that would be my first fill as well. They have called to check on me and told me to schedule an appointment to come in sooner if I'm having issues (which thankfully so far I'm not). The stool reminds me of baby diapers - more liquid and kinda a yellowish color. But that's because of the liquid diet. Gotta figure the only real thing we taking in right now are the Protein shakes. I still have quite a bit of gas, but I've been told that's to be expected since they inflate air during the procedure and it takes time for it to escape the body. I'll be glad when that's gone, this bloated feeling is really the only discomfort I have right now. I agreed, it's great to find someone who is at the same stage. Looking forward to helping each over the rough Patches and cheering on our successes. I'm in the Houston area - where are you located?
  24. Losing it in Katy

    One week post op today

    I'm right there with you! My surgery was last week too and I'm down a total of 11 lbs. I can't wait for the bloated feeling to be gone, the swelling to go down and look in the mirror and be amazed. I'm so happy with my decision to do this.
  25. Losing it in Katy

    Fill #3 - 5cc's is my magic number!


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