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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About debbie813

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  1. debbie813


    You guys are awesome, thanks so much!
  2. I've seen this asked before - my question is a bit more specific. I'm on soft foods now - cottage cheese, blended Soups, even deli turkey if it's soft enough. Tomorrow night I'm going to Cheesecake Factory. I was planning on sticking with the Soup -- but is there anything else I can have? I've been looking at the menu and other than mashed potatoes I don't really see anything. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  3. Tomorrow marks 2 weeks since my surgery. On Tuesday I get to start soft foods (after 2 weeks liquids). My doctor recommends cottage cheese, yogurt, flaky fish, etc. for this phase. For those of you who have hit this milestone, was was your first soft food? Thanks!
  4. I'm 4 days post op. First day was a nightmare, but days 2, 3 & 4 so far so good - except for an awful case of the blues. Tonight I had strained Soup. I ate it over 15 minutes or so but then realized that I actually had 8 ounces total. Is that too much within 15 minutes? As soon as I finished I started worrying that I over did it, I feel fine, have kept it down, but of course i'm worried. Any info much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. debbie813


    What do you do when youre really thirsty? I had some broth and after that I was so thirsty, I drank a few ounes of Water all at once. Luckily I didn't get sick. But what do you do when you get so thirsty? I want to drink 8 ounces of water all at once and I know it'll make me sick. Any info is always appreciated.
  6. I had surgery on Monday. I felt great at the hospital, went home Tuesday. I was up 10 lbs after surgery, is that all the Water I received through the IV? I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. I'm sad, blue, depressed, whatever you want to call it. I'm guessing just because I feel overall lousy. Will this go awy? I'm up on my Protein and water and other pills - Just feeling awful. Please tell me this will all go away and I'll start feeling better.
  7. debbie813

    Sleeved yesterday

    I also had surgery on Monday. Yesterday I was able to keep a little Fluid down. I went home yesterday afternoon. I tried to drink a Protein shake and because of the spasms it wouldn't stay down. I had an awful day. I can't wait until this part is over. To be honest, it's made me extremely depressed. I hope you get through this quickly as well. Keeping good thoughts for you.
  8. How long did it take you to be able to get in your liquids & Protein. I had surgery day before yesterday. I got home yesterday and went to tackle a shake. I got through about 3/4 of it in a few hours and then threw up the rest of the night. Tody I'm trying Isopure and it's working (keeping down) so far. Is it unrealistic to think I can drink 60 Fluid ounces today along with 70 grams of protein? Do I have to work up to it? I'm really scared of throwing up again - yesterday was a nightmre. Any and all advice is much appreciated! -deb
  9. I had my surgery yesterday morning at 11am. I was released today at 12;30pm. I felt great leaving the hospital. Came home and started drinking my Protein shake slowly. I now have the worst trapped air (gas) in my chest. I feel like I have to burp but can't. I've taken one RX for chest tightness and spasms, and two gas-ex tablets I've been walking for 10 minutes every hour since I came home Any other suggestions - I'm in such discomfort, i feel like crying.
  10. Thanks so much for everyone's input, suggestions & kind words. You guys are amazing.
  11. A long road but the day is just about here. I'm having my surgery tomorrow morning at 10:30am. Any advice or words of wisdom? I'm just plain scared. One of the things my doctor asks is that his patients walk into the operating room - for some reason this just freaks me out. Has anyone else had to do this? I have a lot of faith in my doctor and know this is the right procedure for me. Originally I was going to do this surgery in late August so basically I ewnt from having 4 months to prepare to less than 4 weeks. I'm just looking forward to getting on the other side of this, going home & healing. Please keep good thoughts for me and as always any and all advice very welcome. Thanks.
  12. How soon were you able to drink a cup of regular coffee with milk? My doctor suggested quitting caffeine prior to the surgery (which I did). My surgery is on Monday and I've only had decaffeinated coffee for a week now. I really miss it! Thanks!
  13. (((Tiffany))) You'll get through this. Just take it one day at a time. When I get really scared I come here for support and look at Pinterest.

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