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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SD2013

  1. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    First seminar one year ago! Hw 256 Sw 235 (2/10/13) Cw 199.5 YEAH! I was cloud 9 all day yesterday! I still can't believe I'm below 200! Woohoo!
  2. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW 256 SW 235 CW 213.5 I had to hit the Goodwill stores for pants last weekend. My family insisted! LOL! I had a good friend tell me "it's one thing to look like a hobo but you need to look like a hobo in style!" I apparently was looking a little trashy...lmao! It was all in good fun...
  3. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW 256 SW 235 (DEC 10, 2013) CW 218.5
  4. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW 256 SW 235 CW 221 WOOHOO 35 lbs GONE! One happy camper here...lol! I know it's a small amount compared to most but I'll take it in baby steps and be happy for each and every one.
  5. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Got up this morning at 226.5!
  6. SD2013

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW was my first dr visit (4/11/13) at 256 Pre-Op class (11/25/13) at 246 RNY was 12/10/13 at 235 Follow up appt. with surgeon (12/16/13) at 233 CW 228
  7. Good morning to everyone! I had my surgery Tuesday December 10, 2013. Everything went as planned. I didn't really have "pain" but more discomfort type of feeling. I came home on Thursday. I have a wonderful husband and 2 daughters that have been taking care of me. (We are joking around that I have a warden and guards taking care of me...LOL!) Both of my girls are CNA's and are watching me like hawks! It's so hard for me to ask and accept help when I have always been the care giver not the receiver! I have been threathened many times already...hahaha! I'm very grateful that we can laugh about this and have fun with it. We also have a boxer and cocker spaniel that wont let me out of their sight! They tell on me every time I go into another room. It's so funny to watch them! I can tell that this is going to be a long 2 weeks. I was getting a little stir crazy at the hospital by the time they released me. I couldn't wait to go home. Now that I'm home I feel the need to be doing things. I'm a busy body more than I thought! I can't just sit around doing nothing. It's killing me and I have only been home one full day! The family is really giving me a hard time for that. I guess I will get all those christmas cards out this year...haha! The only time I have really had "pain" is when I move just right and it will pull the insensions (I had laparoscopicsurgery). I have really been taking it easy with that. Sitting down and getting back up I have been going real slow. The liquid diet has been going well so far. I have tried cream of wheat and cottage cheese without any problems. The protein powders I had bought are all settling with my stomach too. (I was afraid to get too much ahead of time for fear of my taste changing.) Overall things are going better than I had expected. This is coming from someone that has never had a surgery before. I guess I was expecting the worst. Only time I have ever been in the hospital was when I had my 2 daughters and I didn't have drugs then! Oh how things have changed! Hope everyone is doing well! Have a great day! ~S~
  8. SD2013

    Day 4

    I never really had "pain". I had some discomfort from the bruising on my stomach but I can't really say I was in pain. I will twist just right every now and then and will be quickly reminded that I shouldn't have done that...lol.
  9. SD2013

    BCBS of Il 6 month or no 6 month?

    Mine was sent on Oct 7th. Still haven't heard anything. They still have time though.
  10. Am I the only one that thinks the isopure drinks in the bottles are extremely sweet tasting?
  11. I buy the syntax nectar protein powder at HyVee grocery store. I have also found it at GNC. Single serving packets or in a bulk containers.
  12. I found some at the Vitamin Shop. Also found them online but only able to buy them a case at a time. I didn't want a whole case and not like the taste.
  13. That's what I'm afraid of...taste changing! Is this a big problem? I've always related to something I heard Richard Simmons say once...I love food and it loves me! Time for that to all change soon!
  14. I'm still in the pre op stage. I know I will have to drink these the day before surgery. Thought I should try some out first. So far I'm liking the Syntrax Nectar flavors for protein powders.
  15. SD2013

    normal bmi!

    Oh wow! You have gotten there and it's not even a year out...holy cow!
  16. SD2013

    BCBS of Il 6 month or no 6 month?

    I have BCBS of ILL as well. I was required to have a 3 month supervised diet. It all depends on what your employer and what they have for a plan...that's what I've been told. I will have my last visit for my 3 month requirement this comeing Tuesday. Keep your fingers crossed it all goes according to plan.
  17. SD2013

    normal bmi!

    Oh wow! You look amazing!
  18. SD2013


    I used to live a mile from Zona Rosa. I now live 20 minutes west of the Legends area. I will also be having surgery at Saint Lukes on the Plaza. I have my last class in Sept and then submitting to insurance. I'm now stressing that I can have surgery before the end of the year!
  19. I'm having a break down! I have hand delivered a request twice (June 3 & Aug 14) to my primary doctor without success in trying to get what I need for insurance. All I freakin need as two years worth of weights and a letter of medicial clearance!!! This last Tuesday I filled out a form at my surgeons office to see if that request would get any results. Now I get an invoice in the mail for $30 to have a "copy" of records to be sent to the surgeon! (This is a company out of Lenexa, KS and my Dr is in Parkville, MO!) I'm beyond upset! I feel so betrayed! How can I get an advocate to help with this issue?!?! This is a sure sign I need to find a new doctor. What is she trying to hide? Please let me know what I should do next. I don't know where to turn.
  20. I'm so sorry!!! Please don't think that my comment was against you SoccerMomma!!! I can't thank you enough for all that you have done!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME?!?! My emotions got the best of me I feel that things are stacked against me with the surgery. I want this so much.
  21. If this is the case then why wasnt this done back in June when I orginally requested it? I see no excuse for having to wait this long and having to get another office to request it BEFORE they even think about doing it! The funny part is there was a form with this request to be filled out by the doctor and faxed...that form was sent without any issues! I have seen that form and I seriously doubt that my doctor signed it by the scribble that was on it. I have seen my doctor sign other things and that was not done by her!!!
  22. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with calling. They have been so supportive with this deal. I have been through so much this last year..having all the tesing done, etc. I don't want to give up but it's certainally making me rethink things.
  23. I was told basically the same thing. I was at 40.5 BMI the first visit (June 2013) with the new dr. All they said was I couldn't loose anything or I would be out of the program. I have one more month to go before they can submit to insurance and schedule surgery. I had another visit just this last Tuesday and my BMI was right at 40.0! Talk about close! I can do this!!!
  24. SD2013

    UGH, Are you serious!?!

    I don't know if this works for everyone but I have noticed that if I increase my water and protein it seems to help. I'm still preop too.
  25. SD2013

    Finally a goal!


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
