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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lap2sleeve

  1. Okay this may sound hokey, but my friends made a gift for me before surgery. It's a large jar with a lid and it contains slips of paper in it. Each slip of paper is an idea for an activity that doesn't cost money and doesn't involve eating. When I "think" I want to eat I'm supposed to go take a slip of paper and do the activity instead of eating. The items are things like taking a walk, call a friend, post on VST or some other on-line group. Each lady that participates in making the jar contributed multiple ideas. In fact I continue to receive anonymous slips of paper with ideas. They just show up on my desk. I dutifully place them in the jar at home because I know will need them someday in the near future. I just got sleeved 8/19 of this year so I haven't needed it yet, but know I will. Drink 64 oz h20 a day. Eat 60-80 grams of protein everyday. Take your supplements. Pray/meditate! Love yourself through this! You are worth it! Praying for you - blessings.
  2. Lap2sleeve

    Before and After Pics

    Wow, that's a lot of weight lost in 2 months! Was any of that lost during the pre-op diet? Very curious to know your stats and if you've been working out? Thanks in advance and congratulations on working the program!
  3. Lap2sleeve


    Hi All, I had lapband surgery 2006. Went from 265 to 200. Have kept 65 lbs off until I had a sudden issue with my esophagus. Lapband removal on 6/20. Today I was approved for gastric sleeve surgery. BMI 37, high blood pressure, displedima (sp). Before surgery is scheduled I will have to have a normal EGD. 2 years of medical records 2 nutrition classes Physical evaluation Psychiatric evaluation sleep study Paperwork was submitted on Friday, 7/12. Praise God!!!
  4. Lap2sleeve


    I was approved and it took less than a week. Had surgery on 8/19! Thank God!
  5. Surgery on 8/19, weight date of surgery 208, (lost 11 during 2 week diet), today's weight 196. Feeling pretty normal, focusing on H20, protein (mostly liquid form), and incorporating mooshy foods as I can. And supplements, just switched calcium from Sweet Indulgence (dark chocolate bar) to Bariatric advantage (6 chews a day). I chose raspberry and lemon). Exercise is not as vigorous as I believe I should be. Been walking, but not vigorously. I've done weights a little I was kept in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days. When I got home from the hospital I Weighed 5 lbs more then when I went in. My blood pressure was out of control and nausea was terrible. I threw up one time at the hospital and felt so much better after that, it was the scariest thing I've experienced. Tonight I'm going out with my husband and our church friends...looking forward to getting dolled up Blessings to all! Wanted to share a little...
  6. Lap2sleeve

    When does sipping get easier?

    A suggestion? I had surgery on 8/19. Journal what you're consuming. I set out 4 bottles of Water and then I have a visual of what my goal is. Once I return to work I'll have a goal of 24 oz between 8-noon and another 24 from 1:30-5:00 . And then whatever I get in during the evening is gravy! Of course Popsicles, flavored zero calorie drinks count too. You might be surprised after tracking that you're worried for no reason?
  7. Lap2sleeve

    August 2013 Roll Call

    I also had my surgery on 8/19. How are you ?
  8. Lap2sleeve

    4 Days Post Op

    Hi, I'm 4 days post-op. my blood pressure finally got back to a normal range for me - praise God. I've had a chronic headache since surgery, but a heating pad and Benadryl have helped me. I'm sipping Water, and have managed to get my Protein in by drinking premier Protein drinks from costco or SAMs - each drink delivers 30 grams of protein, low sugar and has 4 grams of Fiber. Also, supplementing my H20 with the grape flavored Isopure zero carb, 40 grams of protein. The isopure looks like Gatorade,but has the protein I need. Each bottle contains 160 calories. So I have 2 protein drinks 60 grams of protein And 1 isopure 40 grams of protein Any other protein is from milk in Soup. Hang in there. I think this week has been heck for me! Each day we will feel better. I truly believe that,
  9. Lap2sleeve

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Surgery 8/19, 1:45 pm CST !!!!!!!
  10. Congratulations!!!! I start my pre-op diet tomorrow for 2 weeks - surgery on 8/19. Diet consists of mostly protein shakes, yogurt, cheese, strained soups, apple sauce, jello and fat free and sugar free pudding. Oh and oatmeal, cream of wheat and skim milk. No caffeine or carbonated beverages. Blessings all!
  11. The last step in my process to get scheduled for surgery. My gastroenterologist said nothing of concern, but the nurse said she had to point out the grade 2 reflux and get his approval before she will schedule my surgery. Anyone else have reflux before surgery? Has anyone been denied surgery because of it?
  12. Thank you!!! I understand I will be on this journey for the rest of life. I appreciate the well wishes.
  13. I'm scheduled for surgery on 8/19! Praise be to God!
  14. I'm having surgery on 8/19! Just found out today, Praise be to God.
  15. Lap2sleeve

    Today's my day!

    How are you feeling?
  16. She said she hadn't seen "grade 2" noted in a pathology or gastro test report, so she wanted the surgeon to see the report before scheduled surgery. It is my final step, so I'm anxious. I don't want to be told that I have to undergo treatment and then have another EGD and extend this another month or so. I'm ready:). Plus I haven't had any reflux since they removed my lapband on 6/20/13. I pray your test comes back normal. My initial concern was that I might have h pylori, which would've delayed my surgery 6-8 weeks. That rest came back negative - thank God.
  17. Lap2sleeve

    My turn for the endoscopy today

    It's yet another step closer to getting your tool that will help you towards health. Enjoy the nap! Mine is today at noon. For me a test for h pylori bacteria will take 2 weeks to culture . If negative, then surgery will be scheduled. if positive, my surgeon will require a 6 week treatment (antibiotics) before surgery., Also having a colonoscopy - was due for one anyway and insurance requires double whammy since I'll be out anyway. Blessings all!
  18. Lap2sleeve

    Today's my day!

    Praying for a successful lifelong healing for you and your loved ones. What a wonderful blessing and opportunity for you. Will be expecting all good things!
  19. Lap2sleeve

    EGD Test - H. Pylori Infection

    I pray it does too. Feel so blessed to have excellent insurance and a great and cautious surgeon..
  20. I'm a Bmi of 37 Had lapband removed 6/20/13 (surgery 9/3006) kept 65 lbs off since then. EGD was ordered to ensure no issues post lapband. Also found out today that it is ordered to ensure I don't have H pylori. It takes 1-1.5 weeks for test results to come back. If I do have it, it can take six weeks for treatment ... then have to be retested to ensure it was cleared up. I'm not having the EGD until 7/26. I've been approved for sleeve surgery - I wish I had known to schedule my appt sooner! We had tentatively targeted 8/19 or 8/26 for my surgery. This could throw me way out to September - I'm praying it doesn't .
  21. Lap2sleeve

    EGD Test - H. Pylori Infection

    Oh thank you for the response. I'm so glad to hear that. I've been worried about it. I hope you are well.
  22. I forgot to ask my doctor (but will) if I can take my Rx medication after surgery? I take 5 different medications - all are small pills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
