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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. enjoythetime

    1st Post Op Week

    Glad you went in and got this taken care of ASAP! Hope you're already feeling better!
  2. sugar free Popsicles were a LIFE SAVER for me:-) Good luck tomorrow, you will do great!
  3. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    LoveNlife- To be honest, I really don't know how many cc's I have in my band. I believe I have a 10cc band. I've had two fills since my surgery in May and feel I'm where I should be for now. For me it's all about how I feel, everyone is different so what may be enough Fluid for me may not be the right amount for someone else. I perfer the conservative approach, I don't want to be too tight and be miserable, I hate getting sick and so far through my journey I haven't one time. Also the Dr.'s have told me that being too tight will actually make you gain weight, stretch out your pouch and possibly even dialate your esophagus so, they tell me if I'm still losing, and if I'm not increasing my portions or snacking all the time that if it's not broke, don't fix it, so I'm just riding the wave:-)
  4. enjoythetime

    I know its not much....but

    Great job! You should feel soooo proud of yourself! 41lbs is AMAZING! Don't cut yourself short, be positive and pat yourself on the back, you're working hard and it shows. The positive thinking will help you continue down the road to your goal! Great job!
  5. enjoythetime

    Surgery tomorrow and nervous

    Shelly you'll do GREAT! The feelings you're having are completely normal, I felt the same way. The most solid advice I can give you is to LISTEN to your Dr. and LISTEN to your band. If you do this and follow their instructions to the T you WILL be successful!!! Good luck! Let us know how you're doing:-)
  6. enjoythetime

    Crossed over to the OTHER side!

    Congratulations! So happy for you!
  7. enjoythetime


    From the album: enjoythetime

  8. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Casingadream you're rockin' it!!! You should feel so proud of yourself!!! 65lbs in 3 1/2 months is absolutely amazing!! It makes a huge difference in how you feel and motivates us to keep going even when it is tough. Keep doing what you're doing because you got this;)
  9. enjoythetime

    Ahhh Grapes!

    Just a thought not sure if this will work but I do this as a snack and noticed the skin isn't as bad. I freeze them for like 30 min to an hour and then eat them. I know if sounds wierd but you can also peel the skin off.
  10. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thank you very much! You're doing GREAT. You've already lost 18lbs which tells me you are doing exactly what you're suppose to and if you continue to do that you will continue to see those great results!!! It's alot of work but the rewards are so worth it and so are you!! You can do this!!! :-)
  11. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thanks so much Mandy!!! OMgosh....130lbs....that's AMAZING! Congrats on all of your hard work and success! You should be soooo proud of yourself!
  12. enjoythetime

    I want my lap band out!

    I'm glad you're going to get this issue looked at. It sounds to me that your band has too much Fluid in it and you could use an unfill. Great job on keeping a food diary! I know this helps me alot, just to see what exactly I'm putting in my body! Here are my thoughts/advice regarding your food diary: I think the portions you're eating are too large. So for instance for Breakfast maybe only do one egg, 1 maybe 2 slices of bacon and 1/2 slice of cheese in tortilla- or try skipping the tortilla all together. There shouldn't be a need for Snacks. If you're eating your protien first, you should be full and it should satisfy you for atleast 4 hours, which is typically when your next meal is, so I would cut out snacks all together. The other thing I noticed is your choice of beverages. I was instructed to STRICTLY cut out ALL carbonated beverages. II'm not sure if you're drinking during your meals but if so, that could be another reason why your food isn't staying with, it's washing your food through the band too quickly. So no carbonated beverages and wait 1 hour to drink anything after a meal. Three slices of pizza?? I'm not sure how you could possibly get all of this down especially if you're band is too tight, that's alot of food! I don't do pizza at all because it's not got any of the nutrition in it we need. The greek yogurt is a great choice if feel you need a I think the dinner choice was good too, but maybe try weighing your meat on a scale vs. by the cup etc. you should only consume 3-4 oz of Protein per meal not sure what that measurement comes out to by the cup. I believe if you make these small changes you will see a HUGE difference in the way your food stays with you and how your band works. You can do this, you just have to work the band and do EXACTLY as the Dr. have instructed you to do! Good luck! I hope everything works out at your appointment!
  13. enjoythetime

    Which Protein?

    Oops correction it has 100 cal. per full scoup, not 25.
  14. enjoythetime

    Which Protein?

    During Pre-Op and after fills I use the Nector chocolate Truffle Protien shakes. You can buy them at the viatmin shoppe or online. For 1 full scoup (serving size) has 23g of protien, only 25 cal., 0 sugar and 0 carbs. I mixed this with about 8 oz of Water and then would place it in the freezer so it would get slushy:-) Very good and 3 of these a day will get you into the recommended Protein range. Congrats on the start of you journey!!
  15. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    That's awesome! Kepp up the good work! You'll do great!! Congrats!! Thats amazing!!! Im 2 weeks Banded tomorrow!! So Far 15 pounds down! So excited!
  16. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thank you for your support! Great job to you as well!! Were all in this together!
  17. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thanks for your support! Great job on your success as well!!
  18. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    You're absolutely right not a coincidence at all. I'm 5'1.5 (can't forget that.5:)). Friend me so we can support one another to our goal and beyond.
  19. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thank you so much for the enciuragement! I really appreciate it!! You're doing great yourself! Congrats and much continued success!!
  20. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thank you HealthyNewMe!
  21. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thanks SillyAuntDi! You're doing a fantastic job!! Yes, listening to your band and doing what your doctor tells you is the KEY to success! Along with LOTS of PRAYERS!!!! My feeling is we trusted the dr. to do major surgery on us so we should definitely take their words seriously:-) Wishing you a happy new year and much success!
  22. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Thank you gowalking! WOW! You've done an outstanding job!! You should be SOOOO proud! Keep going you're almost to goal:-) YAY!! I know what you mean focusing on the maintenance. I must admit I too am feeling a little nervous about what happens once I hit my goal and what the future holds as far as maintaining. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing (if it's not broke don't fix it). Keep eating exactly like I have been because it's something I can stick with for the rest of my life, stay in close contact with my surgeon and just do exactly what they say and we'll be fine!!!! Thanks again and congrats on your wonderful success!
  23. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

    Awe Thanks adesuwa! 12lbs in 7 days is AMAZING! Sounds like you're doing exactly what you should be!! As for me I really just did EXACTLY what I was instructed to do by the dr.'s! I always eat my Protein first (3-4oz) then my veggies (1/2 cup) and then my carb (1/2 slice of whole wheat bread or 1/2 tortilla for a wrap) (if there's still room for it). I don't eat in between meals but if I have an urge for something sweet or a have a craving, I typically will have 1oz of cheese and 1 serving of crackers or a 60 cal pudding cup. They even have sugar free ice cream bars that will pull me through that really tough sweet tooth craving and they only have 110 cal. I do have a my fitness pal account but honestly I haven't used it in a while. I've only had 2 fills, I don't want to be miserable so even though at times I may still feel a little hungry once my hour is up and I'm able to drink after my meal this will make me full. Just remember not to over fill. I think people have a tendency to think tighter is better but from my expierence and from what the dr. has told me it's just the opposite. Some times being too tight can actually cause you to gain weight. You will do GREAT! If I can be of any assistance let me know. Good luck on your adjustment!!!
  24. enjoythetime

    Feeling AMAZING! New Year New ME!

  25. enjoythetime

    Started smoking after lapband...

    GREAT job on your weight loss! I was a smoker before being banded and I've noticed that the amount I smoke has gone up a little since having the procedure. When I notice myself feeling hungry I go for the first thing I know will take my mind off of it. They say when you get that urge to do what ever to keep yourself busy for 5 min. and the urge will go away.....about the time it takes me to smoke.:-) Once I reach my goal weight, I'm going to quit, I guess I'll vaccum for 5 min. instead:-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
