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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. enjoythetime

    ashamed and frustrated

    There is NOTHING to be ashamed or embarrased about!! You're fighting the same battle we all are, you have to let go of the shame which only brings negativity to your mind. You're NOT a failure, pick yourself up, hold your head up high and do what you need to do and you know what that is. Get back on track, go to your doctor and go back to step one. You can do this and the reason I believe you can is because you want it. If you didn't want it you wouldn't have posted this:-) If you need support you're in the right place!! Let us know how things turn out for you!
  2. enjoythetime

    information please !

    It's absolutely possible but to echo others comments it requires dedication and commitment on your part to continually make the right food choices (even when we don't want to :-)). 30lbs by July is not an unrealistic goal. Make sure you get your Protein in first at each meal, then your veggies and then you starch if you still have room, if not that's a good thing , just move on:-) The most important thing I've learned throughout my journey is to believe in yourself and to give your self constant positive reinforcement. As cheesy as this sounds it works. You can do it!!!
  3. enjoythetime

    drinking too much

    I'm almost 11 months post-op. In the beginning I wasn't able to drink alot in fact I had to sip sip and sip some more all day just to get in 64 oz of Water, but like everyone has said, every person is so different it's really hard to compare. I apparently had more swelling than most, which wasn't neccesarily a bad thing since Bandster hell started for me about week 4 and by week 6 I was getting my first fill which did last me pretty well for about 3 weeks and then I went in for my second and haven't needed on since. I perfer not to be too tight, I don't want to be miserable and take the risk of a slip or dialation. I stay away from bread completely. After my intital consultation with my surgeon and he told me to stay away from doughy white bread because of swelling and stuck episodes, I came to terms with the fact that I was just going to give it up all together and honestly with the exception of a hamburger craving every now and then I don't miss it. I also try to stay away from Pasta and rice, I've had them a couple of times but it just isn't the nutrients my body needs so for me it's not worth it. Congrats on your recent surger! Just take it slow and follow your Dr.'s instructions to the T and you will be succesful!!
  4. When I started my journey I wanted to lose 139lbs, so of course the more weight you need to lose the faster it comes off in the beginning. I lost 16lbs during the 2 week pre-op diet and 20lbs my first month of being banded. Like others have said though the first month is about healing after major surgery. You will retain alot of Fluid at first due to your body going through major surgery. With that said, I didn't weigh and still don't weigh my self until my monthly visit at my surgeon's office. I find this helps me with my OCD, if you don't weigh as often you don't see those small stalls or ups and downs from what's most likely Water retention:-) I hope this helps and best of luck with your surgery! You will do great!
  5. enjoythetime

    Not Losing- 4 months Post op

    How many calories per day are you consuming? Can you give us an example of what you're eating at a meal and what your Water intake is daily. Also how many grams of Protein are you consuming daily. This information will help us give you better advice. Based on what you stated above it sounds like you're doing everything right. Thanks!
  6. enjoythetime

    Help! Six months post op and not losing weight!

    Can you give us a little more information in regards to what you're eating at each meal, how much and about how many calories. Also what is your Water intake like? Are you excersing? Just trying to get a better idea of your daily routine so that we can better help you. Thanks!:-)
  7. enjoythetime


    I didn't experience this myself but was prepared for it since my surgeon told me it was common. The first 6 weeks are for healing. Your body has just gone through major surgery so your focus should be on taking care of yourself, following the instructions the Dr. gave you to the T and not worrying about the weight. It will come right off once things are back up and running normally. Your body is holding on to alot of fluids duing this time and is trying to adjust to what it has just been put through. Hang in there and you will see that this weight will come right off. Congrats on your surgery and new way of life!!
  8. enjoythetime

    Lost hope

    I'm right there with Jamilyne. I also have two kids, work full time and need to cook 2 meals for dinner. I make my meals very simple. I either cook ahead of time on the weekend enough that will last me throughout the week or I will make turkey roll-ups (turkey lunch meat, reduced fat cheese, rolled up in lettace, with Dijon Mustard and Light Mayo), about once a week I will pop in a weight watchers meal, or I will make an omelet. Frozen personal sized serving veggies are the greatest thing. I cook ahead and do things like baked chicken breasts covered with onions, mushrooms and garlic (baked in a foil pack on the same pan as the chicken). I will reserve some of the chicken chop it up and add it to bagged salad and some hard boiled eggs toppped with homeade ranch dressing (super simple and much better than store bought) 1 cup Okio's non-fat greet plain yogurt, 1/2 c light mayo, 4 springs of fresh dill, 2 cloves chopped garlic, salt and pepper, splash of milk, combine in a food chopper. This will keep for several weeks in a mason jar and it's like 28 cal for 2 Tlbs if not less. Or reserve some to make chicken salad. Ground Turkey or chicken tacos are also super simple and I'm almost positive your kiddos won't be able to tell the difference. There are several things you can do in a pinch, or when you're having one of those exhausting days you just have to always plan ahead. Wishing you all the best!
  9. enjoythetime

    Excess Skin after major loss

    Congrats on your phenominal weight loss! It's recommended you get within 20lbs of your goal weight before starting consultations with surgeons in regards to having excess skin removed. If you were to start the process now or have the surgery too soon then you may not recieve the optimal results, i.e. when you lose the additioanl 50lbs and you've already had the surgery the likeliness of additional lose skin appearing is high escpecially since it is major surgery and the recovery time can be 4-6weeks, which means no excercise or very limited. Hope this helps!
  10. enjoythetime

    How does your band feel when you wake up?

    I know many people say their band is tight in the am and it's hard for them to eat anything, but I haven't experienced this, but much like SandyM, my band isn't as tight as others so I'm assuming that's why. My surgeon also told me it's cause from Fluid you've retained over night and once you get up and moving about, fluids etc. that some of that comes off, relocates etc.
  11. enjoythetime

    Fat Trap - an article providing food for thought

    Thanks for sharing this! It was very informative!
  12. enjoythetime

    Protein bars ?

    Really? 340 cal for a meal is about right, for 3 meals a day that's only a little over a 1000 cal per day, any less than that and your body will go into starvation mode
  13. enjoythetime

    Protein bars ?

    You only eat 400 cal per day?? Wow!!!!! How do you have any energy?
  14. enjoythetime


    I've had a handful of popcorn a couple of times since being banded and haven't expierenced any issues, but like others have said this is something you should "Treat" yourself with and not make it a regular occurance. It's one of those sliders so my recommendation would be to decide how much you're going to eat, measure it out and throw the rest away.
  15. enjoythetime

    Protein bars ?

    The best protien bar I've found are from Detour low sugar Caramel Peanut. You can purchase them at the Vitamin Shoppe or individually at even QuickTrip. They have 30g of protien, 340 calories, 5 net carbs and only 5 grams of sugar. They are suprisingly very good and filling. Hope this helps! http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/detour-detour-low-sugar-caramel-peanut-12-bars/xn-1110?sourceType=sc&source=FG&adGroup=20-40&keyword=XN-1110&cm_mmc=Google+Shopping-_-Product+Listing+Ads-_-20-40-_-XN-1110&gclid=CNqHy7KX0b0CFfNxOgodDlwAkQ&gclsrc=aw.ds
  16. enjoythetime

    Nothing I CAN'T eat yet... Is this bad?

    You sound just like me!!!! I went to my surgeon for my followup visit all concerned because of this very reason. I have restriction but can eat anything I want, I haven't gotten sick and was only slightly stuck once. When i asked him if this was ok he laughed and said well yes this is exactly where you should and want to be. Keep up the great work!! You're doing great!
  17. Every Dr. And nutritionist has their own " rule book", but here's what mine told me to do. Again everyone is different and I'm not saying my plan is right for you but atleast this will give you some guidelines. Daily Gummy multi-Vitamin Daily gummy Calcium supp 64-80 oz if water-shoot for 80 60-80 grams of Protein per day 1200 cal. Per day Your plate at each meal should contain: 3-4 oz of protein 1/2 cup veggies 1 serving of carb, like 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1/4 cup brown rice or fruit. be careful some people have a hard time with rice because it swells (I personally never eat it). Now there's an order to how you eat what's on your plate. ALWAYS, ALWAYS eat your protein First, then your veggies and then IF you still have room eat your carb. I try to limit my carbs to once a day and some days don't consume any except for what's in the veggies and fruit. Do not drink anything while youre eating or 45 min.-1 hour afterwards. Always stop eating BEFORE you fill full, only eat to satiety. Watch for soft stop signs, they vary from person to person like runny nose, burps sneezes anything you notice that happens consistantly etc. You should stay away from soda and all carbinated beverages. Stay away from sliders like ice cream, chips, Cookies. Basically anything that slides through and doesnt fill your pouch up to give you that satisfied feeling. Don't drink your calories. I always watch my sugar intake as well, no medical reason to its just not good:) You should feel/stay full for 4-5 hours after each meal. If not and you find that you're starving in between meals and its TRUE hunger and not head hunger then feed your body with a nutritious snack, like a 100 cal yogurt, fresh veggies etc. If that still isn't doing it then it maybe time for a fill. If you're having problems with eating certain foods or are productive burping (pb) or can't keep food down call your doctor, you probably are too tight and may need a slight unfill. If you have any specific ??'s let me kniw and ill do my best to answer based on my journey. You'll do great!! Best of luck!!
  18. enjoythetime

    I NEED a buddy!

    Its not always easy. I told myself that if I let my weight get so out of control that I required surgery to get my life back, failure is not an option. My family keeps me going. I have kids I want to set a good healthy example for, i have a husband who supports me and i want to make him proud. It got to the point where I felt like my 6 year old was ashamed of me and that just broke my heart and that was honestly my breaking point. So whenever it gets tough I think of who other than myself I would be letting down.
  19. enjoythetime

    I NEED a buddy!

    techsagirl, I heard you say alot of things that brought me back to before I had the band. The sense of hopelessness,we've all been there, we find comfort in food in bad times and in good. The best thing about all of this is you now have a FABULOUS tool that will help you get back on track. That is one of the things that sold me on getting the band, it's forever, it's adjustable and flexible (when we're not able to be some times). You CAN do this and look at it this way, you caught yourself and did something about it before it got waaay out of control which is half the battle! If we all would have done something for ourselves when we noticed we gained 25lbs, we wouldn't have needed the surgery. Don't beat yourself up, what's done is done, focus on the positive in the situation and that is you took the first step, you're doing something about it and you're searching for help and support and that is honestly one of the hardest things to do some times!!! You sound like a very strong person, you WILL make it and we're all here to support you along the way!
  20. enjoythetime


    I'm sorry to hear you're going through this!! Wishing you all the best!!
  21. enjoythetime

    Chewing Gum

    So when I read that you weren't suppose to have gum, I laughed and though my gosh I'm not 5, I'm NOT going to swallow my gum......welll guess what ladies and gent.......about 6 months post op while setting at my work typing and chomping away, I took in a breath and down it went. I freaked out for like 2 days fearing what was going to happen. Thankfully I had NO issues but ever since then I still chew my gm but I guess the saying is true, I can't chew gum AND....at the same time:-)
  22. Just wondering what's the one thing that keeps you going???? When you're down, or have had a rough day, or maybe you didn't lose as much as you hoped, or maybe you gained, or, or, or...... There's no wrong answer and there's no reason for my question other than to make us all think about why we're where we are and what brought us to this point and continues to be our driving force. My motivation is my family! I can do sooo much more now then I could 10 months ago and when your kids notice and say wow mom you weren't always able to do that. My wonderful husband who's been so supportive through this whole process, tells me how beautiful I am all the time (which he's always done) but I hear it differently now, I actually acknowledge it and say thanks, instead of, oh you're just saying that because you have to. One of the greatest things.......Is when I'm starving and I go to set down for dinner, I fix my plate at the recommend portions thinking oh this isn't gonna do it today, and then, it does:-) What a great feeling!!!! That's all! I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!
  23. enjoythetime

    What Keeps YOU going?

    Lmao!!!! Good for you, you rock it girl!!!!!!!
  24. enjoythetime

    Checking my weight

    I do the same as HealthNewMe. I only weigh in once a month when I check in with my doctor. I'm 10 months post-op and for me I think my weightloss journey has gone by faster not weighing all the time and obsessing every day. I know I have OCD so I threw my scales out a LOONG time ago:-) Now that I'm approaching the maintenance stage though, I know I need to keep and eye on things so I will probably buy one and have my husband hide it and continue my 1 month weigh in's. Best wishes on your continued success!
  25. enjoythetime

    My mental state of mind.....

    Oh my gosh, just look at you girl!!! You've done an amazing job!!! I'm not sure what mirror you're looking in but the results are right there in front of you! You have to love where you are right now TODAY(which I know is hard). Encourage yourself, that's right you're awesome, take it and own it. Be proud of what you've already accomplished and be content with where you are RIGHT now. As humans we always want more and we want it right now, when we do this we deprive ourselves of the beauty within us and around us, the victories we've already accomplished! ENJOY THE TIME:-). I think when we get to the right frame of mind, it's then that we truly see the results. Give yourself some credit, you're there and the results speak for themselves. Great Job To You! You've lost an entire person!!!!!!:-)

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