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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enjoythetime

  1. enjoythetime

    What's the ONE thing you LOVE most about yourself?

    @@pink dahlia Well you succeeded in your daily goal, you just cracked me up! This is a wonderful quality to have. Life is too short not to have fun, most importantly you have to be able to laugh at yourself:-)
  2. enjoythetime

    What's the ONE thing you LOVE most about yourself?

    @@nerms I FREAKIN' LOVE THIS!!! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!! With an attitude like this, you're gonna go far girl!!
  3. enjoythetime

    dining out tips

    You're so thoughtful! I'm sure your friend felt such relief and comfort because of your efforts!! Great job!
  4. enjoythetime

    Greek quinoa salad

    Sounds and looks awesome! Gonna try it out! Thanks for posting1
  5. This is awesome! This is my daughter's FAVORITE song, she's 3 and we sing it at the top of our lungs. A great song choice for inspiration for sure!
  6. @@PrettyThick1 Thanks!!!! Sounds great! Between the two of us we'll figure this out!!! Congratulations to you too!!! I had no idea the end of the journey would be like this...I worried that I wouldn't reach my goal. I guess this isn't a bad problem to have, but I truly don't want to lose anymore weight. More calories is a joke, I barely get 1,000 in now because I simply do not have an appetite. Let's keep each other posted and figure out how we are going to consume more calories. Sigh... Congrats ion hitting, exceeding goal!! I'm right here with you. I hit goal 6 weeks ago and since then have lost another 10lbs. I'm trying to not worry about it and let my body do it's thing but I'm wondering how this thing knows when to level out. My doctor told me to add in some more calories but so far I haven't been able to do that or if so not many to make a difference like 50 more or so a day. I really don't want to get an unfill because I feel I'm right where I need to be as far as restrcition. 3.5cc in a 14cc band. Keep on keepin on, we'll figure this out:-)
  7. enjoythetime

    Almost a year ...

    Wow! Congrats on your outstanding success and from coming out from behind the scenes! Welcome!
  8. I love these posts because it really makes you stop and evaluate your entire transformation. Pre-op I was postivie and outspoken but I always had that tough exterior wall up, I held back to a certain extent because I didn't want to put myself in the spot light because I knew what people were really thinking. Post-OP I'm still that same positive outspoken person but the walls are down now because I honestly don't care what others think of me because I LOVE ME the ENTIRE ME!! Yep, that's right I love myself, I've never honestly been able to say that before and not because of how I look (that helps) but because I've proved to myself that I have what it takes to get through whatever life brings my way, with alot of help from the Man Upstairs!!! I wake up everyday with a smile on my face, FULL OF ENERGY, ready to take on the world I'm a go getter, take no BS kinda gal who loves herself!
  9. enjoythetime

    The High Dive.....

    Yesterday we celebrated my son's bday at a nearby waterpark. As I'm setting there on my chair soaking up some rays, I happen to look over and realize the diving boards staring right at me. I remember thinking to myself yeah right you can't jump off that, everyone will stare at you and laugh. Then I realized, hey I'm NOT 289lbs any more, it was almost as if I had forgotten my size now, so with a happy smile on my face I jumped right out of my chair made my way up the tall ladder and took a splash off the high dive....man was it fun especially when I realized that people weren't looking at me thinking this lady is going to drain the pool .....haha. As silly as this may sound I can't tell you how great this made me feel, especially when I looked over to see my kids, hubby and family all looking at me cheering me on:-) Good times!!!
  10. enjoythetime

    Ummm. your port is showing ...

    Mine doesn't stick out much so I'm wondering if I received a lower profile port at the time of my surgery? I'm curious about the same thing but either way it's not going to stop me from sporting a bikini (once the TT is done). Just tell people when you're this awesome, you get blessed with a 7 pack:-)
  11. Yes, the hope behind the surgery is that your life will drastically change forever.....for the better! This journey is all about finding out who you are and finding that inner strength that each of us have. It's the best damn thing I've ever done and yes, my life has changed forever and there's no way I'm looking back!
  12. enjoythetime

    From the mouths of babes

    There's no greater motivation to become healthy and stay healthy!!! Best wishes on your journey!
  13. I don't want to be skinny, I want to have some substance to me, toned and curvy, you know built like a brick ####house:-). I'm currently wearing a size 5 or 4 depending on how they're made and this is really where I want to stay. I also know a TT is in my future so once I get this taken care of I'm not sure what size I will be in and that really doesn't matter to me, I just want to be able to rock whatever I want and live life. I don't want my face to get so skinny that it looks like it's sinking in and sickly looking. With my big curly head of hair I would definitely look like a bobble head
  14. enjoythetime


    Welcome to the forum MissL and congrats on your decision to have the lapband! Don't worry about the negative feedback regarding the band. It's just as effective as any other WLS, they are all tools meant to HELP you not do the work for you so as long as you go in with the right mind set and determination you can reach any goal you wish! Good luck to you on your journey! Do you have a surgery date yet?
  15. @@cindyvirden.com Awe, thank you very much for your support! It really means alot.
  16. enjoythetime

    Post-op Gas Pains

    Everyone is different, but mine lasted for about 5-7 days. It does get better! You will start to see the light shortly! Hang in there and congrats on the start of your new life!!
  17. @@lisacaron girl you're the best! Seems like common sense but when I worry about things, the common sense goes out the window:-) Thanks for all of your support!!! You rock, oh and by the way , I saw you and your hubby's pics and you are just too cute for your own good! A little blonde bombshell:-)
  18. Congrats ion hitting, exceeding goal!! I'm right here with you. I hit goal 6 weeks ago and since then have lost another 10lbs. I'm trying to not worry about it and let my body do it's thing but I'm wondering how this thing knows when to level out. My doctor told me to add in some more calories but so far I haven't been able to do that or if so not many to make a difference like 50 more or so a day. I really don't want to get an unfill because I feel I'm right where I need to be as far as restrcition. 3.5cc in a 14cc band. Keep on keepin on, we'll figure this out:-)
  19. Everyday since being banded life is just brighter. I LOVE this little inftatable ring:-)

    1. kassy07


      I really hope I get to that point some day!

    2. MrsPJ


      That is very refreshing. I pray someday we are all as successful with our bands and new lifestyles. Enjoy your vacation.

    3. aqueenofhearts
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  20. 1. Enjoying my kids and and setting a good example of healthly living and knowing I'm gonig to actively enjoy them grow up!!!!! 2. Not worrying about having a stroke due to high blood pressure at the age of 34 or getting diabetes due to obesity. 3. Shopping wherever I want and knowing that they're going to have it in my size:-) :-) 4. More self confidence and pride 5. Not worrying about flying and if the seatbelt is going to fit. 6. Looking Haaaaute:-) 7. Going on awesome vacations and being able to do whatever activity I want and not worry about weight limits, stares, etc. 8. Swimming without a tent 9. Being able to be the real me, my outside matching the inside. 10. Loving myself for who I am and what I've done for me and for my family!
  21. enjoythetime

    Very disappointed!

    There are always going to be those people who have something negative to say, whether its because of jealousy or just because they're jerks. You can't control or change anyone but YOU, so let them think what they will and take their negativity and use it as your motivation! I've said this many times, but I was one of those who said I would NEVER have WLS because it was the easy way out, I was so mis-informed and felt there was no self satisfaction, boy was that the biggest bunch of BS I've ever told myself!! Now, I'm proud that I've hda WLS and I tell everyone who asks, what have you done, I tell them I got the lapband, I've gotten some looks but overall most people have been very supportive. It's hard to deny it's effectiveness or find something negative to say to someone who's lost more than they weigh now:-) Plus I think it's all in how you say it to them, if you hestitate and shly say I had ladpand (or whatver WLS it is) then that tends to give them an opening to comment how they want, but if you if shout it from the top of the mountain in a no BS kinda way people know not to go there:-) Give it to them girl and watch them see how wrong they are! Best wishes!!!
  22. enjoythetime

    The scale!

    That thing was left behind for a reason I think the scale is one of our worst enemies during weight loss. Since the beginning of my journey I've only weighed myself when I go and see my surgeon for my monthly check-ups! It helps me not to freak out over every little ounce that's likely Water weigh, etc. and so when you don't see those ups and downs and stalls you don't get frustrated because outta site outta mind. Plus when you go to your Dr. it's like opening a birthday gift when you find out how much you've lost... Leave that thing alone it's evil
  23. @@msgabrii first of all I'm sorry for all of the trials you've gone through during this last year and half! The good thing, is you recognize and take accountabilty for your problems and that is the first step in the right direction so good for you for getting back on track!!!!! You should be very proud of that! The first thing I would do is start tracking your daily calories, Protein and Water intake. I always have 3-4oz of protein at each meal, 1/2 cup veggies and then 1 starch if I have room, which often times I don't. Always, always eat your plate in this order, protein, veggies and then the starch. Don't drink anything with your meals or for one hour after and always stop eating at the 20 min. mark regardless of your hunger level. I stick with around 1200 calories per day along with a target of 60-80g of protein and 80oz of water. One of the biggest things for me is to always have things on hand that don't require any preparation, so that if you find yourelf out of time or in a hurry there's no excuse to just eat whatever. I always have lots of deli meat and cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, Protein Bars, such as Quest etc. so that i can just grab and go. For Breakfast typically I will have a 100 cal. Dannon light greek yogut with 3 tsp. of trail mix. For lunch I will either have a salad or some left overs from the night before or I will bring 4oz of turkey meat some kraft slim cut slices of cheese, a couple of romain lettace leaves and some okios greek yogurt dip and roll it up and eat it. For dinner, I will stick with chicken, fish, turkey or chicken burgers, chicken tacos, roast, etc. I have some recipies if you're interested I will be more than happy to send them your way. Hang in there, you've been able to overcome alot so there is no doubt that if you put your mind to it you can get back on track and win this battle as well!!!!

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