Thanks for the feedback guys, you all are great! I would say I leaning towards the LB for the obvious reason; low risk of complication, short recovery period and if the worst case presents itself; the band is removable. I don’t like the idea of “major” bypass surgery and I have to be honest I don’t know much about the sleeve. After reading the pros for the LB, I kind of had tunnel vision. I’m sure the doctors at the seminar will have more details on the sleeve.
I fully understand the LB is just a tool and that I’m still responsible for what I eat. I don’t think that will be a problem. I think I’m like most people who sometimes need someone to hold them accountable for their eating habits, someone in their ear to get them back on track when they stray. For most part I can do that for myself. I can go months eating healthy and hitting the gym twice a day; that’s when I lose the 20-30lbs. But then life happens, I miss a day here and there and I think to myself “no big deal, I’ll hit it hard tomorrow”. Well “tomorrow” turns into “this weekend”. And “this weekend” turns into “first thing Monday morning” and before you know a month has gone by and 15lbs has found you napping. I believe (know) the LB will be that coach in my ear constantly reminding me to eat healthy (in moderation) and exercise. When I focused, I have the willpower to stay away from the bad foods and to keep active. But I admit, I need that kick in the @ss that one day I get lazy so it doesn’t turn into 3 months of laziness.