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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ragdollx19

  1. ragdollx19

    Anyone in Dallas/Fort Worth?

    I am also using Dr. Marsden in 7 days. He has more than one office. I used Lap Band Solutions for my initial consultations and insurance stuff.
  2. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    mommytokk - i was thinking of making some jello with the clear isopure drinks that come in glass bottles. you could use regular water for the boiled water and isopure for the cold water portion? i havent tried it yet but i dont know why it wouldnt work? isopure bottles have 40 grams of protien in them so you could get some that way?
  3. ragdollx19

    Tired....of EVERYTHING....

    No advice, just good luck and if it gets too bad go to the ER. I am sorry you are going though this
  4. ragdollx19

    Date set for rebanding!

    Congratts! That is awesome news.
  5. ragdollx19

    I can still eat???

    i am not required to be on pure liquids that far past my banding date either. just make sure you follow the instructions your dr gave you!
  6. ragdollx19

    blue cross blue shield

    BCBS Fed told me that too but then sent me an approval letter that is IDENTICAL to the one my DH got for back surgery.
  7. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Smiley - I get banded the same day as you. I cant believe it is 8 more days. Part of me is just super excited but part of me is starting to kind of feel panic?? I guess you can read everyone elses experiences on here but it is still "unknown territory" to you until it happens. Prayers that all goes well for all of us left to be banded.
  8. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    shell850-I have been wondering this same thing this is a response I got on another board. I was going to get the cpt code and call to ask my insurance. I have a real hard time believing they wont make me pay one penny for this surgery but wont cover fills but stranger things have happened! "90772 is not the correct code, it has been used incorrectly for awhile because there was not a code for band adjustments. The correct code is S2083, which is a temporary code. The reason 90772 is not correct is that it specifies subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, and the saline is not injected into either it's injected into the port. Dr. Trace Curry Cincinnati, Ohio Got a question? Ask the doctor at Trace W. Curry, M.D. Lap Band Surgeon :: Home Participate in our forum--> Trace W. Curry, M.D. :: Index 513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND DISCLAIMER: If am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!"<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  9. ragdollx19

    CPT Code???

    I was wondering how I find out if my insurance covers fills? Is there a CPT code for it that I could call and ask if they cover it?
  10. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I think if I could leave while they all eat lunch I would be doing lots better. But smelling 10 pizzas makes it really hard. Yes I am thankful I get more than you do! only 9 days of this crap left.
  11. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I am absolutely being tortured. My pre-op diet is: Meal 1-eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, ect. any two. Meal 2-Protien Shake Meal 3-Lean meat, and green vegetable Meal 4-Protien Shake I am at work, this week they are ordering food in all week. I have to smell their food for two hours before I take my lunch break. I am drinking a ton of water and am still starving. It sucks. By lunch time I am so hungry I could eat anything. Yes I know I am a big whiner and I know in the end it will all be worth it. But right now my stomach doesnt understand or care about all of that. If I had this much willpower I wouldnt be in this situation to begin with. Sorry, I needed to have a pitty party.
  12. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks Amy!
  13. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Cindy-I think if I went through all of that after reading some of the stuff on these boards I would have had a panic attack. I am so glad everything is okay and you are HOME! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Deb24- I know how you are feeling! My surgery is on the 23rd and I can’t believe I have no more appointments before then. I do have a lot of stuff around the house I would like to have done before then. I am starting my pre-op diet today and thankfully it is just a high protein low carb diet. I don’t know how all of those having to do clear liquid pre-op diets are surviving. Kudos to all of them! I find myself not being able to sleep very well because of all the anticipation. Its worse than being a kid and waiting for Christmas morning!<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Melissa-O - What about some sugar free Jell-O?? At least then you could get a temporary full feeling, feel like you are really eating something, and have lots of flavors to choose from.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Tami- I had this after one of my c-sections. I placed a pillow on tummy and curled up on my bed with my rear in the air. I know how bad that hurts Also get up and walking! I don’t know if its true but I had heard about drinking pineapple juice to help with it.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Amy- What is the attachment called? I would like to find one for myself, I wonder if they sell it online? I went to Wal Mart yesterday too and stocked up. It was strange to have a whole cart of such healthy foods. I am doing a low carb high protein diet. I also spent a bunch at GNC on protein drinks.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Muse- Why did you switch from Marsden? So far I really like him and his staff. They always get back with me very quickly and are very compassionate. His nurse said any time I need her I can have her paged which is comforting considering how usually you leave messages at regular doctors and wait hours to hear from them. Marsden is a down to earth very sweet man.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> To all of you already in band land what web site if any are you using to track your weight loss and or exercise? I would like to find a good free web site to do this on. I am also going to get the measurements from my initial consultation and have dh measure me as I am losing. This is so exciting!!!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Cara- I understand how you feel! I am so glad we finally have a tool that is going to help us be “normal” looking. I wish normal sized people could understand how painful it is emotionally and physically to be obese.
  14. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Happy Mothers Day to everyone!! Good luck to those of us on a pre-op diet when its a holiday for us! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! It will be WORTH it. Just think of how awesome you are going to look NEXT Mothers Day! Congratts to those of you in Band Land. I hope your recoveries are going smoothly and quicker than time is going for those of us still waiting on the band! :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
  15. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks for all of the responses yesterday! I really thought i was going nuts!
  16. ragdollx19

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    I wanted to wish you luck again. I hope you have already or soon will be filing your appeal. Will your doctors office help you with it?
  17. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I guess not. I post things and just feel like I am talking to myself unless I send PM's. Just wanted to make sure I was posting correctly.
  18. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Can anyone see this message? I post all the time and no one ever responds?
  19. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    My doctor told me not to bother crushing pills. He said they will dissolve the same in your new pouch as they did before you had a band.
  20. ragdollx19

    Fill in the blank

    Ride on my dh's motorcycle and wont care how small the rear seat is!
  21. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and after spending hours on these message boards reading all the information I can find I was RELIEVED to find out my doctors instructions. I have no liquid pre-op at all. It is basically a high protein low carb 10 day diet. Which don’t get me wrong won’t be fabulous because it has strict limitations but it isn’t what I was expecting. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Post-op diet looks pretty good too, liquids only for week one including strained creamy soups if I am up to it. Week two is soft foods, and 3rd week I can start solid foods as tolerated. He also said I will know when I am ready for a fill. Generally 4 weeks is when they want to do it but he said if I am able to eat a lot of food and am starving at 3 weeks then I should go ahead and get a fill, or if I am fine at 4 weeks and want to wait that is fine too.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I have been really nervous about what I should and should not eat once I start solids and he really made me feel better about that. He obviously wants me to choose foods that are good for me but said over time I will learn what foods don’t agree with my new banded stomach. While lettuce or fruit peels may bother one person, they may have no affect on me at all. He also recommended drinking wine; he said one glass a day would be good.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Last night I really started worrying. More about the fact that it is a surgery and there are always some risks than the actual procedure itself. I am also some what ashamed that I am having this surgery. I am wayyyyy excited to be having it done but it is hard to admit I couldn’t lose the weight on my own. I guess it is hard owning up to being a failure sometimes. I have no doubts that this is my last hope and that I did everything I could on my own but it can be hard to look at what you have let yourself become. I am just so excited and thankful that the lap band is a tool available to me and blessed that my insurance is picking up the tab. Funny that they will not make me spend one penny out of pocket for this but would not pay for my Rx diet pills. Thanks for letting me rant. I feel better now! Good luck to all of you going in today and those of you recovering already.
  22. ragdollx19

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    HA HA HA!!! That rocks!
  23. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Patty, The not knowing what date you are going to have surgery would stress me out! I am sorry youre plans are so up in the air I hope you feel better ASAP!
  24. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Time is just dragging on this month. I am convinced the next 14 days are going to feel like 14 months! Anyone else feeling this way? I just want it to be here so I can get it over with already!
  25. ragdollx19

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    I am not gay or lesbian, but good luck on your surgery anyway!

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