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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by joatsaint

  1. Should I be worried that I just found a box labeled "Probe Covers" in the first aid box at work?

  2. Think I found the 1st sign of the apocalypse - Oberto Bacon Jerkey at Walmart!

  3. I've reached the aget that my brain has switched from, "I probably shouldn't say that" to "What the hell, let's see what happens."

  4. Exercise Tip of the Day: I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing. :-P

  5. Did you know? Sweat is fat crying.

  6. My bed is a magical place where I can suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do.

  7. Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date

  8. It WILL hurt It WILL take time It WILL require dedication. It WILL require will-power. You WILL need to make healthy decisions. It requires sacrifice. You WILL need to push your body to it's max. There WILL be temptation. But, I promise you, when you reach your goal, it's WORTH IT.

  9. Even though I don't care to exercise, I'm beginning to miss it when I'm hurting too much to do it.

  10. Is it just me or do you also have a "People I can't stand" list?

  11. I’m definitely not the person you want to put on speaker phone.

  12. The word aerobics came about when the gym instructors got together and said, “If we’re going to charge $10 an hour, we can’t call it jumping up and down.”

  13. I don’t always go to the gym. But when I do, I make sure everyone on Facebook knows about it.

  14. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you, you're not as terrible as you think you are.

  15. I do my best proofreading after I hit “send”.

  16. I’m opening a gym called, “Resolutions.” It will have exercise equipment for the first two weeks and then turn into a bar for the rest of the year!

  17. Whoo Hoo! Finally broke below 240lbs for more than 2 days in a row. **Does Happy Dance**

  18. Going nuts cause I heard a beep and dodn't know if it was my cell phone, ipod, ipad, Wii, Skype, Facebook, email, Twitter or TV.

  19. I've got a dirty mind today! http://goo.gl/3b8qO

  20. Don't know whether to be happy or a little worried... my scale said I weighed 266.6 this morning - 666... Why do I have this overwhelming urge to sacrafice a goat? :-P

  21. Why I chose the Sleeve over Lap Band or Bypass -

  22. Found the perfect way to keep coworkers from eating my food. http://goo.gl/X2okX

  23. When I was little I believed that if I followed the rules, I'd be successful in life. I'd never be lonely, never be misunderstood, never be frightened. But it doesn't work that way. Life is big and messy.

  24. 43 muscles to frown... 17 to smile. Therefore, frowning is the superior exercise! Thank You Grumpy Cat, for the fat burning tips! :-P

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