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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by joatsaint

  1. Call me a procrastinator? I’ll prove you wrong someday.

  2. Celebrated my Surgiversary today by walking 3 miles in the park. :-)

    1. gamergirl


      good for you! and congrats on the surgiversary. WIll you be posting before and after pics?

    2. ribearty
    3. Water Nazi
  3. Coffee isn't working...Get The Paddles! CLEAR!!!!!!!

  4. Dear 7-11, instead of selling condoms and novelty items in your restrooms, how about toilet paper that doesn't make your ass bleed? Just a thought.

  5. Did you know? Sweat is fat crying.

  6. Do not do today what you can do tomorrow, but remember to save a little for the day after tomorrow.. Be lazy, Think crazy.

  7. Do you women realize how silly you all look with your clothes on?

  8. Does anyone else have a plastic bag filled with other plastic bags in the house? Or is it just me?

  9. Does running late count as exercise?

  10. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

  11. Don't know whether to be happy or a little worried... my scale said I weighed 266.6 this morning - 666... Why do I have this overwhelming urge to sacrafice a goat? :-P

  12. Don't make the same mistake twice. There are so many new ones to make.

    1. BeagleLover
    2. ProudGrammy


      i never make mistakes!! Oh yes i did, once when i thought i was wrong!!! LOL

      like your saying too!!

  13. Down 1 more pound this week - battling regain! :-)

    1. ProudGrammy


      one lb ls never ONLY 1 lb

      you WILL get those others off too. i have confidence in you - one lb at a time - good luck - kathy

    2. joatsaint


      Thanks, proudgrammy. I guess my update came out sounding wrong. It was meant to be a celebration. :-)

    3. ProudGrammy


      no, I understood you were happy that you had lost one lb - guess lboth of us should be be more clear!! LOL

      happy you are feeling better while your weight goes down- bye to regain for all of us (me too a "little" sob sob - kathy

  14. Due to the economic crisis and ever increasing price of food, the 5 second rule has now been extended to 10 seconds. 15 if the surface is dry and the food surface is irregular, like popcorn - unless you already licked it.

  15. Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date

  16. Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date

  17. Even though I don't care to exercise, I'm beginning to miss it when I'm hurting too much to do it.

  18. Exercise is done against one’s wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse!

  19. Exercise Tip of the Day: I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing. :-P

  20. Finally broke 230lbs :-) 229.2 this morning. Been stuck in the 230's for 3 months.

    1. kll724
    2. GotItDoneInHarlem
    3. Denise73


      Good for you. I bet you won't be stuck in the 220's.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Finally broke below 250 this evening - 248.6lbs. It's not official yet, gotta see it 2 days in a row. But it feels good just seeing the numbers on the scale.

  22. Finally got below 270 - kind of a milestone for me. Thats what I weighed in 2007 when I hired on at my current job.

  23. Finally! Twoderland! 299.8 three days in a row - so it's official! Hav'ta b-i-t-c-h slap my sleeve and make it work harder!

  24. Finally! Twoderland! 299.8 three days in a row - so it's official! Havta b***h slap my sleeve and make it work harder!

  25. Found the perfect way to keep coworkers from eating my food. http://goo.gl/X2okX

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
