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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joatsaint

  1. joatsaint

    Changing food stages

    I didn't fully move to pureed foods on week 2, but I did take test bites of pureed stuff like egg salad and chicken salad. I even took a bite of a Vienna sausage. At week 2, I still couldn't eat but about 1/2 cup of food in total per day, so a teaspoon full of food was a meal for me. :-)
  2. joatsaint

    east texas?

    I'm in Southeast Texas - Beaumont specifically. I was sleeved back in December. Let me know if I can be of help.
  3. Hit a new low today 234lbs... Hit a new high today 1000 views on my Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Frankensleeve/videos

  4. joatsaint

    15 lbs to lose b 4 surgery

    I always lost weight the fastest and more easily if I stayed below 20 carbs a day. I never really counted calories, as long as they were protein calories.
  5. joatsaint

    Rotten breath?

    Yep, it's reported here on the forum again and again. It will eventually pass.
  6. joatsaint

    Day 2 Pre Op

    I'll have to admit, that I'd rather go through the surgery and gas pains again rather than go through the pre-op diet again. :-P
  7. joatsaint

    4 days out and scared!

    I was feelng really bad for the week post-op. My only goal was to get in enough fluids. I figured my body had stored enough fat to last me a looooooooooooooong time, so I wasn't worried about eating. But I kept a 20oz glass on my desk and just sipped and sipped. A sip was only enough to wet my tongue, anything bigger and Frankensleeve would roar at me. :-p It took at least a week before I could saftely swallow more that a teaspoon full of Water.
  8. joatsaint

    out of pocket with insurance

    My WLS deductable was $5k, it was equally split between the hospital and doctor office.
  9. joatsaint

    how much walking?

    My doc wanted me to walk at least 20 minutes a day... and to walk more if I could. But I had a rough recovery and only walked a few minutes a day. After the 2nd week post-op, I started increasing my walking and now (10 months later) I walk 5 miles a day 4 or 5 days a week.
  10. joatsaint

    Psych Evaluation

    Here's my take on the psychological evaluation when I went through it.
  11. joatsaint


    Yep, I have lost a lot of my insulation. The wind just cuts right through my hands and arms now. I have to wear a heavy coat just to get from the car to my office building. But I wouldn't go back to being fat and hot all the time for anything. I'm proud to shake like a nervous Chihuahua!
  12. joatsaint

    How to keep losing weight?

    I keep to my diet and walk, walk, walk. I started out back in Jan, walking from the far end of the parking lot into work and now I'm up to 3 miles/hr 4 to 5 days a week. Your choices are to either work harder to burn more calories or eat fewer calories as your weight drops.
  13. joatsaint

    Getting Ready for Surgery

    I never ordered my Protein drinks online. I ordered some unflavored Isopure protein isolate to add to my food when I got to the puree stage (took about 7 days to deliver). I just bought my premixed shakes at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. If you don't know what you like yet, don't rush out and buy a whole bunch of anything. Your taste buds may change post-op and you may not like the same things as much. Plus, you aren't going to be on Protein Drinks very long. My doctor wanted me on as much real food as possible and get away from the shakes. Good luck with your surgery. Here's my review of my 2 favorite pre-mixed shakes Premier Protein and EAS carb control.
  14. I don't think it is too much. Just watch out for the carb counts.
  15. I had to learn how much I could hold, the feeling of gradually getting full is gone for me. All I can tell you is to eat very slowly in the beginning. Take a bite, wait a minute, take a bite, wait a minute. I can go from okay to over full in just one bite and I get this pokey feeling at the bottom of my throat. :-P
  16. It ain't so. I just had a single serving bag of microwave popcorn, more than enough to fill me up. 160 cals/bag.
  17. joatsaint

    I feel bad keeping my surgery private

    I chose only to tell my best friend and my parents. I didn't feel I could trust anyone else to be supportive.
  18. joatsaint

    Psychiatric exam on the 29th.

    I can tell you what I went through, it wasn't bad at all.
  19. joatsaint

    Will I have a pre-op diet?

    From what I've read, whether or not you have a pre-op diet depends on your insurance requirements and your doctor. Some people have reported not having a pre-op diet and others have to go on a 6 month supervised diet to satisfy insurance requirements. My doctor put me on a 7 day pre-op diet, it was probably so short because I wanted to get the surgery over with ASAP and my insurance approved my application within 5 days. I have sleep apnea, which is considered a co-morbidity and automatically qualified me under my insurance. It would not have made a difference if I hadn't done the pre-op diet. It's main purpose is to shrink the fatty deposits in your liver and make it easier for the surgeon to get under it and get at your stomach.
  20. I use the weight I weighed in at a few hours after surgery. When they came to make me walk the halls, I jumped on one of their scales.
  21. joatsaint

    Beyond Excited

    Yes, I was terrified and excited all at the same time as the day of surgery drew nearer. It's hard not to be when something so life changing is going to happen.
  22. joatsaint

    Just one last meal

    At 10 months, there's nothing I can't eat. I just can't hold as much. So you won't have to give up your favorite foods for very long. But you might be surprised, like I was, that you no longer want those old foods and actually crave healthier options. Here's my video on food funerals.
  23. joatsaint

    Why Can't I Eat Salad!

    I'm right there with you. Frankensleeve didn't like most vegetables - especially fibrous stuff like lettuce. I believe it was around 5 months before the growling stopped, when I tried to eat things like lettuce, squash and green beans. I thought it was very ironic that processed foods were the things that went down the easiest with my new stomach.
  24. joatsaint

    To Tell or Not to Tell?

    Here is the video I made. It might help you make your decision.
  25. joatsaint

    Any cookbook suggestions?

    I'm a guy of simple tastes, so I've never bought a cook book. BUT! Many people rave about the sleeve friendly recipes at http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
