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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joatsaint

  1. joatsaint

    Losing My Fat Blanket

    It's not just you... it 's mee too. And it aint' even cold in Texas yet! Down in the 50's and the wind just cuts through the skin on my hands and arms... brrrrrrrr! :-)
  2. joatsaint

    Pre Surgery Nerves

    Congrats on your weight loss. I too was nervous/excited about having surgery, but it was worth it. My life has really changed around since I lost the weight and I'd do it all over agian in a minute.
  3. joatsaint

    Pre Op Protein Drinks

    My doc said I could drink anything that was high protein/low carb. (less than 5 carbs per serving) I stuck to the EAS carb control chocolate shakes at Wal-Mart. 4/$5. Later I found Premier Protein chocolate shakes and switched to them. Both were low carb and good tasting, but Premier had a much more silky texture - more like chocolate milk.
  4. Whoo Hoo! Finally! The scale started moving after being stuck for 2 weeks. Hit a new low two days in a row - 232lbs

    1. Jdub


      congrats man! Also wanted to let you know enjoying your vids on youtube!

  5. joatsaint

    What's The Deal With Caffeine Post Op?

    I didn't try caffine again until several months post-op - mainly because I wasn't able to eat or drink much of anything for that long. But at 11 months, I can drink (3 to 4) 8oz cups a day at work with no ill effects. I didn't start out drinking like that, my first cup, I took a sip, waited a few minutes, took a 2nd sip, still no problems - then I knew I could handle caffine again.
  6. joatsaint

    2 Days Post Op

    I was only eating sugar free jell-o and sugar free popsicles for the 1st week. And Frankensleeve didn't like either one!
  7. My doc wanted me off shakes and onto real foods as fast as possible - he explained that real food has lots of macronutrients that you don't get from shakes, since the processing destroys or reduces the nutrient content of food.
  8. joatsaint

    How Much Are U "eating"?

    My stomach gave me fits for weeks and I was only eating about 3/4 can of Soup per day for the 1st month. But others say they were back to eat their regular foods in days - they didn't say if they had gone against their doctors prescribed diet or not. But my stomach, my taste buds, and sense of smell were all out of wack for weeks, so what you're going through seems to be part of the process. Hang in there, your new stomach needs time to adjust and heal.
  9. joatsaint

    Are You Nervous?

    I was nervous/excited/scared when I made the decision, but after I committed to the surgery, I calmed down because I knew that I was going to go through with it - no matter what.
  10. joatsaint

    Working Out

    I was walking per my doctor beginning the day after surgery - only 20 minutes a day. And I built on that. It's been 11 months and I walk 4 to 5 miles a day - 4 to 5 days a week.
  11. Peanutbutter was a weakness of mine when I was on puree foods. I had to limit myself to 2 tablespoons/day or I'd eat the whole jar.
  12. joatsaint

    Evaluation Was Today

    Good luck, hope your eval comes back fast. My doc sent me to a psychologist that was known for his speed for processing evaluations. My other option for eval would have take over a week to get the results back.
  13. joatsaint

    Tips On Alcohol...

    At about 8 weeks, I mixed a shot of Tequila in my Crystal Light lemonade - I almost instantly got a warm fuzzy feeling. :-) I am normally a "two beers and I'm drunk" person, but now, it only takes 1.
  14. joatsaint

    Odd Cravings?

    I had this wierd craving for a Whataburger - a Texas based burger joint. But I was only a day post-op and by the time (4 weeks later) I could eat solid foods, I had gone cold turkey too long. :-p I haven't had a craving for any food flavor since then.
  15. joatsaint

    Alex, Please Fix The Site.

    I don't like the new site layout either. The new layout is makes it much harder to see the newest content and newest questions/replies in the different forums. I liked being able to see the new questions, status updates, and blog posts over in the right hand panel as well as having the last "replied to" thread listed under each subforum. Now all I can easily locate is the newest topics. Clicking on "New Content" brings up content from the wrong forum, instead of VSG, I get Lap Band threads.
  16. You can always PM me. I'll be happy to share what I have experienced over the past 11 months post-op.
  17. joatsaint

    Some advice please

    I went through that exact same thing for about the first 4 months. I was barely able to eat 3/4 can of cream of mushroom soup a day for the 1st month. After that, I slowly progressed to "tougher" foods. My system for eating slowly was to take a bite, play a round of Bloons tower defense, take a bite, ... repeat.
  18. I was advised to take a chewable multi post-op, but I couldn't eat anything for the 1st week post-op - everything I ate caused a sever reaction from my stomach. I started taking the normal size mufti-Vitamins at around day 14. I broke one in half and swallowed it. I didn't have a negative reaction to it, I've been taking them ever since with no problems.
  19. joatsaint

    Portion size

    I've noticed the same thing about my self, I can eat more now and more often. I find that if I eat protein that isn't chopped or ground up like hamburger, I stay full longer and eat smaller portions. I also try to fill up on low calorie vegetables like green beans/cauliflower/brussel sprouts. To keep losing the weight, I've had to up my walking. I average 4.5 to 5 miles a day, with 3 of those miles done at a park near my home. I try to get those 3 miles done within an hour.
  20. Just finished cleaning up after the Halloween party - we gave out 2000 pieces of candy

  21. joatsaint

    Going back to work

    I was back at my desk job after 10 days. I probably could have gone back in 8 if I had pushed it.
  22. joatsaint

    Odd question but Help!

    I noticed that when I was doing the low carb Atkins diet, the same thing happened to me temporarily.
  23. joatsaint

    Bathroom Habits

    I don't think I went at all the 1st week. I barely ate anything. But after a few weeks, it became normal to go every 2 to 3 days - and I am still on that schedule 11 months out. I had to learn to go at the slightest hint that I needed to go. In the past I could safely ignore the "little hints", but now, there is the real chance I'll get constipated if I don't go when I feel the "little hints". Hope this helps. Keep Pimpin' that Sleeve!
  24. Take thinks slow and easy. Focus on getting in fluids first and food second. I wasn't able to eat much more than a few bites of popsicle a day for the first week. So I focused on staying hydrated.

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