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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joatsaint

  1. joatsaint

    New at this...

    I've only tried 3 brands - Muscle Milk, EAS and Premier Protein. Premier Protein chocolate is the one I always go back to. I like mine a little thick, so I add a scoop of chocolate Meal Replacement powder.
  2. I started out at 341 lbs and was losing about 5 lbs a week the 1st month. It's not unusual to hear people post that they lose 20 lbs or more that 1st month. My doc told me to expect an average of 12 to 15 lbs per month.
  3. When I first started eating pureed foods, I used the smallest spoon in the house. And only took half a spoonful per bite. And ate very very slowly. Later I bought some 1/4 cup bowls that worked out great for measuring how much I could safely eat.
  4. Congrats on having such a great recovery. I would count that as your 1st NSV if you haven't started counting them yet!
  5. joatsaint


    I was told not to eat anything 12 hours before surgery. My surgery was scheduled for 7am, so I didn't eat past 7pm the night before.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "1st consult". I had monthly check ins with my doctor following surgery for a year.
  7. joatsaint

    Stomach scope procedure

    The scope thing was a piece of cake. The hardest part was waiting my turn in the hospital. They gave me the anesthesia, it felt like I blinked my eyes and it was over. I had a little scratchiness in my throat later, but if I hadn't been watching for the scratchiness, I'd have never noticed.
  8. If I get the math right, you're down 67 lbs in 6 months. That's about where I was at 6 months. I too felt like I wasn't losing fast enough, but I try to remind myself of where I was pre-op - when I wasn't losing any weight and fighting a losing battle to keep from gaining. I tried to be happy that I was losing - at any speed. But it can be a real downer when you see so many dropping 20+ lbs month after month. But I realized: 1. Depending on your surgeon, you may have bigger or smaller stomach than someone else. 2. Fast losers don't always detail what they are doing to lose weight fast. All we see is the weight loss. They may be doing way more than I am willing to do to drop the weight - intense workouts or running marathons for all I know. 3. Everyone's metabolism is different. I take it as a given, that a 30 year old is going to lose weight faster than me (at 47). I've led a sedentary life for years, so my metabolism has slowed accordingly. 4. Diet is going to be the biggest factor in my weight loss. If I eat bad carbs and salt, I am going to hang onto the weight. If I stick to good carbs and Protein, I drop weight faster. So I try to keep a positive outlook and have a long term view of my weight loss. Even if I only lose 1/2 lb a week, that's 24 lbs a year. That's far more than I was losing pre-surgery. Here's to your success.
  9. joatsaint


    Hells NO! I didn't have to fight that temptation at all!
  10. joatsaint

    Almost 3 weeks post op

    Congrats on your success. Just a heads-up. When you hit the 3 week stall, don't let it get you down. Just hang in there, the weight will start falling again.
  11. joatsaint

    I need some advice..

    Sherra O.'s question was mine too, are you taking all your supplements. I start getting tired and weak when I skip my vitamins for too many days in a row.
  12. joatsaint

    How much time off work, desk job

    I've read posts saying they were back at work at 3 days post-op. I was off for 8 days including the weekends before returning to work. I was feeling kinda weak, but not in any pain. I have a desk job and don't really have to move around except to take bathroom breaks.
  13. My doc said it counts. Frozen popsicles count too!
  14. joatsaint

    No, I don't have cancer!

    Could be worse, if this were the 80's they'd think you had AIDS.
  15. joatsaint

    One day out, just got home!

    Welcome to the losers bench.
  16. joatsaint

    Protein Drinks

    I've been using Premier Protein chocolate shakes since last year. Never get tired of them.
  17. joatsaint

    4 days post-op with lots of ?s

    I don't believe I ever felt full for the 1st few months. I had to eat very carefully. Every bite, there was the chance that my stomach would feel like it was twisting in knots. I was only eating about 3/4 of a can of cream of mushroom Soup per day for weeks. I did start feeling "full" at some point, probably around the 4th month post-op. It really sneaks up on ya! I'll feel nothing at first ... and then, one bite more and I'm topped off. No more days of feeling the good old stretched out stomach full of food. Eating one bite too many is just plain uncomfortable. You will quickly learn to eat slowly and about how much you can eat before that full feeling happens.
  18. joatsaint

    What do you do instead of "Going out to dinner"?

    When I committed to weight loss surgery, I had thought long and hard about how it would change going out with my friends. We always eat out on Saturdays. I decided that nothing was going to change but my attitude towards food. My 1st restaurant meal post-surgery was just like any other, my friends heaped food on their plates and I heaped 3 or 4 tablespoon sized dollops of food on my plate - I wasn't even able to finish that much! :-P We made jokes about how little I could eat and how much per ounce this meal was costing me ( I paid full price for the buffet ). As far as I'm concerned, I'm there for the company, not the food. P.S. I live in a small town, pop. 10,000. Main street is 2 miles long and there are over 30 fast food restaurants in that stretch of pavement. Food is the only entertainment we have! Every business that has tried to provide entertainment shuts down pretty quick, no customers. Even the Library had to close - some guy checked out the book!
  19. startingoveryetagain, I wish I had an easy answer for you, but the truth is there is always going to be someone at work, in your life or that passes you on the street that going to make negative comments about you. No one is universally liked. There are people that make themselves feel better by disparaging others. If you work hard, you're a suckup. If you lose weight, you are vain or doing it the wrong way. If you don't work hard enough, you're a slacker and aren't pulling your weight around here. If you're working hard enough, then you're doing it wrong. I try to go with the flow, that some one is always going to have a comment about me. So I try to make them all equally unhappy! My motto is: I make everyone happy... sometimes by arriving... sometimes by leaving!
  20. joatsaint

    4 weeks post op & scale isn't decreasing

    I don't think you are off track. You are going through the dreaded 3 week stall. Losing 13 lbs a week for 2 weeks may have sent your body into starvation mode. Now it has to figure out this new lifestyle of yours. Once it figures out that you're not really starving, it will stop holding onto every calorie. The weight will start coming off if you just stick to your eating and exercise plan. It was a worrisome problem I had to learn to live with. I've gone through 8 or 9 stalls and it took a long time to learn that - as long as I kept doing what was working, it would start working again. The worst thing I could do was to start fiddling with my diet plan.
  21. NSV!!!! Jogged for the 1st time in 17 years!! :-)

    1. Brooklyn girl

      Brooklyn girl

      So happy for you, all that hard work has paid off!!!!

    2. Texasmeg
    3. BellaHugz


      Wonderful, go buddy go!!


    4. Show next comments  141 more
  22. joatsaint

    ways to doctor up your protein drinks

    Thanks for the ideas. chocolate premiere Protein : It was a little too thin for my taste, so I had some old chocolate replacement meal powder and mixed in 1 scoop. Tastes great and is thick enough now.
  23. In the interest of full disclosure, I have 3 weights. My highest weight. My pre-op diet starting weight. And my weight hours after surgery. I think they all count in one way or another.
  24. joatsaint

    cat calls

    Congrats on your NSV!
  25. joatsaint


    During my soft food stage, I was eating: creamy Peanut Butter, yogurt, cheese, soft scrambled eggs, salsa, refried Beans, cream of mushroom Soup and pureed turkey hamburger meat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
