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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joatsaint

  1. When I've eaten one bite too many, I feel a painful stretching sensation. And I can feel a poking sensation at the base of my throat - where Frankensleeve joins the throat. He really doesn't appreciate being overfull!
  2. joatsaint

    I wish I knew how to quit you, (fill in the blank)!

    My nemesis used to be the leftover part trays of deli sandwiches at my old job. Now my nemesis is the free Raisin Bran dispenser we have at work. But it's not really that hard to pass it by or at least really really limit how much I eat. An ounce or 2 is enough.
  3. joatsaint

    BBQ Sauce Recipe

    Hey guys, I was searching for a replacement for my favorite Kraft BBQ sauce (since it has sugar in it ) and I ran across this one. It had rave reviews and it tastes pretty good. I'll need to tweak it a few times to get that sweet/tangy flavor I like so much, but for a good low-carb BBQ sauce, this one works well. The best part was, I already had most of the ingredients on hand (you probably do too). 2 Tablespoons is 12 calories vs. 60 calories for the equivalent Kraft BBQ sauce. Indispensable Almost No Carb Barbecue Sauce This isn't a substitute for the "real thing," it's an improvement. It's so good the rest of the family gobbles it up and I have to keep making more. 3/8 cup vinegar 1 1/2 cup tomato sauce. (1 15 oz can) Don't buy a tomato sauce that has spices or flavorings in it! 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 1/2 tablespoon yellow hot dog mustard 3/4 tablespoon Franks Hot Sauce (the chicken wing sauce) 3/4 tablespoon salt (optional) 1 dash cayenne pepper. Go easy!!!! 3 teaspoons lemon juice 1 1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring 6 teaspoons Splenda or 18 drops of Liquid Splenda Add vinegar and all other ingredients except mustard to a sauce pan and slowly heat. Put mustard in a cup and slowly stir in a couple tablespoons of sauce until well blended. Then add mustard mixture back to sauce in pan. Bring to a boil, and lower heat. Let simmer for a few minutes. Let cool, then refrigerate. Note: this sauce will taste a bit peculiar if you taste it when it is still hot. Don't worry! Something magical happens when it sits in the fridge. Carbohydrates per Serving (1 tablespoon): Less than 1 gram. Half an ounce is 1 gm carbs, 6 calories. Source: http://www.phlaunt.com/lowcarb/19060001.php
  4. joatsaint

    BBQ Sauce Recipe

    The Splenda I use is the kind that comes in the big bags. I use heaping tsp spoonfuls. But if I only had the packets, I'd count each packet as 1 tsp. It's really hard to go wrong either way. If it's not sweet enough, you can alway add more splenda after cooking. It's all the other ingredients that really need to be heated and cooled to bring out the flavor.
  5. joatsaint

    Help me set my goal weight.

    I feel the same way about goal weights as you. I need something to shoot for. I'm 5'11" and was told to realistically expect to lose 80% of my excess weight. The day of surgery, I was 352lbs. My doc said he expected me to hit 235. But I easily reached that goal. So I set another - to get to 225. I reached that, and then went for 215, then 205. I'm hanging around 205 most weeks and it's very easy to stay at this weight. Now I'm considering putting in the effort to go for 199. I have a big psychological barrier to believe I can break 200lbs, but I'm working on it. So that was my strategy. I figured out how much excess weight I was carrying, expected to lose 80% of that. And reevaluated my goal once I reached it. Hope this helps.
  6. joatsaint

    9am Today !

    Good luck. You can do it!!! Here's to a new you. On the morning of my surgery, when I'd start feeling anxious, I'd take deep slow breaths and push the thoughts out of my head. I convinced myself that today was just like any other day and I was just hanging out with my friends. It worked for me, maybe it will help you as well.
  7. joatsaint

    BCBS Federal: share your experience!

    Here's a couple of threads that might be of help: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/315463-did-bcbs-federal-approve-protein-shakes-from-insure-nutrition/ http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/245925-how-long-for-bcbs-federal-approval/ http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/327914-bcbs-federal/ http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/138057-anynoe-have-bcbs-federal/
  8. joatsaint

    Day 1

    Congratulations on getting off to a good start. Stay focused on taking those small important steps. Keep doing what is right for you. You can do it. It will all be worth it in the end. It was for me.
  9. I am just the opposite. My gout stopped after VSG surgery. Do you think you can increase your liquid intake? I just finished watching a video where they recommend drinking enough Water to equal 1/2 your body weight daily. I know that sounds outrageous, but here's what they meant: If you weigh 200lbs, they recommend you drink 100 ounces of water (or liquids) per day. I know I don't drink 100 ounces per day, but I'm sure I get in more than 60 ozs per day and I don't suffer from gout. Even though at least 75% of my food is from beef/pork/chicken based Protein.
  10. I went through the same feelings and doubts you are having. I even backed out the 1st time I scheduled a doctor's consultation. A month later I had made up my mind to commit to surgery. For me, it boiled down to answering 2 questions: 1) Do I want to be in this situation or worse a year from now? 2) Is the pain of staying like I am worse than the pain of change? And you know my answers already. I committed to surgery and was willing to live with the consequences. And vowed not to regret my choice. After all, there was no going back, once 80% of my stomach was removed. So, no use regretting what can't be changed. :-) "The reason I am having doubts is because I am afraid I won't be able to have a normal life - I'm afraid I won't be able to go out to eat with my husband and eat normal (but smaller portion) foods." - Within a year, I was eating anything I wanted. Funny thing was, I no longer had a taste or desire for most of the flavors I used to love and crave. I still love steak, Pasta, rice, pizza... but I don't crave or "need" to eat any particular food anymore. I can be just as satisfied eating chicken breast as I would eating a rice and gravy. ( I was going to say "pizza" instead of rice & gravy, but even I don't believe that statement! But I can honestly say that I can pass on eating pizza without the slightest regret. ) I can eat at any restaurant without fear of not finding something I want. "I'm afraid I won't be able to get in enough Protein and I will lose a lot of hair. I'm afraid I will end up accidentally choosing the wrong food and getting sick all the time. I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy any of the foods I do now." - For the 1st few months, getting in the recommended protein levels can be a challenge... at least it was for me. I viewed my doctor's recommended protein levels as something to work towards. My only concern was staying hydrated [ which was not a problem, thanks to Crystal Light lemonade :-) ]... the rest would come with time and healing. - Hair loss can be a problem. I did not really notice it, but I have extra thick hair. I only noticed that it was a month longer between hair cuts. In 6 months, my hair was growing normally again. But I made sure protein came first in my diet - that might have made the difference. "I'm mostly afraid I will regret the surgery for the reasons I just listed and I will no longer be my happy self. I don't want to lose the weight but end up being unhappy." - I've found that I'm still me, 2 years later, maybe a bit more extroverted... okay a LOT more extroverted. And my whole way of thinking about food has changed. I used to "know" that I'd be hungry every 2 hours and have to plan for it. I'd get these cravings for pizza, cherrys, hamburgers, that would compel me to go out and get some before I could sleep. That's all gone. Food does not dominate my life anymore. I still eat out at buffet restaurants - I don't feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. I go to hang out with my friends, not for the food. - Once food was no longer the center of my life, I was in control. And it's a great feeling. Being the same size as my co-workers feels great. Not being embarrassed eating in front of others feels great. Eating a small piece of cake or some ice cream at a party - and not feeling like everyone is looking at me thinking, "Look at that fat pig, no wonder he's fat!". Being able to buy clothes that fit AND are the style I like is wonderful - I don't have to settle for what fits. "Today I am on day 4 of my 2 week liquid diet and I cheated this afternoon when I was having so many doubts. I had some chicken, so I'm hoping I didn't mess up too much to have my surgery. I haven't cheated at all other than this evening. " -I cheated on my pre-op diet too. But I limited my cheating to pure protein, no carbs at all!!!!! And I still lost 10lbs in 7 days. From experience, I know that low carb eating keeps my weight down. I just couldn't stick with it long term without the help of VSG surgery. "How long until I feel normal. " - I've never felt normal - pre or post surgery. So I can't answer that one. :-P - I hope this helps put you at ease. And watch my video below on my pre-op freak out and food funerals. That may help too.
  11. Congratulations on doing so well.
  12. I've only tried Isopure unflavored Protein powder - I like it. Just don't ever eat it by itself! It hardened like cement in my mouth the first time I tried to taste test it!
  13. My best friend asked my how eating out was going to change post-op. We had been eating out every Sat. night for years and we always went to buffet type places. I told him that nothing was going to change as far as I was concerned. I went out to eat with him for the company, not for the food. And as far as I was concerned, the $12 - $20 bucks I spent each week was nothing that would change my quality of life, so I didn't care about getting my money's worth. I wish I had taken a picture of my plate the 1st time I went to a restaurant post-op. I think I had 1 fajita chicken strip, 1 tablespoon of guacamole, 1 tablespoon of refried beans... and I couldn't finish all of it. Here's a before and after photo from last weeks trip to the buffet. . BEFORE: AFTER:
  14. joatsaint

    Stuck Feeling

    Chicken/steak does that to me too. My 1st 6 months, I had to whopper chop my chicken and mix it in with re-fried Beans - otherwise Frankensleeve would have a fit! Chicken in any form seems to be a very difficult food for many to readjust to after WLS. It still feels like a hard knot at the top of my stomach sometimes. I have been eating primarily pork loin as my Protein source for a long time. It doesn't seem to upset Frankensleeve and pork loin really takes on the seasoning and flavors - unlike chicken breast.
  15. When I get the old "man that would taste good" feeling, I go eat some Protein, till I'm full. Then and only then will I allow myself to eat the "goodie". The protein really fills me up, it gets my mind to associate protein with my food cravings (instead of carbs), and I don't have much room in Frankensleeve - so a bite or two of the bad stuff doesn't have a tremendous impact on me. Hang in there, you can do it. It takes time to work past old habits and cravings. Take small steps, do what feels right and you'll see the weight fall off.
  16. I've only tried 3 brands - Premier Protein, EAS and Muscle Milk. Premier chocolate was my favorite and I've stuck with it for almost 2 years. I like my shakes a little thicker, so I toss in a scoop of a powdered chocolate protein mix. It adds 10 grams of protein to my shake too.
  17. joatsaint

    freaking out!

    A little paranoia is good, but try not to let it paralyze your actions. It will keep you vigilant and on track. I know where you're coming from. I was afraid to transition from full liquids to purees - I was afraid I'd "break the magic" and my weight loss would stop. It takes some time to get used to the idea that the "magic" will continue. You don't have to be in a rush to transition to new foods. Take your time, and get comfortable with one food at a time. As to the cost, I've never bought any of the expensive name brand Vitamins, my doc said just buy a good one. I was taking the generic Sam's Club multi, but recently found that the mulit-vitamins with Whole Food extracts make me feel better all day - and they cost $25 for a months supply. The money I save on food more than covers that cost. Mexican food or any other foods - I would suggest that any foods you eat be as close to the "source" as possible. Meaning, buy them at the grocery store and cook them yourself. By doing that, I know approximately what and how much processing is/has been done to the food. At a restaurant or from a box, you don't know how much sugar/flower/msg or other additives you're eating. I try to get as much nutrition from my food as possible/per bite/per calorie. You can do it! Take one small step at a time. Make the choices that are important and feel right for you. Heck! Call your doctor or nutritionist and ask their opinion! If you have a local support group, goto a meeting and hear other stories and how they coped with their food issues. Keep reading the threads on Bariatricpal, there's a wealth of information. Someone on here has gone through anything you may experience. And, (blatant plug!) watch my Youtube videos. I've tried to go over some of the most common topics and questions I've found on the WLS boards. I believe in you. Now get back to it! And Keep Pimpin' that Sleeve!
  18. joatsaint

    freaking out!

    At 4 weeks out, this recipe was my primary food. I couldn't tolerate much else, so I was eating it for almost every meal. http://www.bariatricpal.com/blogs/entry/31168-my-favorite-mexican-food/
  19. joatsaint

    Frustrated Newbie

    I was told upfront about all the tests I would have to complete, and EKG and sleep study are very common, if not required by doctors and insurance companies. It sucks that they are blindsiding you with tests they knew you'd be required to take. One thing I did find out the hard way, the hospitals won't do surgery if your blood tests are more than 3 days old, at least in Texas. After letting them draw 9 vials of blood for the 1st round of tests, I find out 5 days before surgery that I had to do it all over again. I'm already nervous about needles, it didn't make it better having to drive 4 hours round trip to my hospital to repeat the blood work test.
  20. joatsaint

    TMI for the day!

    Did you take a picture? Did you call Guinness? Thanks for sharing. I've gone through the same thing, but was too afraid to share such a vivid description of what I went through! I've had to strain so hard that I was afraid I'd have an anurism and die on the toilet - like the constipated gangster in the TV series, The Sopranos. I had to train myself to relax my neck and face while on the toilet! I think you deserve an NSV award, just for surviving!!!!
  21. Congratulations! I would chalk that up as a PRE-OP NSV!!! No matter what happened yesterday, no matter what mistakes you feel you made, no matter what setbacks may have been dealt to you, no matter what obstacles you struggled with, today is a new day to start fresh, to return to your journey, to do what matters, to change what needs changing, to improve upon old habits, and to get better - as you are committed to doing every day. Stay strong and keep on pushing on...and never give up on what is important to you, even if yesterday it got further away from you. Pull it back towards you today. Stake your claim. Change your ways. Do what is right for YOU!
  22. joatsaint

    BBQ Sauce Recipe

    The funny part was, I found the Splenda brown sugar ... and guess what! It has the same calorie count as regular sugar! So if figured, why pay extra for Splenda brown sugar if it has real sugar in it anyway! And if you use real brown sugar (3 tsp) it only adds 45 calories to the total recipe.
  23. joatsaint

    Post-Surgery Depression

    I have had depression for years, waaaayyyyyy before surgery. It has not gotten any worse/better 2 years post-op. I am a little happier overall and my self-esteem is much much higher with the weight loss. But the 2 weeks right after surgery, I was pissed at the world an was ready to fight anyone and everyone - for no reason I can figure out! But, for everything I've gone though, it was sooooooo worth it to be released from the Fat Suit I was trapped in and to realize the dream of being a normal sized person. But you gotta be willing to commit to the necessary changes it will entail. I was a rock bottom before I committed to surgery. You are stronger than you think. You CAN make BIG changes. Imagine yourself a year from now. What chances will you regret not taking? What opportunities will you regret having turned down? Certain sacrifices are worth it. I wish upon you the wisdom to know which ones are right.
  24. joatsaint

    Stopped losing HELP!

    I find that even if I eat good carbs - like fruit or if I eat processed foods, I tend to stall out. I have to stick to pork/beef/chicken, that I cook myself and low glycemic vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, brussell sprouts, green beans, if I want to continue to lose weight. Even an extra apple a day is enough sugar to prevent me from losing weight.
  25. joatsaint

    Endoscopy -- what to expect

    When they put me under, it was literally like I blinked my eyes closed and open them again. It seemed to go that quick. Other than a little scratchiness in my throat - which I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been expecting it, everything went fine. I could have driven myself home if I had to. In 2 hours, it was like it never happened.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
