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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by joatsaint

  1. joatsaint

    I need love.

    She is not a Wh*re! She gives it away for free! That makes her an attention SL*T! :wub:
  2. 1. Do you look FORWARD to your meals and Snacks? I eat when I'm hungry now, don't really look forward to the "full" feeling or have a "taste" for anything in particular anymore - lovin' it. I use to get these overwhelming cravings for a certain taste (especially Whataburgers), they're gone now. 2. Do you ENJOY what you eat? I do enjoy what I eat and sometimes I still catch myself trying to eat just one more bite, but I know I'll be feeling bad if I do. It takes time to learn the new "full" signals. 3. Do you feel satisfied with the taste given how little you can actually eat? I do feel satisfied and I get a small thrill seeing how little I actually eat now. Although sometimes, I catch myself trying to finish that last bite - even though I'm full. I've learned to leave it on the plate. 4. Do you feel better the further out you get when you do get to eat a little more? Once my staple line swelling went down, I was able to increase my eating to about 4oz per meal, and did start feeling more "normal" after the 2nd week, but it wasn't until about week 6 that I was back at my old energy levels. 5. Do you feel the majority of sleevers can eat whatever they want, so long as the portion is right? I can only speak for myself. I have always been able to take or leave stuff like cakes and Cookies. Rice, Pasta and potatoes were (I almost wrote "are") my thing. But I can easily pass up most starches now. Although pasta triggers my hunger cravings and I have to stop myself from overeating and making myself sick. 6. How has your feelings or attitudes changed about food? Don't really care about food anymore. I have no "flavors" I desire. So I eat my own concoction of shredded grilled chicken, refried Beans, cheese and salsa almost every meal - for the past month. 7. Is there anything you really wish you could eat, that you can't? (And if so, do you get over that?) No, I am so happy with my restriction that I don't miss anything, no food cravings, nothing I miss. And there is no food that I couldn't eat at the 3rd or 4th week. It may cause some stomach upset, but if I eat it slowly, I can eat it if I want. However, I do miss being able to chug 16oz of icy cold Crystal Light. 8. Can you still eat spicy foods? (curries, peppers, etc) I eat salsa almost daily and I found this sweet/spicy dip made with Greek yogurt that I like - very warm. The thing that bothers my stomach the most is fibrous foods, like grape skins, bananas, apple peels, and pineapple.
  3. I've forgotten much of the weeks post op, but the one think I remember was the hiccups the day after surgery. I was off the pain meds and waiting to be released. I got the hiccups for about 10 minutes and stretched the staple line in my stomach, the pain was incredible. Then to make it worse, they gave me a liquid pain med that was so disgusting I almost threw up. Even the barium I drank for the leak test didn't taste so disgusting. The other thing I remember is having to sleep propped way up (inclined like a hospital bed) because laying flat or on my side, I could feel my stomach stretching and hurting. This only lasted for about 7 days. 7 weeks out, I am regularly waking up around 2am passing gas like a mad man. The quantity is quite impressive. The other thing is constipation. I only have BM's every other day because of the reduced food intake. And being mostly from Protein, it tends to bind me up.
  4. The number indicates how many times a minute you think about sex. I saw your number, you're naughty!
  5. joatsaint

    Can't Decide! So confused!

    My main deterrent to picking RNY was the rerouting of the intestines, increased chance of complications, food malabsorption, and that it is mandatory that you have to take Vitamin supplements for the rest of your life. It just sounded scary. The sleeve is much simpler, they just trim off part of the stomach. And it cured my nearly constant hunger caused by the stomach produce hormone, ghrelin. With the removal of the stomach, the amount of ghrelin produced is very limited. I haven't felt hunger since surgery. With RNY, the stomach is not removed, just bypassed, so it will continue to produce ghrelin at the same volume.
  6. joatsaint

    Help, am I full?

    I don't eat tomato soup, but I am told the acid from tomatoes is an irritant to your sleeve. That may be causing the stomach growling. I know that when my stomach doesn't like something, like today when I had a few grapes, my stomach started growling and I felt a few gas bubbles in the back of my throat. My full sensation is a bit of pressure at the bottom of my throat inside my chest. I start burping right before I get full as well.
  7. joatsaint

    Taste Bud Changes

    I was just the opposite, for about 5 weeks, food had to have a strong flavor before I could taste it. I had to double up on my Crystal Light powder to make it taste good. Things are back to normal now.
  8. joatsaint

    artificial sweeteners?

    My doc approved anything with no-cal sweeteners. Although my stomach likes diet drinks like Crystal Light, it does not play well with sucralose or alcohol sugars. You just have to test each one to see what your stomach likes. I don't know of any artificial sweetener that is considered safe. They scream about sugar, they scream about honey, they scream about every artificial sweetener. I figure I am doing more harm to my body every day by being fat as opposed to drinking artificial sweeteners every day.
  9. Welllll, looky looky who just got 5 stars, a like, and a new friend. (I know, it was evil, but I had to do it!)
  10. joatsaint

    Strained soup

    I just cut a small part of the lid with the can opener and let the fluid drain out, then put the rest in a Cool Whip container for later. Never did get around to eating the chunks though!
  11. GIRL FIGHT! Now ladies do it right! Break out the whipped cream, Jell-O, and kiddie pool. This sh*ts goin straight to Youtube!
  12. You got 5 now, pla-y-a pla-y-a.
  13. I only want one star, because "There can be only ONE!" - Highlander
  14. OH, Soooo now you're the hamburger nazi as well. Way to not judge people!
  15. Thank you for the stars. Now, can I borrow about three-fity? I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today.
  16. joatsaint

    1 month check up with my surgeon...answered questions

    Great post. Glad to see that you're looking at things in a positive light and taking action.
  17. Thank you for the stars, but you've just invalidated the whole point of your OP. Thanks for judging me.
  18. joatsaint

    An introduction of sorts

    "I think I'm more scared of this being taken away from me now more than anything." I think we've all had that moment, been fat so long, how will I adjust to the emotional and physical changes. But it will happen slowly, so there is time t get use to it. Good luck.
  19. You didn't mention which drinks you've tried. So I'm putting up my favorite, Crystal Light Lemonade. I've been drinking it for over 10 years, daily, and I've loved it since the 1st day - never got tired of the flavor.
  20. Man! Now I have to check my star ratings. I guess I'm just oblivious, never noticed a star rating on my profile. BRB....(insert Jeopardy music here) ...EEK! I got no stars, you're all just a bunch of HATERS!
  21. Is anyone as crazy as me? I jump on the scale pre and post poop to see the difference. It doesn't count on my "official" weight loss chart or anything. Or am I just being too OCD?
  22. joatsaint

    The great thread killer......

    Yes, diet Coke, the anti calorie drink. Carbs deadliest enemy. Why I know many a woman that has washed down a piece of chocolate cake with diet coke, knowing that one swallow of diet coke counteracts the calories in one slice of cake. Be sure to check out my new book - "Swallow Your Way to Thinness". P.S. Please check out my previous book - "Semen Cures Breast Cancer", over 1 million copies sold, to the same group of guys. I heard they pooled their money and are standing out front of Hooter's giving them away to the waitresses.
  23. joatsaint

    medical jewelry

    Badges! We don't need no stinking badges!!!
  24. joatsaint

    The great thread killer......

    You have crushed my wittle feelwings and you have pushed me over the edge (joatsaint says as he reaches for cheeseburger w/bacon and biggie fries!). Thanks to you I now haf mouful of carbs ant bacon!

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