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LAP-BAND Patients
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About KCQ

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/06/1979
  1. Happy 34th Birthday KCQ!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday KCQ!

  3. I have been gone since OH GEEZE LOL right after I got banded! I wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. I am down from 244 to 189(ish) I always go up and down one or 2 lbs before I settle to a lower weight and then I go up and down on that weight too. I am SO busy I have 18 month old twins and it is SO nice to run and play and just be acitve with them. My husband is loving my new body. I still have a while to go but I am getting there. We are thinking about going for baby #3 so we will see where that takes us. That is why I love the idea of the band you can safley have a baby and then pick right back up on your weight loss it is wonderful. Okay that is my update for you wonderful ladies I hope everyone is well and I am going to try to be on here but with the little ones running like crazy time just goes too fast! Take care! Kacey
  4. HEY everyone! I have been completly MIA since having my surgery on April 11!! I have one year old twins so life is always crazy! i'm down about 20lbs YAY! With no real help credited to the band. I was STARVING but I just kept making really good food choices and made it to my first fill. It did NOTHING. So he had me come back 2 days later and added more, still nothing I have a 10 whatever band and had 2.5 CC's in it. Well today I went back again and he says that he either missed my port last time or I might have a leak since there was only 1cc of saline in my band when he checked it today. So I got another fill today up to 2.5 cc's and he pulled it out to make sure it was there. I finally feel a little different. My protine shake actually filled my up for a little while so that was nice. I'm just praying that I stay full and that it is not a leak. Does anyone have any experience with bands leaking. My doc said it has never happend to one of his patients. I'm just going to be positive and pray that everything is fine! Oh and i'm such a bozo I fell of a planter box in my back yard last week and messed up my ankel so my new treadmill is turning into a clothes hanger! LOL! I hope that everyone is well!
  5. yeah I just made myself an 8oz protein shake with a bananna blended it all up drank it and now i'm very uncomfortable. too much at once I should have drank it 2 four ounce sittings. Oh well I learned! I go to the doc tomorrow I hope that he tells me I can have mushy foods that would be great!
  6. Hey everyone! I was banded on April 11th. Everything is going pretty good. I'm getting really hungary but I'm doing good and just drinking my liquids. I'm down 11 lbs already I know that it is alot of weight but I also know that it is level out soon, so I will take those 11lbs! I have my first post-op visit on Thursday hopefully I can have more food(liquid) choices then. I opted to leave the hospital. I was going to stay but felt really good (considering) so my doc. let me go home which was the BEST! I'm day 6 and moving around really really good. The only thing that is hard is that I have 1 year old twins and I can't pick them up- I have my cousin staying with me to take care of them so that is a life saver- But I really want to hold them! Take care everyone!
  7. Hey guys I keep reading people taling about sliming ( I think it is slime ing) What is that? I tried to do a search but i'm new to the boards and I don't really know my way around. Please tell me what that is?
  8. My doctor won't allow those type of carbs for 6 months! Yeah that is INSANE to me. So at 6 moths I can introduce 1 small potato a day OR 1 piece whole wheat bread. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean I don't think that I should be able to eat alot of carbs but 6 months. I will be talking to him on Thursday, hopefully he will have something better to say!
  9. I know it is hard. I thought that it would be easier for some reason. Maybe someone can give us some tips! I would love to get even just veggies and stuff. But i'm too scared. I did not have to do the 2 week diet before the surgery- I don't know how people do it! here is hoping we get advice!
  10. Okay so I have been reading all of the threads and i'm so happy to see that being hungry is normal. I was banded on April 11th. Everything went great but today has been a hungry day. I'm still just "eating" my liquids. But it is getting hard. I keep drinking and drinking to help me feel full. I don't even want anthing bad but while i'm eating my bowl of broth I dream that there is carrots in it! funny! Not anything but carrots! I guess I just really want to chew something. I did not know that I would be hungary untill my fills start that helps me feel better. I think that I can get my first fill at 4 weeks. I go on Thursday for my post-op appointment with my Dr. so he will have to tell me then when I get my fill- any advice to make it thru the beginning would be great! thanks everyone!
  11. Hey just wanted to say that I just found this site tonight and that my surgery is on April 11th!!! I'm very excited. I'm self pay so the process was quicker for me about 2 months! Add me to the list!!!!!
  12. Hey guys i'm new here and have my surgery set for April 11th. I'm really excited but really nervous too. My Doctor is Dr. Beltre and my surgery is at Florida Hospital Celebration- I went to my nutrition class today and it seems like it is going to be really hard but, I ready. I have the support of my husband and family so that is good. I can't wait to read about everyone and get better insite into what is getting ready to happen in my life.

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