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LAP-BAND Patients
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About decobooth

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 10/04/1959

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About Me

  • Biography
    Divorced, teacher, and mom of 3 girls aged 17, 14, and 14. Recieved my degree at age 38, 4 years after my divorce.
  • Interests
    I enjoy decorating and DIY, but spend the bulk of my time enjoying my daughters.
  • Occupation
    I teach 2nd grade.
  • State
  1. Happy 53rd Birthday decobooth!

  2. 7 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 7th Anniversary decobooth!

  3. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Welcome aboard Sinead and congrats to you on your banding! Im really recent too! What injections are you referring to?
  4. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Happy Birthday to you Leatha!!! And really! Congrats to the weight loss youve had to date!!! Great job! Gives me hope! Any plans to celebrate?Im 44 and hoping my 45 in October will give me cause to celebrate! Id like to think I've lost a ton by then, even tho it's only 3 months away. Hi DeLarla, thanks for the reply, but not really having the gassy feeling anymore, and now, since so many have replied to this with a two week scenario, I'm kind of wondering if NOT having the gassy feeling is normal now! Sheesh! Good idea about the soups too! Thanks! I'll try that! Love BOTH those kinds!
  5. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Leatha! Thats awesome about the 190!!!!! Good for you!!! I can hardly wait to get to that point! It will seem so all downhill from there, tho I know its still a one step at a time thing, for each and every pound! What are your stats, if you dont mind me asking? (before weight, date of op, and that)
  6. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Today is a wonderful day, I feel great! I didnt really expect to, as I was out ALL day yesterday, and feeling kinda bad last night, like the port was going to poke right through my skin! Dont know what that was all about, but it's gone now, so all's well! I saw my 17 year old in her debut performance with the local thater group as Sally in Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown last night and was just amazed at her talent, trying to be as objective as a doting mom can be, she was awesome! her lines were clear and well acted, her singing was top notch and loud, shes a tiny thing and can really boom that voice! So this is a good day, just swelled with pride now, no belly swelling from the op anymore! Leatha, I can hardly wait for the mushy stage now, really, my appetite is beginning to return, but not in the gorging way as before, I just want to crunch something, really! Ice is helping I guess, but Id prefer carrots actually! Janis, Ive cheated a couple of times with my soups, yesterday I had a wonderful (if not tiny) bowl of Zesty Zucchini and it had the veggies in it, but they were mushy and super soft, still, cheating! And right now, im having tomato soup again, its just more filling than broth and im already tired of broth only! My bad, I know!
  7. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Congrats Janis! Im really feeling a bit better now, one week later! The soreness now is isolated to mainly where the port is stitched under my skin, thats very sore, but the bloating and gas and constipation is really not bothering me too much anymore! Leatha, thank you for the heads up on the things youre drinking, i needed a little help in what to add to my diet, this ensure is NASTY! Im taking 2 flinstone vitamins a day, drinking water, juices, and broths, and i admit to drinking a bit of tomato soup last night, not on my diet plan, but it was so good, and i felt no side effects from it, but i didnt drink very much, just in case! Ive also been getting take out from the local chinese food place, egg drop soup! its a clear broth with a bit of egg in it, and i figured the protein would be good for me! Id like to find that "soup at hand", i will look tomorrow for it, and as for the pudding, i didnt know that was allowable! im not sure hed let me, actually, as he said clear liquids for two weeks! but milk is allowable, so go figure!? id love some pudding, and to be honest, id love some babyfood at this point! i have tasted some of the meat and veggie flavors, and with a tiny bit of salt, they are better than no food at all, which is my plight here for a few more days! ive lost 15 pounds since a week and 3 days ago, my op just at a week ago! skinniest ive ever seen my ankles! hahaha, HEY! its a start! hahaha
  8. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Thanks Tina! I'm taking it nice and easy, but I am walking more than I was, and I really do feel better just three days later! Actually, I feel great! Very weak, but I figure that's from not having eaten anything since last Tuesday, and I haven't had anything but juice, broth, and water, and a little coffee this morning. The Dr.'s office called me this morning to check up on me though, and the nurse said to buy some protein powder, and mix with 2% milk, and that will help that. So the Ensure is just a waste of money I guess! O well, I didnt really care for it that much anyway, though Im too cheap to let it go to waste completely! lol Maybe I can mix the protein powder with it! EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!! Doesn't that sound tempting? NOT! lol Leslie
  9. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Thanks Bailey for that advice, and I will try to, really! But one of the reasons for this measure was that I fractured three bones in my feet trying to walk to lose weight! It's like a "catch 22" in a way! But i can walk enough to get better, anyway! Thanks!
  10. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Thanks Penni and La_madam for the heads up on the fullness, I dont feel quite so bad about feeling so bad! lol Leslie
  11. decobooth

    Just banded, finally! Yahoooooo! But ouch!

    Congrats Debra! Hope all goes well for you! And I'll do my best to answer any and all q's you have as best I can! Donali, thank you for the heads up on the normality proclamation! I needed to hear that (ok, READ it)! Ive had a C section and dont remember it taking such a toll, but Im sure it did, as my twins are now nearly 15! Maybe Im just more a wuss in my older age! lol I think it mightve been more pain, but this proves equally as hard to get "up" from! And from reading yours and several other posters, I see I need to add info to the bottom of my posts! Thanks! Till I figure out how to make it permanent, heres the info: Leslie 260-ish? July 16, 2004 Dr. Curtis L. Mosier
  12. I was just banded Friday the 16th, and sore as I can be, feeling quite bloated, but happy it's done and hoping all I'm experiencing is normal. Anyone out there care to share your thoughts as to whether it is normal or not? I haven't had solid food since Tues, the 13th, liquids only, but I really am feeling bloated in my tum region, feeling like I need to burp but cant. Im drinking alot of water and juices, and ok, I had coffee this morning, but besides the soreness and bloating, I feel pretty good, no nausea, thank God! Im a happy camper!
  13. decobooth

    BCBS in MA approved me in 2 days.

    Thanks for your support Penni and congrats on your 40 lbs! Wow, in 2 months! That's awesome!
  14. decobooth

    BCBS in MA approved me in 2 days.

    Alrighty then! Now that's what I call fast! I just called the hospital, and told them basically what I just spouted off in my previous thread, and the head honcho assured me it was a contractual problem between the hospital and the insurance, and that my op will be done and taken care of! See? I guess squeaky wheel DOES get the grease!I still find it distasteful, though! Anyway, yipeeee! Come on, Juy 16th!
  15. decobooth

    BCBS in MA approved me in 2 days.

    That is truly wonderful! But I am about at my wit's end! I've waited eight months, not just on insurance, who has now pre-approved me, but on the original physician I was referred to to do the procedure, as he didnt take insurance, and now that I've finally got one who does, and am scheduled for July 16th, I get a call from the hospital this morning that BCBS of TX is only willing to pay$1200.00 of a $10,000.00 hospital bill! I'm so frustrated now, I'm livid! Well, I've never been one to be loud and obnoxious, I find that distasteful, but I didn't ASK to have this done, my primary doc TOLD me to, or I wouldn't be around to see my grandkids! So the insurance company has no idea just how loud this little 5'2" single-mom-of three-teen-daughters fat woman can get! I have worked and paid into insurance for 30 years this year, I have voted every time those polls were open, I have always supported myself and my children, and Im fighting mad now! I have no idea what recourse I have, but I will pursue this till I get something done! Any ideas out there? Please?

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