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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Chazmataz

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday October 9

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  1. I also had a revision on 11/16 from the band to the serve and so far I like it so much better. My biggest fear to date is losing my hair. I'm religious about my Vitamins and making sure I get my Protein in. It's hard because it's hard to eat in that I'm never hungry. But in down about 21lbs and super excited about the future. You'll do great. Wishing all the best of luck.
  2. Chazmataz


    I live in Houston but had my surgery in Richardson at the Nicholson Clinic with Dr Carlton. I loved him, he was awesome. I was sleeved on the 16th of November and so far I'm very happy with the results.
  3. Chazmataz

    November Sleevers

    I had a revision done on the 16th from the band to the sleeve. So far I'm very happy with it. Wish I had done it sooner. Age 41 HT - 5'6 HW - 270 SW - 243 CW - 226 I'm having trouble getting all my Protein in but continue to sip away. I can't wait to get under 200, I haven't seen that number in at least 15yrs. I went to happy hour the other day with some friends. They don't know about my surgery, and it dawned on me how much food plays a part in my life. They all kept offering me food and wondering why I wasn't drinking. Can't I be on a diet people, why is everything all about socializing with food and drink? It's frustrating.
  4. I had my gastric band revision last Monday the 16th. They removed lap-band thank god, that was a huge mistake. So glad to have that stupid thing out of my body. Feeling ok each day is getting better. I'm anxious to start soft food. Been doing liquid and Protein shakes. Stats: Age - 41 Highest - 270 Lost 30 with lap-band Surgery weight - 238 Current weight - 228 First goal is to fit into size 10 jeans. I gauge my success not so much on the scale but on how I look in my clothes. I've always weighed more on the scale than I think I look so if I went by just the scale id be so depressed.
  5. Chazmataz

    3 months and 50 lbs!

    Congratulations on your weight loss. What app is that you are using?
  6. Chazmataz

    Almost one month post op

    Thanks everyone excited for what next month will bring.
  7. Hello everybody I wanted to share with you my one-month progress pics. The before images on the left is three days post op and then on the right I took this morning. I'm actually very proud of the progress I'm making, I'm down almost 20 pounds post op and I just had my first bill last Tuesday. I have 4.6cc in my band and I'm going every two weeks for my fill and to check on my progress, trying to achieve the green zone. I'm very excited about my journey and I wish everyone all the best, I think being banded was one of the best decisions I ever made.
  8. And I have no restriction any more and because of that I found I can eat everything I ate before the surgery which has caused my temptations to resurface and I'm finding it hard to stay on track. I'm only down 14lbs and had expected to lose more by now. Is that realistic? My first fill is Tuesday and I'm hoping it will make a difference as feeling that restriction I fear is the only thing that's going to keep me on track.
  9. Chazmataz

    Where's everyone from?

    From Bellefontaine OH but live in Katy TX just West of Houston
  10. Chazmataz

    Summer Challenge-June!

    Name, real or screen~ Chasity Goal weight for June 30th~ 240 Weight on June 1st~ 257 Age~ 38 Dietary goal for June~ drink more water - no alcohol Exercise goal for June~ continue walking daily Personal goal for June~ be patient Date banded~ May 24, 2013 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 13lbs Favorite Summer Activity~ being on the boat
  11. Chazmataz

    May banders!

    Yeah I called the dr and they said that feeling was normal and to not push myself too soon on the solid food front. I'm kind of stubborn sometimes and I'm not advising it by any means. We're here to learn from others successes and mistakes right? Well big mistake. Every day gets a little easier and I have to keep reminding myself to give myself time to adjust and be patient. I hope to lose another 98lbs but would be happy with 60lbs at this point. I have many short term goals to meet before reaching my utlimate goal. One lb at a time.
  12. Chazmataz

    Katy bandsters??

    So far it's been good, the first few days I was really sore, which is too be expected, but I was back at work the following Tuesday. i did have to take lots of breaks because sitting too long started to hurt and the gas build up was still pretty bad. I'm not hungry at all but I do find my body craving Protein so I have to be sure and get my shakes in and yesterday gave in and had some chicken breast at lunch and paid for it dearly. I was in a lot of pain and think it was just too soon. Thought I could handle it since I ate really slow and chewed very well. But I think I'm still healing and please learn from my mistake. Take your time and listen to you body. It's weird to go throughout the day and not constantly think about food and what I'm going to eat next. Good luck on your journey, this site is great.
  13. Chazmataz

    May banders!

    So it's been a week, pain is so much better. I'm back at work and adjusting. I do have a question. When I bend over I can feel tightness, like my stomach is hard and feels like it's in my chest. Anyone else feel this? I also made the mistake of eating a little bit of chicken breast yesterday at lunch and even though I chewed it well and ate slow I felt horrible for 5 hours. I hope I didn't screw anything up. As of this morning I'm down 12lbs!!
  14. Chazmataz

    Katy bandsters??

    I live in Katy, was banded May 24th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
