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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by isabelle290

  1. isabelle290

    Non Supportive Family

    Hi there, I am getting banded next Wednesday, (OMG), and I decided to tell my family and friends. At first, my family was concerned, but after sharing the research with them they were fine. My friends and coworkers, however, I wish I had never told. They have been very judgemental towards me. The skinny friends say I should be able to do it by eating less (ok- obviously that doesn't work) and my overweight friends seem to be almost threatned by me having surgery. At some point, you have to do what is right for you and not worry about everyone else's opinion. We have all spend enough time suffering from our weight issues and know when the time is right to get banded. You will do great!!!!!:cool:
  2. isabelle290

    Leg cramps - super painful!!

    I have those too and I have found if I point my toe when they start, the pain will stop.
  3. isabelle290

    Health Care is not as bad as some may think

    Have you ever looked over teacher insurance? It is horrible and I pay a fortune for premiums and they cover nothing (which means I am paying for my own lapband).
  4. Just to add to the fun. My co-worker dragged me to one of those "toy" parties recently and they told us that if the man drinks pineapple juice about an hour before hand,:biggrin1: it will sweeten the taste. Not sure if it adds calories though, lol.
  5. isabelle290

    How is recovery?

    Hey there! A close friend of mine just had the band and she started taking GASX a week before surgery each night. She also walked lots after surgery and said she had really no problems at all. I thought that might help you prepare. I hope all goes well!
  6. isabelle290

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello everyone! My date is July 12! So glad to join the Lucky 7's! :heh:
  7. isabelle290

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    Ok, I am thinking of sticking to soup at lunch! (lol) I can just see myself doing something like that- PB in front of the staff. I know I will struggle with all those back to school luncheons they have for us when school starts back. Do you just avoid them altogether?
  8. I am getting ready to start my pre-op diet soon. Anyone that would like to share- how much did you lose at first with the pre-op post op diet? Did you lose a lot being on liquids all that time? Just would like to know what to expect. Thanks!
  9. isabelle290

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    Wow! You teach into June:)! I'm from Texas and we have been out for two weeks. Of course, we go back in August. I am getting banded this July. I really can't wait. I have been worried too about eating in the breakroom next year and having issues. Luckily, someone on my team has had gastric bypass, and she is already so supportive. Ok, I have a question- Has anyone every PB or threw up in front of their kids? I am worried that will happen to me because I already have a weak stomach. It is great listening to all of your stories. I can't wait to share mine!
  10. isabelle290

    Denied for only being on 1 med

    I know exactly how you feel. My insurance gave me the run around and didn't end up covering me, even after two 6 mo. diets. The best thing to do is to ask your ins. to send you a copy of everything that is covered and everything that is not. Half the the time, the people working on your claims deal with so many policies, they don't know what they are talking about anyway. I heard in the next few years, all band surgery will be required to be covered. In the meantime, the ins. companies try everything they can to save a buck and not cover us! Apperently they could care less about our health! :girl_hug:
  11. isabelle290

    my introduction

    Hi there! I am sorry you are feeling so down! Are there any support groups in your area? Maybe that could help if you had someone to talk to about your issues. I hope things start to look better for you- We are always here to support you!:girl_hug:
  12. isabelle290

    Dr. Kuri Mexico

    I am going to Mexico, too- only with Dr. Rodriguez. I wish you the best! I researched Dr. Kuri too and he seemed great, as well. Good luck- Let us know your progress!!!
  13. isabelle290

    14 days till the big day!

    My date is now July 13. Tell us how it goes! I know you will do great!!!!!!
  14. isabelle290


    I couldn't agree more. If it is the "easy" way out then why hasn't there been a law passed to stop insurance companies from not covering the surgery.
  15. Thanks for the advice. I have one more month till banded. Did you ever end up telling your frined you had the band? That is so amazing to go to eating whatever you want to not even being able to eat a piece of bread! Hope you are feeling better!
  16. I have gone through the same experience when I told friends. You will reach a point when you know this is right for you and no matter what anyone else says, you will move forward and make this positive change in your life. Remember that 98% of people are successful with the band, so the odds are in your favor! Keep a positive attitude and do what is best for you. All those people making the comments don't have to live with the extra weight and saddness it brings. Good Luck!!!
  17. isabelle290

    Ouch. (TMI)

    I hope all gets healed before your surgery date. I know you must have been in agony, but the way you told the story gave me a great laugh! Thanks:)
  18. isabelle290


    Would Gas-X help or I am just destined to face this problem when I get my band next month? What we do to look good and be happy!!!
  19. Thanks for the insight! I will be banded in a month and it does make me realize how much work I have ahead of me. It helps to hear others stories!
  20. isabelle290

    Lap band fills mexican surgery (DFW Area)

    search for -The Bariatric. When you enter the sight go to forum. Dr. R's staff has made a section just for fill doctors in the US by city/ state that will take all patients from Mexico. Congrats on the baby!
  21. isabelle290

    My best friend dies and I can't stop eating

    I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I hope you can find someone close to support you. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I will be sending positive thoughts your way!:welldoneclap:
  22. isabelle290

    Lets Chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope your daughter and son are going to be ok. Hugs!:welldoneclap:
  23. My doctor doesn't recommend drinking alcoholic beverages at all with the band. I have read that some people can if they take antacids. I'm not a huge drinker, but sometimes go out with co-workers and was wondering if it will destroy my band if I were to have a drink once in awhile. (I am set for the band in early July). Anyone know?
  24. I just got some great advice from a recent bandster. She started taking Gas-X a week before her surgery every day. Then continued to take it after surgery along with walking. She said she has had no discomfort except for a little soreness. I hope your surgery and recovery go great!
  25. isabelle290

    I need reassurance, please!!

    I am going to Mexico too for surgery. What really has helped me is talking to former patients and being able to ask them questions I had. Most good doctors will give you references (or it's on their websites). I feel like you, a little nervous. At the same time, I am so happy I found my doctor and know this is right for me. I couldn't agree with you more about some of the doctors here who seem to just want your money. Keep us posted on how you do!!!

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