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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

  1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food log?

    Was not*
  2. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡


    Could be dehydration/low electrolytes. Have you tried Powerade Zero/SF Gatorade type drinks when it happens?
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food log?

    I use https://www.baritastic.com/ I used MFP for years and I didn't like how it was tailored for lower calorie intakes/wls patients. https://www.baritastic.com/ is geared solely towards weight loss surgery patients, so I feel like it's more user friendly for me.
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    November Launch!

    Congrats! Which surgeon did you go with? I remember you were asking about Advent and TGH, and maybe another.
  5. He's trolling. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  6. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    what surprised you?

    Sometimes restriction takes a bit of time to feel. Due to cut nerves. But I get what you're saying. For me, it depends on the foods that I eat, some offer more restriction than others. Like grilled chicken, denser proteins offer more restriction than say, Greek yogurt or crockpot shredded chicken. The bypass is just a tool, and it will not do all of the work for us, which I have to be mindful of now because when I had a lap band, that thing was so restrictive that almost everything got stuck and felt dense. So when you can, choose denser proteins and weigh/measure your food so your stomach and brain learns what your new "full" feels like. I didn't lose my hunger either like a lot of people do. And I work out and lift weights and that has always made me hungrier, especially when I started weights again at 6 weeks post op. I never experienced nausea, but I know acid can cause nausea. Are you on an acid reducer?
  7. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    what surprised you?

    I guess since I'm a revision, Band to Bypass the only thing that surprised me is how natural Bypass feels. After having a torture device (Lap Band) for about 7 years, this feels so completely natural. I've had no food intolerances. Fried foods smell gross, that's the only thing that I've noticed. Like when you park at Publix, and you're walking inside and the deli is frying chicken and that smell is permeating the parking lot... 🤢 As for medication, I take my normal meds and vitamin in the morning with my proffee and then I have an alarm set on my phone for my calcium. Noon and 4 pm. I carry some calcium in my purse in case I'm not home. It's just part of wls that I committed to, so it's no big deal to me. And that's the extent of my meds for the day. Very doable, imo.
  8. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Awful doctor experience

    Yeah seek out second opinions! My surgeon and her entire team is amazing. So don't let this one bad experience dictate the future of your health. There's wonderful, caring and compassionate surgeons/providers out there. So don't give up! Your health and happiness is worth it. Best wishes!
  9. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Where’s my Butt??

    So sorry you lost your butt, lol I'm on my way to losing my butt. It's quite weird. I never thought this would happen to me, but it's okay, fat burning is a good thing, and I can't wait until I can build muscle back! 🏋️‍♀️
  10. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Low folate, iron deficient anemia…

    I got my Lap Band almost ten years ago, and I can't remember if they did pre op blood work and if they did what the results were. I'm almost three months post op revision Bypass now and this surgeon did do pre op blood work, but it was all normal. I've been on continual vitamins/calcium for nearly ten years, so that's probably part of the reason my labs were normal. It's not uncommon for obese people to be malnourished/have low vitamins & mineral levels. If you think about it, for most obese people, the choices that they make/made is part of the reason that gets a lot of us to wls. Fast food, pizza, burgers for the most part has very little nourishment as far as vitamins/minerals go (besides carbs, lol). I'm sure your team will get your levels up to normal before you have your surgery. As a matter of fact, after my pre op labs came back, even tho they were normal, I was started on chewable bariatric vitamins. It was standard protocol for pre op patients. So don't fret, you'll be fine! Best wishes!
  11. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Someone please read this

    This is the exact thing that caused the band to damage my esophagus. I now have permanent esophageal damage because the lap band was so unnatural and damaging. For the life of me, I do not understand why surgeons are still placing lap bands. They pose more harm than good imo. If you're having difficulties with your band, consider a revision! There's better options available now. My bypass feels sooo natural compared to the lap band. I hope this resolves for you soon. Best wishes.
  12. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    liking this lol

    Haha you lil cubby! Best wishes on the relationship or potential relationship!
  13. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Olay friends, I'm out of meal ideas and I need more protein

    If you don't care for the texture of "regular" oatmeal, have you ever tried steel cut oats? They're not mushy at all and have a lot more texture and "chew" to them. They're my favorite. You can get them in bulk at Sprout's, so you can buy a small amount just to try to see if you like them.
  14. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    liking this lol

    That's awesome! Now finish the story... give us the juicy details! Did you call all of the ladies who gave you their numbers? 😂
  15. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    I did it just in time for my 40th birthday!

    What a wonderful gift that you've given to yourself for your 40th birthday! The gift of a healthy, abundant life! Congrats on the new, healthier you! 🤗 And happy birthday! 🎉 🎈
  16. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡


    My multivitamin is $27 for a three month supply. My calcium citrate is $12 I think? There's 500 in the bottle, from Costco, so that's a little more than a six month supply for me. Vitamin costs can vary greatly. And as you get further out post op, and get your vitamin/mineral levels checked, the vitamins/supplements that you take can change, depending on what your lab results, so expect a possible change in what supplements you will take and costs to change. My surgeon doesn't recommend the vitamin patches. So I can't comment about those. I'd ask your dietician about the applesauce. Not sure about that. I was on chewable vitamins early post op and had no trouble transitioning to the capsules.
  17. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    First Week Post Op Nerves Are Shot

    I was going to comment about not being able to absorb more than 25 - 35 grams of protein at one time, but catwoman beat me to it. I would say the best thing now is for you to rest a lot so you can heal. Try to ease your anxiety and just relax and allow your body to heal. Walk when you can, inside and/or outside, but also rest and just track your protein and water. The first two weeks, I drove to a lot of places and just walked. Like Costco, the mall, etc. I live in an extremely hot environment and sweating when I'm trying to get every drop of fluid in is counterproductive, imo. Then after two weeks I went back to the gym for cardio only, then at six weeks I was okayed for resistance training. I recovered alone. I did fine. Family would stop by or come help when I asked them to, but they didn't hover at all. I used a binder for about ten days to minimize discomfort when I got up, walked or slept. Learn the log roll technique to help get out of bed, so you don't need assistance. If your family is driving you crazy, send them home. You need a calm environment to recover in. Call them for help if you do need them but let them know when you want to be alone again. Just follow your teams recommendations and take your families advice with a grain of salt. Your team specializes in bariatrics for good reason. As you said, your family have never been obese, or had bariatric surgery, so what do they know? :x
  18. Hmm. I don't have any protein shake recipes, per say, because I don't like protein powders. I only drink Fairlife protein shakes. And I do add a strong shot of coffee to a whole shake. For instance, my favorite is salted caramel Fairlife. I use the reuseable Keurig pods. I fill the pod to the top with Dunkin ground coffee, and brew it on the strong setting and only 4 oz. Usually I drink it iced. Then I add sugar free Skinny Syrup in the flavor Salted Caramel. I do the same thing with Vanilla Fairlife and add Pumpkin Spice syrup. I've done this with Chai as well. I added a sprinkle of cinnamon and some sugar free Skinny Syrup in vanilla flavor. I do the same with strawberry Fairlife and use Strawberry Skinny syrup, and the same with chocolate Fairlife... I tried to add unflavored protein powder to jello. I couldn't eat it, it was so disgusting to me. And I'm not super picky. So I never got around to trying it in pudding, but a lot do that. As far as the frozen fruit added to the lean shake with honey... there's sugar free keto honey substitutes. It's about half the calories of honey but still has about 11 carbs per tablespoon. You should ask your dietician about what will be acceptable for after surgery. Every surgeon seems to vary. My team wouldn't want me to add the frozen fruit or honey. That's why I use the skinny syurps. Lots of flavor, without calories or carbs. I mostly drink the Walmart brand Crystal Light sticks in my water. Blackberry Lemonade is my favorite. I never seem to get tired of those. I've drank them for probably 16 years now.
  19. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Nausea, Puking and Other - 11 days post op

    I agree with what Tomo said. Also, if you're vomiting that much and have a rapid heartbeat, you could be dehydrated, and that needs to be addressed now, if that's the case. Dehydration can make nausea worse. How's your urine output? Is it decreased in volume, is your urine dark? It's worth putting in a call to your surgeon so that they can decide if you need to go to the ER for IV fluids, and to get meds for the nausea. I hope you feel better soon! Best wishes!
  20. You're welcome! 🤗 I got my band in 2013, and within a year or so I hit my lowest weight and I got stuck about ten pounds above that number. For years I was stuck. I gained about another ten back after GERD, and I thought that I wouldn't be able to lose anymore weight either. But it's coming off. And as far as not feeling restriction... I feel/felt the same way, but this week I started eating grilled chicken again for the first time since before the revision, and now I feel soooo much restriction. My surgeon told me that I have some nerve damage from the band and that's why I wasn't feeling restriction. But I can definitely feel it now as I'm able to eat denser proteins. Previously I was still eating a lot of chicken that I made in the crockpot, so it was a softer consistency. I think you will notice more restriction once you're fully healed. You're early out still. Give it some time and just follow your surgeons eating plan and track your protein and water. You got this! Best wishes!
  21. I had band to bypass revision on July 19, for GERD. There's plenty of people on here who have revised to bypass that lost additional weight and are now at a normal or near normal BMI. So I don't understand why your doctor said that. But I do understand everyones medical situation is unique. But don't give up yet, because you're still early in the game. The first month or so I felt similar to you. Wasn't losing much at all and wondering if I would lose. This was a fear of mine since I made the decision to revise. I'm eight weeks out now and I've lost thirty-five pounds. Not as fast of weight loss as those with a virgin bypass or those with a higher BMI, but I am still losing. So just follow your program and wait until you're fully healed and then you will probably see more pounds coming off. One thing I will add, when the scale wasn't moving in the first month, I was definitely losing inches. Have you noticed your clothes getting bigger? Because that's still a loss. The scale will catch up.
  22. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Sleeve to bypass hopefully

    This is why I've said to people who opt for the sleeve and say they never would get a bypass to think twice about it. If you end up with GERD you sort of have no choice except to revise to bypass (if you want a decent quality of life free of GERD) it's just something to think about. If you absolutely are deadset against ever getting a bypass, then think hard about getting a sleeve as well. There's no guarantee that you won't end up with GERD... and revision to bypass.
  23. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    A newbie 17 days post op

    @Hazel40 Hi! And welcome to the forums, and congrats on your surgery and the beginning of a successful weight loss journey! 🤗 Best wishes!
  24. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Just curious

    The macros for post wls diet and keto are different. For post wls surgery, the dominant macro is protein. The moderate macro is fat and minimal macro is carbs. For Keto diet, the dominant macro is fats, the moderate macro is protein and the minimal macro is carbs. You have to stick to the macros in order to stay in ketosis. It can be a slippery slope. I think a lot of people call "low carb" diet keto. They're not the same. You can do a low carb diet, by only changing the amount of carbs. If you do keto, you have to change your protein and fat macros as well. Keto isn't really sustainable, that's why it's often considered a fad diet. It's often used for short periods, not really long term. Keto when done long term can eventually do harm to your metabolism, cause kidney stones and other issues.
  25. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    How to manage menstrual pain post surgery?

    These days you have to pretty much go see Pain Management doctors in order to get narcotics like hydrocodone or at the ER with something super obvious that would require a narcotic, like a broken bone or something diagnosable via imaging. I think you'd do better addressing future pain needs or back pain with your primary doctor. Urgent care doctors won't prescribe narcotics because of narcotic abuse and because some people fake injuries and doctor shop for narcotics. So check with your primary doctor, and be willing to try whatever prescription they give you, it'll be something like Tramadol probably, and if it doesn't work, report back. And they will most likely try something else.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
