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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by melly2513

  1. Hi Christy, I'm in Bradenton and I could use some help/support, too. How are you doing since your last post? Pam
  2. melly2513

    St. Pete/Bradenton/Sarasota area?

    Hi happymomo, I haven't been back to this forum for awhile. I was banded in June of 2013 and have to admit I'm struggling in a major way. I hope you've found some success since this post in October. I also had the "where do I go from here" feeling.
  3. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Kim, I have kept away from the boards for a long time. I am completely frustrated and demoralized!! I am going nowhere. I've hardly fluctuated from my presurgery weight of 218. I've been yo-yoing since the surgery. I NEED HELP! I wish people on the board would post examples of what they eat during the day. My problem, I think, is that I am eating (or grazing) all day. Arrgh!
  4. melly2513

    St. Pete/Bradenton/Sarasota area?

    I just called, too! I was looking forward to it, also. I went on a 3 day cruise this past weekend and while I did better than I have in the past, I still came home on the + side. Ugh.
  5. melly2513

    St. Pete/Bradenton/Sarasota area?

    Hi all, It's been a long time since I got on here. I've been struggling in a major way and have been stuck at the same weight for awhile now. I think I've finally got things going in the right direction. Last Thursday, I went to a support group at Dr Bunch's office. They meet every 3rd Thursday of the month.
  6. melly2513

    St. Pete/Bradenton/Sarasota area?

    I used a Nutribullet and blended lots of food. Staples were: applesauce with unflavored Protein powder, refried Beans, hummus, cream of wheat, yogurts and cottage cheese. Campbell's makes some awesome Soups - I think they're "kettle style". I liked the tomato bisque (I think that's what it's called) and the mushroom (I blended that one). Oooh, also, mashed potatoes.
  7. melly2513

    St. Pete/Bradenton/Sarasota area?

    Hi, I'm from Bradenton, too. Dr. Bunch did my surgery at Blake on June 14th. I had a very easy experience and was doing well until I got to the hungry/eat solid food stage! I'm having a hard time eating right. Dr. Bunch-ers: I don't really feel like I have clear guidelines on what I should be eating now, calorie limit, etc. Do you? I was supposed to go in for a fill tomorrow, but I had to reschedule for next week. I was also told that the support group would be starting back up again. I'm really looking forward to that. Pam
  8. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Same for me Solson8201. I am having a hard time not eating between meals. I am also finding myself fighting the urge to eat quickly. Former teacher habit (and subconscious trick to be able to eat more of the yummy bad-for-you food that got me here in the first place). I've been on vacation for the past two weeks. We'd often find ourselves out around a meal time. I tried to be as good as I could. I had a really, really hard time not drinking during the meal. Somehow, I managed to miss seeing the "don't drink 1 hr before or after a meal" instructions from my doctor. Oops. Started that today.
  9. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    After reading the latest discussion in this thread, I've decided to stop stepping on the scale every two minutes! I enjoyed watching the "needle" drop down, but agree with the others - I've worked too hard to watch it inch back up. Even though I'm on full liquids, I'm eating a more varied diet than pre-op, so it figures I'd probably gain a bit. My dr told me to only step on the scale once every two weeks. That was really meant for when we start getting the fills, but.... I'm doing better in the mood department. My husband and I agreed that we need to scale back the "inviting people over to eat" thing until I'm eating real food. I still can't wait to eat some real food. Never thought I'd miss chewing this much!!!!
  10. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Had my first real hard day today. We had friends over for lunch and then had a crazy afternoon and ended up ordering pizza for kids and husband. Pizza is my all time favorite. I had protein drinks and soup. I just stress-ate some sugar free jello. Ugh. First time I wished I could just forget everything and eat. But, I guess that's what got me "here" in the first place, eh? Feeling pretty low today, I guess.
  11. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Hi all - I've been MIA for a bit. This recovery has been harder than I thought. My follow up appt was supposed to be on Tuesday, but I had a concern about one of my incisions (the port) and so I went in today. Everything is fine. Phew. I'm also having trouble with nausea. I found out it's the pain meds. With so much going on - incisions, band, not eating, meds, I wasn't sure what was going on. Dr told me to switch to ibuprofen. Much happier with that. I'm dying to eat real food. After two weeks of a liquid diet, two MORE weeks of liquid is killing me. Thanks for the vent.....
  12. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    I'm having a hard day, too. More pain than anything else. Don't know if it's gas pain or surgery pain. I don't know if I overdid things yesterday or not. I was told that I should have 2 protein drinks a day + "anything through a straw". I have been taking pain meds, but thought I was doing better and could cut them out. I wish I could take one now, but I have to go and pick up kids and the meds make me very loopy. I also think I'm fighting a cold (unless congestion/drainage) is part of the recuperation process. Coughing and sneezing just about kill me!
  13. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Surgery went well. I was supposed to have the surgery at 9, but it didn't happen until almost 11. 4 hours total with nothing to do - boring! My husband was there, but he had to drop kids off at day camps. Pain is getting less and less. I needed my husband to help me get out of bed this morning! Haven't eaten much today, Water, Boost for Breakfast, and 5oz of yogurt so far. I'm scared about overeating (especially at the beginning). I put some unflavored Protein powder in the yogurt. I think meeting up somewhere would be fun!
  14. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Checking in - Surgery went well. I am majorly sore right now, but it this is the worst of it, I'm okay with that. Am home and happy for that. Took some pain med and zonked out for 3 hours. No shoulder pain, but I don't think Im past that hurdle yet.
  15. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    So, three of us tomorrow, right? Good luck to us all. So glad to hear that the other that have gone in the past week are doing well. Love to hear the "easy" recovery stories! Wishing easy recoveries for all of us! I'm just anxious to get started. I want to get past the "anything through a straw" phase and mushy food phase. Ready for the journey to begin.
  16. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Good luck to all who have their sugery tomorrow!
  17. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    My pre-op and weigh in went well, too. I'm getting excited for Friday. Guess there'll be a lot of sore abdomens in SW Florida on Friday!! LOL
  18. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Good luck!
  19. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Is the vanilla powder a Protein Powder? What brand is it? I just got a nutribullet for the liquid/mushy stage.
  20. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Indiab - Friday seems to be a big day around here! Glad your pre-op went well. Good luck on Friday (my surgery day, too).
  21. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Sorry guys, I didn't like my username - FLlapbandmom. Changed it to MyFitnessPal name - melly2513.
  22. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    I haven't used My Fitness Pal for awhile, but I guess I'd better get back on it! I'd love to keep up on that, too. Did you figure out how to do it without email?
  23. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    I know it must be a bit tough. I always have a let down after the event I've anticipated has come and gone. That plus "this is now real" must be hard. Just imagine a room full of us cheering you on! We've all made courageous decisions, I think. We should be applauded for our determination!
  24. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    I'm in Bradenton.
  25. melly2513

    Early june 2013 banders?

    Cooking dinner for the kids is the worst!

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