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Everything posted by margretr
Hi Everyone, I hadn't planned on checking in for a while, then I learned of a rumor floating around about Dr. Lopez in Tijuana. I know some of you have commented that in the past the aftercare service was not up to your standards and that some of you have had problems with healing, acid reflux, even rejection. The ones who have had to endure these problems are good people I'm sure. Sometimes in the stress of living through it, venting is a healthy part of the recovery process. I want to encourage those who are venting to keep commentary honest and accurate. Since I have been a patient with Dr. Lopez, there have been staff changes surgery center changes and policy changes, all of which were set into motion to correct the very concerns of those who've had experiences not up to their standards/expectations. My thought is that if Dr. Lopez responded to these concerns by being pro-active and made necessary changes, does that not show he is concerned? Does that not show he cares about his reputation? Does that not show he cares about his patients? Change is often made to improve the outcomes of things. Is change some sort of admission of wrong doing? Or, Does change arise form a need to improve outcomes? you decide. From this site, I have yet to hear from anyone who has "visited" his office since June 04. I have been there 4 times since and all of the new systems are firmly in place and working well. I have had a chance to actually speak with--in person, to other patients men and women, who feel the office has provided fine service in a caring environment. Some of these people had their bands inserted 3 years ago. As far as rumors are concerned, they are merely unverified comments, usually hearsay. You owe it to yourself to see the best, and receive care from the best doctors your money can buy. Sincerely, Margret
Hi Everyone, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I know everything will turn o.k. for all of us. Love Margret
Michelle, Theres a special place in Heaven for people like you, God bless you and your Family... I mean that... Love, Margret
I hope you're joking about your son. That's sad. now I'm totally bummed out. Take care of him. Kids are the future of theis crazy mixed up world. Love Margret
Penni, Sounds fun!! I like Olives in my Dirty Margarita!! Can someone tell Michelle to stop getting in my GRILL.. Love Margret
Lisa, I just saw Ferris Buehler's Day Off the other day!! Thats one of my all time favorite teen flicks. That and Pretty in Pink. Oh to be young and slim again... Love Margret I'm not mad anymore, I'm through venting
Just a thought, Not to get off the subject, you guys might actually be fun to out drinking with. Michelle, stop trying to talk like a sister it's so not the O.C. Margret
Lisa, This is what I'm talking about. Penni wrote, What if a bunch of us filed a class action lawsuit against Inamed in an earlier posting. Margret
You guys win... This comment really spooked me. I don't think I want to part of someting like this. I'll continue comment on my experiences but don't want any part what you guys are hatching up. count me out Margret
Penni, Sorry, you can't expect anyone to happy with what you are doing.. Why won't you answer the question..Why do you want to destroy the Lap band industry so bad. I'm sure everyone is wondering by now. I'm upset..Margret
Penni, It is clear to me that you will not allow anyones opinion that does not fit with yours. I find that to be disgusting. So why do you want to destroy the lap band industry so bad. Are you that dissatisfied? Margret
Hi everyone, Penni, what kind of FREAK are you, deleting my posting and making look like I did it. You need medical attention. Just because you're a moderator does not give you the right to alter or remove postings. Are you really that intent on destroying an Industry? Who do you think you are GOD? Margret Margret
Hi Everyone, Penni, I'm glad you had your conversation, with Don Mills. It seems pretty clear that Dr. Lopez is "within normal limits" based on INAMEDS research into erosion rates. I feel for those who've had to endure that. I read that Nexium can cause aspiration Pnuemonia if used for prolonged period of time. It's a documented side effect. I guess what ever medical care we receive or surgeries we elect have potential consequences. I guess we need to be aware of those potential consequences before agreeing. In the case Lapband surgery, erosions will occur in 1% of patients. Also I think aftercare can best be delivered in person. I know some of you are upset because you feel neglected by not getting a phone call etc. But health maintenence is much more than that. Before 9-11 I used to be able to call in to get a cough syrup Rx re-filled. Now everytime I want an Rx I have to go in and be seen by my doctor or his associates. I think we owe it to ourselves to have aftercare set up with a doctor and be prepared to be seen at least on a bi-monthly basis. So, weather it's here or in Mexico plan for it and figure out how much it's going to cost and fit it into your budget. I figure that to maintain aftercare with Dr Lopez my cost is as follows: Gas $65.00 Fill at office $95.00 Rx refill if any $30.00 (30 day supply of Nexium) TOTAL $190.00 That should be an average cost from anywhere in SO.CAL I read that someone had to pay $800 WOW!! If thats an average cost in the U.S. think about it. You could add air faire from most big cities in the Western U.S. and still spend less money. The statements about Dr. Kuri and Dr. Ortiz were revealing too. One thing that comes to mind is that Mexican surgeons perform more lapband surgeries then American Doctors. So their 1% erosion rate might be higher as a number than the American surgeons.That may change since acceptance by the American surgical community is growing. Love, Margret
Hi Everyone, Lisa, I figured this way you can check out the validity of the letter. Love, Margret
Hi everyone, I corrected the sentence to read "at the band" Lisa, why don't you call INAMED. Love, Margret
Hi Everyone, When I went in for my October visit with Dr. Lopez, he examined the band,port and placement. He determined that everything was fine in that respect.All this was done in conjunction during the baruim swallow he also mentioned that gurgling which I was experienceing was caused by swelling in the esophagus. this was caused by frequent vomiting, which was caused by food getting clogged at the band. He put me on an Rx of Nexium and liquids a week later not feeling any better I went back and he removed .5cc of the fill which made a huge difference. After being on liquids for a few weeks and taking Nexium I tried to back to solids. Unfortunately, the swelling had not gone away completely and the original symptoms came back. I went to my primary care doctor who, gave me another Rx for Nexium. I e-mailed obesity Control Clinic explaining what had occurred and got a response back from Dr. Barba, who stated that I needed more time to heal before going back to solids. He also suggested that if the swelling did not go away, that I would need to have the fill removed to allow for better healing. This e-mail was sent to me within the last week. So If by the middle of the month I still cannot tolerate solid food I'll go back for a visit with Dr. Lopez. Delarla, not to make light here but you actually tell alot about yourself in your postings. I'll bet if you go back and read some of them you'll see where you mention your name Lisa, and even more about your backround is listed in your profile. So thats how I know so much about you. Penni, I know when an e-mail is sent the persons name who registered the account pops up ie: Penni wrote;.... you must be referring to that. Tell you what guys, lets just focus on the topic of this site o.k. Love Margret
Hi Everyone, I want to emphasize that the esrosion I was referring to is esphageal, caused from acid reflux. This other type of erosion described is obviously far more serious. I will read up on this and will discuss this with Dr. Lopez or his staff to see if I am at risk. I also want to clarify that I routinely use my husbands e-mail address to send and receive mail, Penni, you e-mailed me and I responded. Furthermore, I am not as hi tech as many of you are, being able to put pictures on the site etc. I occasionally go online and judging by the volume of e-mails I put on this site should be a clear indicator. I will continue to post my progress here because my experiences are just as relevant as everyone elses. I hope that all those who have had problems with their bands get better soon. Love Margret Banded July 26th Dr. Lopez, Tijuana,Mexico 215/180/135
Hi Everyone, I sent an e-mail to the obesity control clinic. Hopefully they'll figure out who you are and get in touch with you. I think if we work together things will improve. Love, Margret
Hi Everyone, Penni, Delarla, and Athykay,. I simply have not had the issues with aftercare like you've documented. I'm going to offer some suggestions in a moment but first, Penni, I have been posting here since late may or early June. You actually e-mailed me, during an exchange with De larla and I asked you in a nice funny sort of way to leave me alone. Thank you for that. Secondly, I came to this site to get advise before having the surgery by Dr. Lopez, I can't recall any serious negative info being posted. I asked dozens of questions, in a survey format to get real answers and nothing came back as a serious red flag. Sorry, I just can't recall. When I did my own research on esophagitis ( erosion) , which is subsequently a common side effect after band placement. I learned that many people require a prescription for Nexium. There are several reasons one gets esophagitis, again one of the more common reasons is simply adjusting to and making the necessary dietary changes. Leatha has mentioned this on several occasions. She even gave me good advise which I try to adhere to everyday. Thank you for that. Based on leathas comments I actually went in to see Dr.Lopez and had some of the fill removed and am taking Nexium daily. Guess what, I have a mild case of esophagitis. (Are you happy, la Madam? I say that because you actually appear to have contempt for me. I think Penny, De larla and Athykay have a right to feel the way they do.) It has only to do with me not adjusting to the necessary dietary changes people like Dr. Lopez, Leatha, and countless others told me would occur if I didn't adhere the strict regimen of the post band diet. It takes practice. Believe me I'm practicing!! O.k. so before you blow your tops at me, Every time I've had questions, needed to make an appointment to see Dr. Lopez I got that appontment. On 2 occasions he saw me within 48 hours of making the request. I've sent e-mails to obesity control clinic or to the nutrititionist and have received a response in anywhere from 48 hours to 1 week I send e-mails for non urgent questions and call the office directly 01152-664-634-3870 I believe that if any of you who are having problems would take the day off and drive down to Dr. Lopez office he'd see you and help you. he and his staff have been there for me. I believe you have to take the time to drive down there and be seen in person, you'll get results. I feel that I have touched on many sensitive feelings so I'm going to help Dr. Lopez patients by making this offer. E-mail me stating that you want to make an appointment to see him and I will call his office myself and schedule one for you I will call his office and schedule an appointment for you and then I will e-mail back the time and day for you to go in. I will do this only for Dr. Lopez patients. Now I want to say again I DO NOT WORK FOR DR. LOPEZ OR AM I A RECRUITER. I DO NOT GET PAID TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCES, WHICH ARE BY THE WAY DOCUMENTED WITH 100% ACCURACY. I HAVE NEVER MET DR. LOPEZ BEFORE JUNE 04. I AM NOT PERSONAL FRIEND. I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A DISCOUNT FOR SERVICES OR HAVE BEEN GIVEN FREE FILLS. I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO DR. LOPEZ PATIENT FILES. So, Why do I defend myself with such vigor? because everytime I share my experiences on this board, I am attacked, taken out of context, and accused of being part of some underhanded plot. I will continue to defend my experiences and post them here, just as Penni, De Larla and athykay do. By the way, are there any other Dr. Lopez patients out there? Don't forget, I'll help you get that appointment so you can get your chance to have the kind of care you deserve. One last note, Don't e-mail asking me to call his office just to ask when he's going to call you. I won't do it. If you think your problem is serious enough, you have to see him in person. If you only want copies of medical records, It's still faster to get them in person. I suggest mailing a self addressed stamped envelope to his office. Then, e-mail or call the office letting them know that it was mailed. ( remember a letter from Tijuana to a major city might take 2-3 weeks and vis-versa) If you had your surgery at a hospital or center, send them a postage paid envelope requesting your records. E-mail/call the office and let them know too. lf I can I'll help you, remember I am just a patient just like you are. Love, Margret
Hi Everyone Since my fill 2 weeks ago,3cc, I've felt very resticted. Food that worked for me before isn't working now. Soups, white cheese, yogurt, puddings, some kinds of chicken and smoothies have been great. I feel I need more variety in my diet. I unforfuntately have been learning the hard way what works and what doesn't. Any suggstions? Thank god for the person who posted the info on peanut butter. Love Margret
Hi Everyone, Sorry about the typo it's called "Polenta" www.polenta.com Love Margret
Hi Everyone, I have been pondering the foods can we eat. Now I'm trying to create various recipes. So, heres one I really like. I hope you have some too. I think one of the keys to making our bands work is variety. Easy, Easy, no special skills required. The whole family will love this! Polanna Cacciatore Serves (4) takes less than 10 minutes to prepare. Cost about $10.00 at World market or Trader Joes, less at local Market. 1. 1/2 chub of ready to eat Polanna thinnly sliced 2. Bottle of Vodka garlic Pasta sauce (or ragu chunky) 3. 4 tbl. spoons Brummel and Brown Low fat spead (or margarine) 4. 1 finely minced garlic clove. 5. 1 lb. pre cooked chicken sliced in thin strips 6. Olive oil w/basil 7. Italian seasoning (McCormick is good) 8. Pinch of pepper, pinch of salt. Using Medium heat, saute Garlic in olive oil, Italian seasoning and B&B until soft. using low heat Place Polanna in the saute pan turn frequently allowing Polanna to absorb sauteed mixture. Polanna will turn dark yellow (from light yellow) Remove Polanna and place 4 to 6 slices on each plate to be served. Take chicken and lightly brown in the same pan allowing any remaining mixture to coat chicken. (Be sure not to let mixture carmelize) Add Sauce and let simmer till hot. Spoon mixture on to Polanna and serve with a side dish. dinner Idea: Start with an appetizer of seafood spread on wheat thins. I like 2, everyone else has 3-4. Next serve Cesar salad (local market) has ready to prepare kits in the produce section. I like Campbells Wedding Soup (One of my favorites) I usually have (1) cup everone else, small soup bowl and Garlic bread. Then Serve the main course. Voila!! Bon Appete!!! Side dish ideas for you. Creamed spinach, creamed carrots, or peas. canned Asparagus ( they're really easy to digest) Sauteed Mushrooms. Yummy!! side dishes for everyone else. All the above, Steamed squash, Brocolli, etc. desert Ideas. Custard with Rasberry or strawberry sauce. spumoni ice cream. Thinnly slice strawberrys and place them on top of the Custard before drizzling sauce. I'm looking forward to your ideas too!! Love Margret
Hi Everyone, I just read this story, and although it's about the extremely invasive surgery "stomach stapling" we need to be aware of the potential risks that come with any bariatric surgery. Since this is an aftercare issue I thought it might be important for our members of child baring years to be aware of possible complications. Take care Love margret Deaths Raise Fears Over Stomach Stapling 1 hour, 1 minute ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo! By LINDA A. JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer An obese Massachusetts woman and her 8-month-old fetus died of complications 18 months after stomach-stapling surgery, an apparent first that is leading to warnings about the risks of pregancy soon after the surgery. Yahoo! Health Have questions about your health? Find answers here. The deaths raise concerns because most of the 110,000 people who have gastric, or stomach, bypass surgery each year in this country are women in their child-bearing years, say doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who tried to save the mother and baby. They reported on the case in a letter in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine (news - web sites). Brigham surgeon Dr. Edward E. Whang cared for the 41-year-old woman nearly two years ago, when she was brought to their emergency department after two days at another hospital, where the cause of sudden pain in her upper stomach was misdiagnosed. "She was nearly dead," said Whang, who noted the woman had the gastric bypass and prenatal care at other hospitals. After tests and symptoms indicated a massive infection, Whang did emergency surgery. He found most of the woman's small intestine had slid through a hernia, or tear, in an adjacent membrane, a defect sometimes left after the intestines are rearranged in the bypass operation. The hole choked off blood to the stretch of intestines, and the tissue turned gangrenous. By then the fetus had died. Whang repaired the intestine, but the woman died within a few hours. She still weighed 440 pounds; her original weight was not available. "This is a tragic case, but you need to look at the overall risk-benefit of the surgery," said Dr. Harvey Sugerman, president of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, an educational group for obesity surgeons. Sugerman said three studies show extremely obese patients have death rates as much as four or five times lower if they undergo gastric bypass surgery, compared with those who don't, and other research shows lower rates of pregnancy complications after the weight-loss surgery. Sugerman estimated more than 110,000 gastric bypasses will be done in the United States this year. Complications strike as many as 1 in 5 patients, and it is believed that for every 200 patients, 1 to 4 will die. Sugerman and other doctors said they know of no other mother-baby deaths after the operation. But Whang said about 85 percent gastric bypasses are performed on women, most of childbearing age. He advised any pregnant patients with sudden pain to see a bypass expert quickly. "Most doctors recommend contraceptives for two years after the surgery" to avoid pregnancy until the woman's weight stabilizes, said Dr. Sattar Hadi, who runs the high-risk obesity clinic at Vanderbilt University's Center for Human Nutrition. Hadi said it's unclear whether the Massachusetts woman's hernia was due solely to the surgery "or the fetus pushing onto the intestines." Dr. Mark Tucker, director of bariatric surgery at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Stratford, said such hernias are not uncommon and can happen up to five years after the surgery. Because fertility increases with major weight loss, he said, reports of pregnancies within a year of surgery are becoming more common. In the standard type of gastric bypass surgery performed on this woman, a small pouch at the stomach's top is separated from the rest using staples. Moving down the small intestine a few feet, the surgeon then cuts it in two, pulls the bottom segment up and attaches it to the new pouch. The dangling upper segment, which carries digestive juices, is then reattached to the lower segment. Patients then lose weight because the new pouch holds a few ounces of food at a time, and some calories and nutrients are not absorbed because the food bypasses much of the stomach and small intestine. Patients must take Protein and Vitamin supplements to avoid malnutrition. Since the start of 2003, three other Massachusetts patients have died after gastric bypass, and the state is developing guidelines to increase safety. The federal Medicare program has paid for stomach bypass surgeries for a few years, but only in people with related medical conditions such as diabetes. It covered 7,801 operations in 2003, about double the number in 2001. Dr. Steve Phurrough of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said the agency recently ruled obesity can be considered an illness on its own, so an advisory panel this fall is to recommend whether Medicare should cover the surgery in people without related conditions. He expects the panel will urge waiting until there's more research on the surgery on the elderly. "We have significant concerns about the risks," Phurrough said. "People die from this procedure." ___ On the Net: http://www.nejm.org American Society for Bariatric Surgery: http://www.asbs.org American Obesity Association: http://www.obesity.org
Hi everyone! I was just courious about what some of you have been telling people about how you lost your weight? I know when I see a co worker that's losing weight, I'm the first one asking "How did you do it"? I don't think I'm ready to tell the world I'm banded. Does that make me a hypocrite? I mean I enjoy sharing my experience with you guys but the rest of the world is very judgemental. Does everyone know that YOU were banded? Love, Margret Banded 7/26/04 Dr. Lopez-T.J. 215/210/140