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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieLee

  1. LeslieLee

    Dr. Cobourn

    Hi there! I also had Dr.Cobourn and I am so happy with the entire experience. Right from the get go it has been all positive! He (Dr. Cobourn) has been terrific, his staff has also been wonderful and today I had my second fill with the Dr. he trained here to do fills for his patients, I have to say he was almost as fast as Dr. C and the fill went great! The clinic is also beautiful, lol I wanted to move in! I am pretty sure you will be happy with your choice. lol and the Optifast is pretty good too! Congrats on the best thing! I don't regret getting the band one bit! It is changing my life for the better every day!!
  2. LeslieLee

    Second Fill - don't feel any different

    Hey there, I got my second fill this morning and it went really well. I was down 2 more pounds and that made me happy as I thought I was likely up. I guess it was more Fluid retention as I was a bit stiff from increasing my walking this week. I am now at 5cc and hoping that I will feel some restriction too. I was not having any trouble eating, no sliming no PB'ing. It feels good to have this band to help me get where I want to be!! YAY for the band!!!
  3. LeslieLee

    Calgary this weekend

    Hi fellow albertians I am planning to come to Calgary this weekend to see Dr. C is anyone up for a get together??
  4. LeslieLee

    Calgary this weekend

    What a great time I had in Calgary!! I got my first fill and it was awesome! (and free!) Dr.C was so fast and I really didn't feel anything much. It was nice to see him again and get a great hug! The waiting room was full of people and I got to meet Andrew (mauhahaha)and the missing CanMacDaddy... lol WE all got a terrific visit in while waiting and then while drinking after. It is nice to put faces to the names now. I also got to meet and stay with JLB. She made me feel so at home and it was so nice to spend time visiting with her, sharing all kinds of thoughts and she is an awesome cook!! best scrambled egg I ever had! Once again Janice thank for for opening your heart and home. I had a lovely time. So now the journey really begins... I am also off to BC tomorrow for a few days, I hope that the weather will be nice! Till soon all have a great week!
  5. LeslieLee

    First Fill

    I got a call from Dr. Cobourn today and he thinks I am ready for my first fill! I was surprised when he told me. I thought I would not be getting it until mid July when I went back to Toronto. I am excited as I have been finding I am getting more hungry the last week or so. I am trying not to eat too much but as others have said before it is hard when you don't feel any restriction really. So I will be having it on Monday morning! It is really starting to sink in now, I am amazed at how will everything is going including being able to start soft food early and now getting fill number one! -=big smiles=- I am a little nervous, but not too bad... lol
  6. LeslieLee

    And here goes another!

    lol yikes!! I am not but I don't think I remember any chair in the operating theatre. Also I had these crazy massage things on both my legs and I don't think he could fit between them lol Oh my god that sounds bad... Anyway what I am trying to say is I think the table at swlc is different...lol I think they have to do it standing LOL now it sounds even worse!!
  7. LeslieLee

    Dr. Mumford

    Congrats to Corinna and Jodieleigh!! I hope that you both have as good an experience as I did at the swlc. I was treated so well and right from the start I felt comfortable with making the decision to have the band done! Although I am still quite early on the banded side I know I made the right decision to get the band. -=big smiles=- and yeah Optifast isn't all that bad! and try having the hellman's salad spray on your veggies, they are great!!
  8. LeslieLee

    It Works!!!!

    Good morning/afternoon I am not sure I am feeling restriction really, but I am feeling satisfied a lot sooner than I ever have, and that means I am eating way less than before the band. I can however eat past the one cup we should stick too so I have to be careful. I haven't got that really stuffed feeling yet, mostly I suppose because I am really trying to pay attention to amounts. That being said I have had a few things that were not the best choices healthy food wise ...lol like shopping at costco, Matt bought me french fries..... -=sighes=- I didn't eat all of them, lol but I did enjoy the ones I had, Thank god he helped me out after he finished his!!! So far things go down easily, I have had bread with no issues, did you find that you could eat things with no problems before your fill? Donna D, I think a big part of losing for me is walking. I walk almost daily.-=growls=- it is raining like crazy here this morning. I hope to get out later to walk. I usually get in an hour first thing in the morning sometimes a little more. Thanks for the encouragement, I really do understand the healing part of this month, especially after my little romp in the garden! lol OUCH!! I am ok I think if I do gain right now. Dr. Cobourn was very good about explaining this and letting me know that it does happen and to just move past it because soon that will change and I will be losing. It's all good!! (cept the being stiff and sore part LOL)
  9. LeslieLee

    It Works!!!!

    Yeppers I noticed!! I am happy for you -=winks=- I am doing great, I am a bit sore as I was out weeding my garden yesterday and bending isn't the most comfortable position to be in for long periods... buttt my garden was really getting out of hand so I took advantage of a nice day and relatively dry (we have have rain on and off for the last while) I am paying for it today...lol in a few other places too. My sweet son and a friend came and helped me which was sooooo nice! I am just about caught up again! I am on soft foods now and I feel like I can eat so many different things, lol kinda like a buffet but not. I eat much less than I did pre-band, but small amounts more often. I am hoping not to gain much at this point but I understand that it is possible and often normal to gain at this phase. I do know that I will take it off again and I won't ever gain like I have in the past. I really do feel blessed and the future looks much brighter on the banded side!
  10. LeslieLee

    medic alert braclet or necklace

    I have been thinking on this one too. I also have the card for my wallet but if my wallet and I are separated then they will not know by lookking in there. Susan where is the site you ordered from? Do they have different styles? I have not told many about my band and I am not sure how I would explain suddenly wearing a medic alert bracelet... big dilema... but in the end I want to be sure that I am properly cared for in any kind of situation. Especially now that I have taken steps to get healthy.
  11. LeslieLee

    Removing tape glue and other tips

    I tried the nail polish remover too when things were looking ok and safe to use it and it didn't work for me either... I thought I was never going to get rid of those marks, it took time and patience for me.
  12. LeslieLee

    It Works!!!!

    WOOO HOO!! Glad to hear things are going well for you now Susan!!! -=big smiles=- Very exciting to hear the band and you are getting along well!! and your ticker is moving again!
  13. :clap2: Best wishes to you all!! I hope that today is a wonderful experience for you all and that it goes smoothly. Also that you have a chance to meet while you are all there!! Looking forward to hearing all about it! :clap2:
  14. LeslieLee

    Calgary this weekend

    Hi Andrew, Sounds like a busy weekend! What is Sunfest all about? I can see Dr. C on Saturday 5:30 I don't have alot of things to see him about but thought it might be nice to try and hook up with some of the Calgary crowd. I just started soft food so I am not in need of a fill yet. I am sorry to hear you are having some concerns, you have doing so well. Amazing weight loss in such a short time! Please take good care. I will pm if I do decide to go for sure long drive for only a few questions that I can ask him when I go for my fill. I will be back in Ontario next month anyway so I thought I would take advantage of a free first fill.
  15. I called the SWLC this morning to see about seeing Dr. Cobourn while he is in Calgary this weekend and while I was talking to Tammy the nurse she asked what stage I was at and I told her I was on puree food. Well she decided that I could go to soft food today! WOW does a banana ever taste good!! LOL I am going to have tuna for dinner or maybe I will have that scrambled egg I have been dreaming about LOL. I also got a surprise on the scale today.. down 2 more pounds... -=big smiles=- I decided that I deserve a new pair of pj's. Mine are falling off and I am tired of hauling them up all the time! So today was a very good day to be me!
  16. LeslieLee

    What a great surprise!

    lol I think it was the best banana I ever had!! It went down well I just made sure I chewed it and only took small bites. Very filling! I did have times when I was hungry but I had something almost hourly between food and drinks, so it was managable. I am trying to focus on the future and not what I want right now. I know that I need to make sure I am not grazing all day and eating out of boredom.
  17. LeslieLee

    June Goals

    Hi Everyone! It is June the forth and I was thinking about goals for the month. Last month I found it helpful to read the posts of others and plan my own goals and post them. I did acheive my goal as did most of us I think! Big high five to all of us! So for starts as I am just a few days on this side of life I would like to really focus on getting the most out of the month as in working through the different stages of food and learning about my feelings towards this phase. lol right now I am just so happy to be able to have chicken broth !! and popsicles!! I seldom have huge hunger so far but it is early yet. So I guess what my goal is is to make it through this month of liquids. full liquids, pureed, and soft foods without too much trouble Good luck to everyone this month!!
  18. LeslieLee

    June Goals

    Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well Andrew. I hope that when you see Dr. Cobourn he will adjust you and it will be smooth sailing! I am hoping to come down to see him this weekend too! I think it is great that he is doing this for his pateints especially since he is giving up golf time! lol
  19. Happy Father's Day to all the banded Dads!! I hope that you are all having a really good day, you deserve it! Speaking of Daddy's what has become of your very own CanMacDaddy??? Where is you at??
  20. LeslieLee

    Random questions

    Ok I need to say this... tanning if done properly is not bad and can actually be good. As in my case I have to do some pre tanning or I will be in big trouble. I have issues with natural sunlight. I also have Psoriasis and with the help of the tanning bed/booth I can and do keep it under control. I don't want to cause a huge debate on the rights and wrongs of tanning but there are good things, as with most things in life it depends on how you use it. I also know of people who suffer with depression because of the lack of sun in the winter and they find that going really helps keep them on an even level. I agree that many people do abuse it, there will always be those people who do whether it is tanning or something else. I have seen the good and the bad about tanning, being in the industry I am in. I can only speak for me and for me tanning works. -=winks=- just my 2 and 1/2 cents worth.
  21. LeslieLee

    June Goals

    So far I am doing ok on the post -op diet. At least I think I am. I start soft food on wednesday and I am looking forward to a nice scrambled egg! I have had a few days that I really wished I could have something that required chewing lol but I managed to get through them in tack! It is actually amazing how quickly the time is going by.
  22. LeslieLee

    Wheezy Whispers-AKA September's Goals

    Hi Wheezy, I was just curious as to how Dr Cobourn explained the restriction we should feel. Can you describe it?
  23. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Hi Susan, I can't wait to hear how your first fill goes!! I am excited for you!
  24. LeslieLee

    Off Topic - Joke

    <p>Hi Donna D!</p> <p> </p> <p>I am doing GRRRRReat! I have just started on the puree stage. I am happy to be having a few more choices on my menu... lol although it sure is odd to be eating muck! So far I think I am healing well I still have a few steri strips hanging on and I will just let them do their thing. They don't bother me and no one else sees them.</p> <p> </p> <p>Dr Cobourn warned me that I may not lose any weight and could possibly gained during this phase so I am surprised to have lost 6 lbs since surgery. That doesn't mean that I won't gain though... I still have a few weeks to go before grown up food -=winks=- I think I am really looking forward to a peice of toast! I want some crunch!</p> <p> </p> <p>How are you feeling now that you have had your first fill?</p>
  25. LeslieLee

    Off Topic - Joke

    It's working now!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
