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Everything posted by LeslieLee

  1. LeslieLee

    Argon's Activities

    I second that! I like the first one too and would also suggest tying the red belt losely!! Love the matching shoes with the second one!
  2. Hi there, Could someone explain to me how I can resize my photos so I can post them here and not take up the entire screen. Can I use windows Paint or do I need another program to do this? I would also like to know how to make an avatar. Thanks in advance!
  3. -=sings=- Happy Bandaversary happy bandaversary happy bandaversaryyyyyy HAPPY BANDAVERSARY!!! How has the year been for you Donna?
  4. LMAO oh my god and everyone elses!! that is tooo funny! Thank you CanMac for the really good laugh. What is the magic 2i diet thing? lol and also I think I missed the other benefit of weight loss for men, but I think I can guess.. und vhat ish dis talk of hoods?? hmmmmm -=said in my best Marlena Detrick voice even though I likely did not spell her name right. I just hope someone is old enough to remember her, lol=-
  5. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Hi there, I just got off the phone with Sue and she was so helpful with the pre-op diet info!! Answered all my questions.. Those sprays for salad are fine to use pre-op as well as the flavourings you mentioned Andrew. I will have to go and see if I can find some. lol I asked about the pickles and she said it should be ok they are cucumbers after all lol just no sugar. This is really coming together! I told them about the nausea after surgery and she said they will give me something for that. I still have a month before I start the optifast.... I hope the time goes by quickly.
  6. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    Right on Susan! Way to get going! It feels good to see results doesn't it. -=big smiles=- Your on your way now and water is still weight and apparently you didn't need those 3.8 lbs. of it! LOL I am so happy for you. I admire you too. -=winks=- it isn't easy to do what we are doing, not by a long shot. But it is going to be so rewarding to have a life that we can live more fully and hopefully longer with less aches, pains and health issues. WE ALL ROCK!!!
  7. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    Well today was weigh in day for me and I was happy to see a few more pounds are no longer with me. I think maybe they are on the road I walk in the morning... lol Maybe I should put up a caution sign...don't want anyone to slip in all that fat! It does feel good to wave goodbye, I know that things will slow down but for now I will enjoy my loss and when I am having a slow time I will remember that there will be times I lose more and times I lose less. I will look forward and smile when I think how far I have come and where I am going. I will have my band to help me keep the weight off this time!!
  8. LeslieLee

    resizing photos

    Thank you!! I will give that a peek!
  9. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    lol I know the pee game!! It does slow down. You have started to lose!! Congrats! Susan! It flushes out your system so keep on drinking! Hey thanks for the reassurance Andrew! I will be sure to tell them about the nausea. It can really make things yukky. I was never good at being sick. Well that kinda sick anyway...lol I have tried thos spray salad dressings and they are awesome! I didn't really think they would be all that great but there are good. I also use them on steamed veg instead of butter/becel. How do you know you are in ketosis?
  10. LeslieLee


    :help: I have read in a few posts about something called a bullet ?? lol -=ponders this=- What is a bullet? I know it is used to blend/puree food, I think ... Are they worth getting? How would I find one?
  11. LeslieLee


    LOL Right on thank you both for the help! -=starts a new quest=- The Quest for the Magic Bullet. -=side note=- get margarita mix too.... mauhahahaha opps who said that??
  12. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    NO, I don't feel nervous about the surgery really. I am ok right now about that. I do hope that I will not feel sick from the anesthetic (sp?) though. I had to have day surgery about 20 years ago and was really sick after. So not fun at all. Just one of those things. Never bothered me before. I am hoping that it won't this time. If it does I know I will live through it. One of those... this too shall pass things.
  13. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    lol OMG I could eat a lot of cottage cheese and yogurt too for that matter lol and now that I think about it jello would be nice too! yes we can have food with optifast...lol not food like you though. I can have veggies but not all, mostly salad type and also a serving of steamed veg and some fruits can be mixed with optifast. Coffee, tea, crystal lite, flavoured waters. I think Andrew was saying he also had pickles! lol I am hoping so cause I am thinking I am going to need something to crunch on other than lettuce! LOL OMG what have I done??? I sure hope I can wrap my head around this part! -=new mantra=- I can do this!! I have to do this! It is all getting so very real now isn't it. -=wiggles inside and out=- no more triple chin!!! How often are you going to change your ticker ? Don't forget to update it now so you will see it moving!!! I am going to try to do mine on monday or tuesdays. Once a week for me.
  14. I love Belly Dancing! I have taken classes twice now and it is really a good workout and lots of fun! lol I don't do it well but I try, and it is always a good chuckle to watch me get all tangled up! lol What fun to be going to a weekend full of it! I bet there will be all kinds of wonderful things to learn and try. Will they have retail there as well? How long have you been BDing Yasmina?
  15. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Right on susan!! I bet you are feeling really good today!! Getting started is so exciting! I keep looking at clothes and thinking " hmmmm not long for you now!" Some I will miss but others I will be so glad to see gone from my closet..lol which will be really empty for a while! I hear you big time with the looking in the mirror thing. I also don't really see the true picture and at times I feel like I look pretty damn good for 52 and slightly overweight...lol what a shock to hear someone say.... "morbidly obese...................." wow that couldn't be me could it??? Oh yeah!! it is, big time! As my mom used to say, "take off the rose colored glasses, little girl" -=sighes=- I took them off and I didn't like what I saw. NO WAY! One thing I am going to do to help keep me motivated is go to a really nice shop and buy a sexy bra and panty set. I have done this before and it works for me. I hang it up in my bathroom or in my walkin closet, but it works better in the bathroom as I am in there more... lol anyway it reminds me daily of what I am aiming for. I don't buy it too small about two sizes down at a time that way it is not a year till I can fit it. Just a thought, you could try. -=winks=- You will need new ones anyway might as well make it fun!! How much do you get to eat on your pre-op? I just picked up my package yesterday with all my info and optifast... wow, it is kinda like Christmas!
  16. LeslieLee

    Hello! New member...

    Whoever had the idea it is great! Lets do it! Soon!
  17. LeslieLee

    resizing photos

    opps... I posted the question twice.. Sorry about that...lol
  18. Hi there, can anyone help me to resize pictures so I can post them here without taking up the entire screen!! lol thanks in advance. Can I use Paint or do I need another program to do it right? Also knowing how to make avatars would be cool too!
  19. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    -=smiles more and nods=- Thank you Becca, and Cat I enjoy writing for the most part, I like to think of it as painting pictures with words. It is nice to enjoy what we are reading now and then I think. It shouldn't all be work. Often I put on some music and just let it move through me and write. As you likely figured out I am very into Vampire themes and so I do write a lot about them and their adventures and misadventures in this world we live in as well as glimpes into past worlds. As for age groups well I would have to say most of what I write would have to be adult. Those vampires can be a bit ummmmm.... riskque. They are in the words of Armand... "We Must be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.... " -=purrrrsss=- Armand was and still is a favorite vampire of mine. If you know Anne Rice's Interveiw with the Vampire you know a little about Armand. He is sensual and erotic, like chocolate as it melts over your tongue and slips slightly down your throat.... OHHHH yikes don't get me started! Putting a human side to the Vampire is, at least for me a lot of fun. I do have some of the pictures from my childrens book on a floppy but my laptop has no drive for those lol so I need to get them put on a disc and then I would be happy to show you the faces of Tisme and Twinklewink. The story is called "Fairies in the Christmas tree" I have thought about sending it off to a publisher but I am not sure what the first step would actually be... lol I guess just doing it would be the best start! "Just Do It" seems to be a common theme for all kinds of things! MMM mmmm How lucky are you Cat to have been able to enjoy a feast like that!! How did you hear about it? Did they have other things there as well like crafts? I love the little (and I do mean "LITTLE" gads do those girls ever eat?) outfits they wear at Bon Thai... they are so pretty. Here is another favorite place to go, Cafe De Ville on 124th. That place is another great one, and if you combine it with a stay at the Glenora Bed and Breakfast it is almost like going on a trip! It makes me think of New Orleans. Becca I agree with your thoughts on getting together with others from this area. I think it would be wonderful to meet. How about you Cat? Are you interested in getting together once in awhile? How are things going since your fill Becca? What has it been like for you? For some reason your ticker does not show up for me??? -=pouts=- Well I best get moving here the day is ticking away! Hope everyone is having a pleasant Sunday afternoon!
  20. LeslieLee

    Hello! New member...

    Great idea Becca!! I was thinking the same thing. It would be really nice to get together and put faces to names! Share thoughts and ideas and just plain old visit! Maybe even try to get together with those from Calgary and other areas at some central point... maybe Red Deer?? With summer coming (please God let it be coming soon) the drive would be kinda nice and so worth it to meet everyone! Anyone else interested in doing this??? lol how about calling it Alberta banded??? -=walks off humming Alberta bound, alberta bound, it's good to be alberta bound...=-
  21. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Good morning/afternoon (depending what time zone you are in) You are the early bird Susan!! -=winks=- I am sure it is nerve racking at this point, but it is going to be so worth it... I wish I was going when you are!! I am sooooo ready for this!! How early are you at starting your pre-op? Just a few days right? I start mine on the 16th of May. You are doing cottage cheese and yogurt aren't you? I have to go and collect my package from Dr. Cobourn today and see what they have sent in the way of pre-op info. -=smiles=- kinda like Christmas!! I got a prezzie...lol Anyway just wanted to say Way to go!! You can do it!! and I think everyone is :clap2: cheering:clap2: for you!
  22. LeslieLee


    maybe a healthfoodaholic.... or exercise junky.... extreme sports nut... or perhaps an outdoor freak!! OMG.... so much to be on the watch for!! personally I am hoping to run into a few of those addictions head first!! lol have a great day!
  23. LeslieLee

    DonnaD's countdown

    Hi DonnaD I hope that your day is great and that you will enjoy your steak and bread! Bread has always been a weakness for me. Any kind pretty much, and of course that includes cakes, cookies, squares and and and.... I think you get the picture here...lol I am sure that I will try and eat it after the band but I am really hoping that it will be one of those things I have to walk away from. It is just so damn handy when you want something in your mouth...lol ok that sounded kinda #$%^&*... -=grabs mind out of the gutter and gives it a shake=- lol you know what I mean. I don't go until May 30th for my band, it seems like a long way off right now especially when I watch others head off to have theirs done. -=waves and sighs=- but I know I will be saying how fast the time went by once it is the day before. I am excited for you and hope that you will have a really easy time. -=smiles and nods =- It's all good!! soon you will be out there looking at bikini's and running off to get waxed!! lol Gotta love waxing!! Mahahahaha I do waxing... and I have to say there really isn't a better way to remove wanted hair. Unless of course you can do laser removal. I try to be gentle -=looks around the room with a kinda mischievious look=- honest I do.... no really.... well mostly I do... kinda.... sorta... oh heck I enjoy my job what can I say! lol Pedicures are wonderful to give. I love how happy the client feels after having their feet worked on. Even some that are not into having their feet touched feel so much better after. Opps got sidetracked! All the best DonnaD!! Can't wait to see your ticker and watch it move!!!
  24. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    Right on Cat, I did too but was really eager to check it out... I am thinking from the blurb in the Alberta Ballet booklet for the next season Dangerous Liaisons is going to be quite good too, this is the first time I have seen a mature subject matter. Not suitable for children warning for the ballet...lol mmmmm sounds like something naughty might be afoot... -=smiles and winks=- Well now I was trying to tame my writing down a bit...lol didn't want anyone thinking I was a weirdo... Yes I do dabble, I have been for a number of years. Mostly for my own pleasure but now and then I have shared. I also wrote a fairytale for my 3 grandaughters, that was a wonderful experience, I loved getting into the mindset for that. It was quite magical, and of course reading it to them was incredible... those little faces watching intently, waiting to hear the next line... I have thoughts to write another adventure for Tisme and her brother Twinklewink. I also did the artwork for the story. As for the fellows in kilts one was my son and the other a fellow with long reddish colored hair and a long beard. I have seen him before and if I remember right he was at the Medivalbabes (sp) and actually got to be part of the introduction. Along with some others that I think are part of the SCA here. They did a great job, one was wearing armor and chainmale, there were swords. -=fans self=- It made the performance even better. As for my choice with Dr. C I am fine with it. He was really great when I spoke to him and made me feel at ease and eager too. It was more the thought that I had missed something important while doing my research. Kinda like when you buy something and then it goes on sale... or when you change your hair color and think hmmmmm I am not so sure I like being this color lol although you can usually get a refund with whatever went on sale and you can always go back to your old hair color. This is a little more serious as we all really want this to work for us. We just have to do all we can to learn and then except that sometimes there will be things we miss and move on. I am sure that any Dr. who is doing this procedure is going to use the tools he feels confident about. Did you speak to anyone at his clinic? lol this is becoming another book.... What am I doing to prepare... I think the big thing I have done is from the day I decided to do this I have started to work towards losing weight. I don't want anymore weight to lose than I already have so I am watching what I am eating and looking forward to a new lighter life. lol don't get me wrong I would love to eat all kinds of things and it isn't easy when I see things that I know taste good, but it was giving into those thoughts too many times that got me were I am now. I try not to think that I will never be able to eat certain things again. I am sure I will, but not like I have for so many years now. I have told myself before I go on the pre-op diet I will have two meals out one will be thai food down town at Bon Thai on Jasper and the other will be at the Highlevel Cafe. I am looking forward to that. Have you ever been to either of them? I will be on the pre-op for two weeks. Hope you are having a good day!!
  25. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    Good morning, Well I had wondered how they would be able to pull of doing justice to Dracula in the form of ballet.... I am now completely sold!! So was the performance, sold out!! It was awesome!! The stage was more theatrical, great backgrounds and lighting, prop changes, scenery changes, Dracula changing into his bat form was very well done. There were gargoyles that added a humour of their very own... think of strippers using the posts of a four poster bed to pole dance with...lol I think this was my favorite performance this season. No... I know it was, but then I am a huge (but getting smaller lol) Dracula fan. It was rich and erotic. There were two young ladies sitting next to me and when the gargoyles came out one asked what they were to the other and they didn't know so I whispered Gargoyles. During the intermission I asked if they knew that story of Dracula and to my shock neither of them had ever read nor seen the movie.... so they asked me to tell them about it. -=huge smiles=- I had a wonderful time telling them and they thanked me so much for explaining it to them. The movie version for me is a love story. Which many people never really think about. Dracula can get a bad wrap... not from me though -=winks=- The last scene was very well done! I hope that it will return to Edmonton soon. I will be there. I love people watching so the ballet and the theatre also provides that for me. It was interesting to see all the different outfits last night. There was a mix of very casual all the way to gowns and men in suits ... kilts... even a few tuxes. Lots of rich fabrics and a feast of shoes! lol I am a bit of a shoe nut. lol while I was talking to the girls next to me I checked out their shoes and found myself thinking "I wonder if my legs will be as thin as theirs are?" Funny how even during something like the ballet I am still thinking about weight. All in all it was a really good night, and the last night I will be there at this weight! The next season kicks off in November with Othello, in Febuary they are doing Dangerous Liaisons... I think that one should be interesting.

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