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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ADJL

  1. I exercised 5 days this week! #doingmypart

  2. I <3 Zumba!

  3. I will not give up today.

  4. Proud of myself for finishing all of week 1 c25k

  5. Zumba kicked my buns today!

  6. C25K wk 1 day 2...DONE!

  7. Weird trivia of the day...the guy that invented the plastic lawn flamingo? He and his wife have worn matching outfits every day for the last 35 years. Now that is LOVE. (or craziness...)

  8. Simple truth...I always feel better on days that I exercise.

  9. Sometimes a sugar free popsicle just hits the spot.

  10. Not motivated to exercise with this heat! :P

  11. First fill today!

  12. Feelin' groovy

  13. No "formal" exercise today. Boo me!

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