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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ADJL

  1. sick kids this week and I'm totally off track...time to reboot!

  2. Simple truth...I always feel better on days that I exercise.

  3. Sometimes a sugar free popsicle just hits the spot.

  4. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily.

    1. catfish87
    2. KAATNS
    3. Carlotta1


      So appropriate for to hear and say as we go through this journey,

  5. Tried Tabata today...its should be called kickyourbutta...what a workout.

  6. TWO DAYS!

    1. KAATNS


      Soooo excited for you!!! :)

  7. Weird trivia of the day...the guy that invented the plastic lawn flamingo? He and his wife have worn matching outfits every day for the last 35 years. Now that is LOVE. (or craziness...)

  8. Why do I fight exercise? I always feel so good after I'm done!

  9. Yay Hawks! Booyah!

    1. terrydumont46


      my husband put go hawks on my front gate. he used the whole 24 feet. i posted a picture on my profile. seahawks put a big whooping on the broncos


    2. terrydumont46


      my husband put go hawks on my front gate. he used the whole 24 feet. i posted a picture on my profile. seahawks put a big whooping on the broncos


  10. Zombie Zumba tomorrow. Woot!

  11. Zumba kicked my buns today!

  12. Zumba kicked my butt today. Serious sweatfest!

  13. Zumba=hip shaking happiness

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