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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ADJL

  1. I'm in the green zone!

  2. Goal...I'm leaving the 220's this week. There. I said it outloud for accountability.

  3. 6 months post op today. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

  4. Zombie Zumba tomorrow. Woot!

  5. Fill #2 this morning. Fingers crossed we find the green zone.

  6. 2hours of zombie Zumba...uuuuuuuuuuuuugh

  7. Proud of myself for finishing all of week 1 c25k

  8. I have discovered how wimpy I am. Time to lift weights and build some muscles!

  9. Sometimes a sugar free popsicle just hits the spot.

  10. Simple truth...I always feel better on days that I exercise.

  11. holy shnikes! I just put on size 14 capris! 10 sizes...almost 6 months. I heart my lapband.

  12. holy shnikes! I just put on size 14 capris! 10 sizes...almost 6 months. I heart my lapband.

  13. Happy today! :)

  14. 3 month bandiversary today!

  15. Happy today! :)

  16. Feelin' groovy

  17. Don't EVER let anyone tell you you can't do something. You want it? Go get it. Period.

  18. I have LESS than 100 pounds to lose...yay!

  19. Zumba kicked my butt today. Serious sweatfest!

  20. I did it! Finished my first 5K! Color Me Rad Nashville!

  21. Detox and back on track week!

  22. I <3 Zumba!

  23. Zumba=hip shaking happiness

  24. Weird trivia of the day...the guy that invented the plastic lawn flamingo? He and his wife have worn matching outfits every day for the last 35 years. Now that is LOVE. (or craziness...)

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