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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ADJL

  1. I started out in 2013 at 283 pounds. I had type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and I was miserable. I hated having photos taken of me. I couldn't go up stairs without heaving breaths, my kids were active little toddlers and I couldn't even come close to keeping up. I had no self confidence and no joy for my life. I banded in April 2013 and over the next year dropped about 70 pounds. It was like I was given a new lease on life. I felt like a completely different person and was thrilled with my health. Thats not to say my lapband journey was without complications...I had a miserable first couple of months with the band and was at a point where I asked my surgeon to remove it. I'm so glad he talked me out of it.. I disappeared from this site a few years ago because I felt like I was in maintenance...yes, I still worked to make sure I was making good choices, but other things started to take that #1 spot in my life that my lapband and weight loss had occupied for so long. Over the next year I dropped another 10 pounds and was over the moon to finally be back in "onederland." And once again I was in maintenance...just chugging along happy with where I was and without any thought of those long ago far away health concerns like diabetes and cholesterol. Then our family was sent to Africa for my husband's job. Wow...talk about life changing. And not just in the "developing country" way of things...all of a sudden my food and exercise "norm" was tossed out the window and I had to come up with something completely new. It was a good thing...and the change jump started my weight loss...30 pounds and counting this year. To say I'm happy with my choice to lapband would be an understatement. I make so many good choices for myself these days. I use the band the way it's supposed to be used...as a tool to remind me to eat slower, chew longer, and make better food choices. I took this photo on a work trip recently...I barely recognize the girl in this photo...I'm still getting used to how she looks...I know who she is and what she wants...it's the physical changes that surprise me sometimes. I'm hoping to continue to my final goal weight of 135 over the next year...and when I reach that there is a tummy tuck and breast lift reward waiting for me... I'm back online because with this new change in location I need the reminders of what going back to the basics means...I'm no longer content to maintain at 200 pounds...I want the bigger picture now.
  2. Yes! @B52...great advice...all of it. Follow the rules. Its harder than it might seem at first and you really do have to do all the work. After a few months and the pounds come off slower...just keep following the rules no matter how much you want to eat something or take a huge bite or whatever... I love my band. Its not always perfect. I still make mistakes. I still eat slider foods and PB. But my life is full of active happiness that I wouldn't have been able to keep up with without making this choice and sticking with it!
  3. ADJL


    This process will be a million times more difficult if he's not on board and he's supposed to be your support system. He may even sabotage you without realizing it. My DH did not want me to have the surgery because he thought I'd "never enjoy food again." I had to open a can of whoop ass and tell him my health was MUCH more important than us enjoying a fat steak together. sheesh...priorities! Despite all that there were days where he would egg me on to eat something or say it's no big deal or say one bite won't matter. I had to be superwoman for awhile and essentially tell him he was wrong and it IS a big deal. It was very hard. He was wrong. He fully admits it now. We are both happier, healthier and our marriage is better because I basically told him to get on board with this or hit the road. I needed a support system and found it here for the first year+...by that time he could see how much more active and how much better I felt both physically and mentally about myself...thats when HE got totally on board and realized that I was a better me when I was in good health. It's not about being hotter in a skinnier body...although I fully admit I physically look a ton better now than I used to, It is about making sure you are emotionally and physically healthy. If he can't get on board with emotional and physical health you may need to rethink your relationship...
  4. drinking water and making sugar cookies....but not eating them!

    1. ProudGrammy


      congrats on looking but not eating those tempting cookies - 111 lbs down - keep up the good work and continue to drink all that water - congrats - kathy

    2. ADJL


      thanks Kathy!

  5. ADJL

    Talk to me about Salad!

    I have the same reaction to certain veggies. I hate that I can down a bag of M&Ms but can't keep lettuce from coming back up. I'm selective and seriously have to chew to mush when I eat it. *sigh*...I'm considering it one of the cons to an overall positive decision...
  6. I've been offline for quite awhile...moved...moved again...kept losing pounds slowly but surely...still working on it all...but...I just recently moved to an African country and pretty much all we eat is fresh foods...I'm having to completely change my diet based on what I can get and can't get due to my location...thus back online I go to make sure that I keep with my original weight loss goals and continue that slow loss down to my goal weight... I'm not complaining about eating fresh...most of it comes straight out of my garden, but since being banded I've struggled with getting salads/raw veggies down and keeping them down...so honestly, other than an occasional bite...I haven't really eaten raw vegetables for a really long time... Suggestions? Fills/unfills aren't going to happen...there are no docs where I'm at. Yes, I can cook them, but I'd like to figure out a way to get some raw veggies down my gullet. I've tried leaving out the lettuce...which really seems to cause me issues..but it doesn't seem to matter... I'm currently trying the chew to mush method, which allows me to eat *maybe* 1/4 cup...but that is all...and maybe that is enough... I'm just wondering what others experiences/tips/suggestions might be.
  7. I saw that post and responded to it! I found it exactly perfect for why I had come back!
  8. Girl - you really did decide to go BIG in the changes...hopefully life is still going well for you... I'm an old-timer...haven't been on here for years...and then a few days ago I thought to myself...I need to get on that forum because I eat way too many soft calories and I have become far too complacent . I've stopped thinking about what I'm doing...and when i stop thinking about it that is when I gain weight. I needed a reminder of the basic rules that helped me drop pounds and get healthy in the first place.
  9. ADJL

    Seeking Advice from other LB Vets

    I've met other LB vets that had a revision because the band just didn't meet their weight loss expectations. I don't know the mechanics behind *why* it works this way, but I dropped about 80 pounds then just sat there for almost 2 years before a move to a foreign country severely shook up my eating habits and I finally started dropping again - almost 30 pounds in about 9 months. When you do your fills do they remove all the Fluid then put it all back in? Could it be your band is leaking and not maintaining the fill? And, honestly - your surgeon may just be wrong and your band is actually not perfect in every way. So...its really up to what you want...it sounds like your health needs the weight loss to occur to keep the diabetes away and other issues...so if you think a revision will make you healthier where if you stick with the band it may or may not work and might be a lot of stress and frustration...well, then I'd personally go for it.
  10. ADJL

    Talk to me about Salad!

    I figured I was probably doing what I could with what I have. I do peel whatever I can like tomato skins squash skins, etc... ...I have a 1/4 cup on my dinner plate right now and I'm having to really take it slow, but its going down. I dropped an additional 20 pounds since moving here just because of the diet change. I've learned to really love it. The great thing is we truly have everything here...lettuce/carrots/beans/corn/peas/squash/tomato//beets/onion/etc for veggies and so many great fruits...pineapple, mango, papaya, bananas, apples, etc... And the avocados...so cheap and twice the size of your fist. Yes...I do love the options...and we are definitely lacking in convenience...but fresh tomatoes for sauce is pretty delicious when you take the time to make it! I also know my malaria medication causes some band restriction so I'm trying to take that at a time not related to a meal as well. Thanks, wlsresources/clothingexch!
  11. I so needed to read this. I lost then maintained for a long time...I just went through another big (35 lb) loss and I would like to keep it going...
  12. Back online after a long hiatus

  13. ADJL


  14. I confessed the other day to having taken an embarrassingly huge number of selfie pictures. While normally something teenagers are hounded about, I found myself snapping away because I am still shocked by how different I look. I am trying to get used to a new face. I don't recognize ME yet in this different version that is 66 lbs lighter. I can only imagine the changes after another 50 lbs! And then I thought.."I can't be the only one!" So...don't leave me hanging...revel a little in your new you look and show me your selfie!
  15. ADJL

    9 months post-op

    Plain old happy is such a good way to describe it! Way to go pretty lady!
  16. I haven't been on here for awhile...a million excuses about life getting in the way, but today I sat down with my surgeon for the first time in 6 months. (He'd been deployed to Kosovo and just returned) and we had a heart to heart about the last year. And HE called me a success story. And I love that I can agree with him. I've succeeded in doing SO MANY THINGS I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD EVER DO. In the past year I've lost a total of 75 pounds. I went from a size 24 to a size 12/14. I went from heaving breaths to running 5ks. My BP went from 160/110 to 104/67 (taken today!) I was an insulin dependant type 2 diabetic with high cholesterol. Both of those things are non-existant now. My blood sugars are in the normal range with no pills or shots. My cholesterol is low...just like it should be. I laugh more. I live more. I'm not done...I've got a list of things I still want to accomplish... -another 50 pounds to lose. -Zumba instructor certification -skydiving -triathalon ...and the list goes on...but the best part is that I know I can do it. If you are struggling right now with your band...follow the rules. They work. I just wanted to jump on here and thank all these lapbanders that encouraged me along the way and tell the newly banded that you can DO IT! Whatever that ellusive goal of yours is...you can reach it!
  17. ADJL

    Banders Exercise

    Relieved to find this thread! I've fallen off the exercise wagon. Today I hiked...we went geocaching...not strenuous, but a start to getting back on track.
  18. ADJL


    You all look fantastic, by the way!
  19. ADJL


    Technical difficulty now of actually getting that selfie uploaded...love this guy! <3
  20. ADJL


    OMGosh...I'm embarrassed! I posted a selfie a week ago in some random thread instead of here. I'm sure they were thinking...who IS this chick that's wants us to see her selfie!
  21. Oregon beaches may be cold, but they are beeeeeyoooootiful!

    1. kltklass


      I agree. I go to Rock Away Beach, Oregon every July. I can't wait to go this year!

    2. KAATNS
  22. Whoops...posted this in the wrong area....and you STILL look amazing.

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