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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bindi

  1. Hi!!

    Not only am i off track, i have totally derailed !! I am so mad at myself right now. But the first thing i have done to get back is i have made an appt with my doctor and therapist....

    I need to talk this out and probably need a fill. It will be my third.

    So lets do this...... hang in there.......

  2. Hi all May bandsters!! I was banded may 20th And have lost 32lbs. I feel great! I have had only one fill. My dr did not want to give me another one until I stop having stucks!! I am still learning to chew chew chew and eat slower. Which is much better now. I also need to work out more than I am. Have never liked it and still don't but I know how important it is for my progress ! I was on vacation and did ok (not perfect) but that def effected my weight loss. So back on track and hope I can get a fill this Tuesday at my appt. keep up the good work everyone !!

  3. I have to ask' date=' did it hurt??

    I have wondered if the numb the area before giving you a fill, etc..lol I'm kinda nervous about that.

    Good Luck![/quote']

    Hi ! No it did not hurt at all. Se had me lay back the next thing I know it's done. So liquids for 24 then she said tonight I can have fish and tomorrow regular diet. I don't know if there is a difference yet! Time will tell. But I feel great !

  4. Hi all ! Received my first fill today ! 4 cc's was placed in my band. Very excited about that. Need to get to that green Zone ! 24 hours back to liquids, then mushie for a meal then moving on to stage 5 !!!! Woohoo I made it . These few weeks were tuff but so am I !!!

  5. Thank you for sharing your story, your devotion to your lifestyle change and the motivation and great advice has been a big help to me and many others. I enjoy all your posts. They are honest and I learn from you. Banded 5/20/13 and you have helped me and you don't even know it. I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. I've had 2 fills luckily felt restriction with the first fill.. I'm 5 months out and 60lbs down.. You will definitely feel better when your filled.. :) as for how they do the fill' date=' my surgeon just inserts a syringe into the port and fills.. Totally painless[/quote']

    Hi I am Hoping one will do the trick :). Congrats on you weight loss that is excellent ! I am so happy with my decision to do this.

  7. So in need of my first fill, which is this Thursday !! Thank Goodness :). Very hungry now and no restriction. Trying to just have a little extra Protein and I must say no to those darn cheezits !

    I feel really good tho. 22lbs down since just before my surgery which was may 20th!! So bring on the fill.

    I am so ready !

  8. I am waiting for get my first fill on 7/1/13. Can't wait' date=' so excited. Np told me today at my appt. That they start with 2cc. I have to wait six weeks before a fill, but I still lost another 4 lbs, since my last appt. So I am happy.[/quote']

    I get my first full on Thursday !! Very excited:). It's hard with no restriction but still losing also :)

  9. Wow !! That was very touching. Thank you for sharing with us. We are all here for the same reasons to be healthy and to be able to enjoy life especially Disney ! We went there on our honeymoon and many times after. It's the best! You will for back and be able to do so much more with your kids because of the decision you made to lose weight. Good for you ! Keep your eyes on the prize which for you is MICKEY MOUSE :). One day at a time and one pound at a time !!

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