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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bindi

  1. One day at a time ! One pound at a time !
  2. bindi

    name one thing..

    I was just banded 5/20 so far that is my moment . Can't wait to share more!!!
  3. So banded 5/20 and doing great really no complaints . But today I am very hungry !!! Ugh ! And not even for bad food items. I would love a piece of salmon or salad or black beans with salsa!! And I have one more week to go ! Going back to work which will help so not just sitting home watching cooking shows LOL !! So just venting a little thanks for listening ! Time for my egg beater :! YUMMY
  4. We can do this !! Lets Keep busy and stay focused ! Have a great new day in our lapband life
  5. bindi

    I love my new jeans!!!!!!

    That's great !! My day will come. and what a feeling that will be ! Wear em proud
  6. Thank you ! I am hanging in there. Spending the day with my 2 month old grandson tomorrow so that will be the best way to not think of being hungry
  7. Thanks Wendy! I will be happy to get back to work
  8. Thank u !!!! I see you have been banded for some time . And love reading your motivating posts and how you care !
  9. Oh good ! I miss my DP very much! Maybe someday . . Have a good long weekend.
  10. bindi

    May 24th banding!

    Nenny !! Congrats. I am 5 days post op and doing great. Everyday gets better and better. So happy I made this decision ! Hope you have a good recovery ! Listen to your body and doctors orders and you will be fine
  11. I was told absolutely NO CARBONATED beverages. I'm not trying to tell you what to do but i would double check that with your Doctor.. This coming from a # 1 diet Pepsi fan. Have not had one in over two weeks
  12. bindi

    May 21 I was banded!

    Hi ! I agree first 48 hours were tuff. I was banded on the 20th. I'm still very sore in the port area but feel really good. I'm doing ok with the protein, but it is difficult . I am following the guidelines and that seems to help. Make sure to sip lots of fluids. Take care !
  13. bindi

    All ready!!

    Best of luck !!
  14. bindi


    Best of luck and congrats !! Banded May 20th and doing very good and you will too
  15. bindi

    May 24th banding!

    Best of luck !! Banded may 20th an doing great and so will you !!!!
  16. Lizzy I had the same pain. It does get better. Don't panic ... I am day 5 post op and the pain is getting better everyday .
  17. bindi

    Pain after surgery

    I was told gas x and walk as much as you can ! I was lucky and have not had any gas pain. Hang in there
  18. bindi

    Pain after surgery

    Hi Laurie! I was banded Monday and the only pain I have is in the port area. Very sore. But better than yesterday.
  19. bindi

    Surgery in the morning!!

    Every day has been better ! Had my cottage cheese and it never tasted so good !!
  20. bindi

    Pain after surgery

    Day 4 and getting better everyday !
  21. bindi

    Pain after surgery

    Day 4 and getting better everyday !
  22. bindi

    Surgery in the morning!!

    That pudding will taste so good !! LOL. I am on day 4 and getting better everyday. Having cottage cheese for lunch ! I am not as hungry as u thought I would be. Staying focused ! Have a good day ! I am in Massachusetts where are u located?
  23. So many stories of what u can and can't have . I am able to have yogurt, cottage cheese based on my Dr's instruction. Banded May 20th. Doing great! Please do what your doctor is telling you. If you have any doubt call your doctor. !! Don't make any changes based on what others are doing /saying. Everyone is different and Doctors as well! Best of luck !!!
  24. bindi

    Surgery in the morning!!

    Hi. Was feeling better 2nd day. Still very sore but I do feel better.. Not as hungry as I thought I would be. Really enjoying my cup of tomato soup. Mmmmm good . Hang in there one day at a time

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