Hello! This is my first time posting in here. I've had the meeting with the surgeon, gone to a supoort group meeting and am waiting to finish all of my pre-reqs before getting a surgery date. I'm hoping to be banded in June. I just wish I had done this when I was younger. So many years wasted being too fat to do things, and hating myself. I want to enjoy being 'young' (some would debate me being young, I'm 32) before it is too late. I work in health care and I have seen the toll obesity can take on the body, and I'm terrified of ending up a type II diabetic.
So my question for you guys is, when did you start telling family/friends? I have told my father and sister who are both very supportive. I haven't told my mom yet since I don't think she will be supportive. I have told some friends, but feel slightly uncomfortable telling them. I vascilate between whether I should just not say anything at all and when I start losing weight if people ask tell them? or making it common knowledge. I've already had one friend who after I told her made the comment that she would support me, but that she felt like lap band was 'the easy way out' for people who didn't want to work hard on their weight loss.
What have you all done!?!?