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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beanie80

  1. beanie80


    Any other banded CrossFitters out there? Curious how CrossFit has helped you lose weight and if you have had any problems with CrossFit due to your band. I've been doing it about 2 weeks now and love it!
  2. beanie80


    Don't be intimidated! I have been going for a while and i still have no idea what I'm doing. I am constantly asking the coaches what they are talking about and what we should be doing. Everyone has to start somewhere!
  3. beanie80


    I started about 2 weeks ago and I love it! It is a totally different way to workout than anything I've ever done before. They are really great about working with you if you are not in shape. You do not have to be a superfit athlete to do CrossFit. You will find muscles you didn't even know existed on your body. For the first time ever I feel like I am toning my arms!
  4. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else before. I went on a 2.5hr plane flight and felt fine. I had around 6ccs in my 10cc band. A couple of days into my trip I tried to eat a piece of lettuce with a tiny piece of red pepper. I got horribly stuck. I couldn't swallow even my own saliva for 8 hours. I finally went into the ED to loosen my band and they ended up taking out 3ccs. When I got home and talked to my surgeon he said he thought I got so stuck due to the flight. He told me he had another patient have it happen after a flight also. He suggested that I come in and get a little fluid taken out next time I fly. That stuck episode was one of the worst feelings of my life! Has anyone else had this happen?? thoughts about this?
  5. beanie80


    Any vegetarian or vegan bandsters out there? I'm curious how you get all of your protein in? I have relied a lot on eggs, ground turkey etc. to meet my protein needs, but I'm switching to a more plant based diet and am worried about protein intake. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  6. beanie80

    help(I really want it)

    You say that you are seeing a therapist, but are you seeing an eating disorders therapist? I am a binge eater (emotional/stress/anxiety etc. etc.) and I saw an eating disorders therapist for a while. It made me realize a lot about myself, my family and my relationship with food. I would highly suggest it. I would also suggest the book "Overcoming Overeating: How to break the diet/binge cycle and live a healthier, more satisfying life" By Jane Hirschmann and Carol Munter. Best of luck, you can do this, and let us know how it goes.
  7. beanie80

    Stupid head hunger!!

    I have found that drinking tea works with my 'boredom' eating but also sugar free mints and occasionally a glass of milk. Are you exercising at all? I find I have less head hunger when I have exercised and made my body tired.
  8. beanie80


    Great job! How did you break your plateau? I've been stuck for about a month now....I started lifting weights along with my regular exercise so I'm hoping that will help.
  9. beanie80

    Post stuck episode

    Just curious how long you all go back on liquids for after a stuck episode? I had a terrible stuck episode last night (bread is the devil) so I was on liquids for breakfast and lunch today and pureed for dinner....am I rushing it? I'm scared I will get stuck again.
  10. beanie80


    I got some honeycrisps at the grocery store yesterday and tried them this morning. Amazing! I peeled the skin, cut them up in chunks, sprinkled a bit of water, some cinnamon and some truvia and put them in the microwave for about 45 seconds. They are AMAZING! Thanks for the ideas y'all!
  11. beanie80


    Can anyone suggest a yummy, low fat/low cal recipe for soft apples? I had trouble eating a pear once, so I've kind of stayed away from all similar fruit due to the fear of getting stuck. It is fall now and the apples look soooo good. I'd love to be able to have some without the fear of getting stuck. Thanks!
  12. beanie80

    Hit the 50lb Mark! 3 Month Post Op

    You look great! Keep up the good work! I have to say, you also look about 10 years younger in the 'after' pic!
  13. beanie80

    Gas problems!

    Curious if anyone else has terrible problems with gas? I don't mind the burping so much, but the tooting is driving me crazy! It is embarrassing and uncomfortable. I've been banded since the end of June, will this get any better? is it something I'm doing wrong? Help!
  14. beanie80


    Its not the skin for me, I think it is just the fact that it is a hard food. No matter how much a chew it, it seems to feel weird going down.
  15. I also had my first stuck episode! It was terrible. I was foaming at the mouth and had bad chest pain. Teach me to eat too fast now that I finally feel my band Congrats LessLee on hitting the 30lb mark!
  16. beanie80

    My Heart is Broken

    I am so sorry for your loss. My dog is my baby too. I can't imagine the pain you are going through. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  17. beanie80

    Anxiety eating

    Another year of graduate school has begun, but this year I am banded. I have terrible anxiety (already on 2 meds for it), and I have a bad habit of anxiety eating. I have not gained weight, but I've kind of gotten stuck on the scale. I find myself eating when I'm not hungry to cope with the anxiety. I need some help/tips on how to deal with anxiety instead of eating. I also already exercise every day to help with the anxiety. THanks in advance
  18. beanie80

    Anxiety eating

    Thanks gowalking, but I already have professional help! haha. I just remembered someone on here saying something about finger tapping or something like that and was hoping they would suggest it again......
  19. I was banded June 26th and had 2ccs in the band from surgery. My surgeon has me on an interesting fill schedule. I get 0.5ccs every two weeks. I am now at about 3.5ccs in a 10cc band. Anyone else on a schedule like mine? My doc won't give me over 0.5ccs per fill....kind of weird?? I have plateaued and feel like at this rate I will never get to the green zone and start losing again
  20. Another week, another check in! How was the past week for everyone? I had to go buy new jeans because my other ones were falling off. I ended up being a 12 at one place and a 14 at another. It was so nice to not feel like crap about myself after trying on jeans! Next will be new work clothes, but those are more expensive and I don't want to shell out the money while I'm still losing.
  21. beanie80

    Bra Recommendations Please!

    Mis what did you end up buying? did you go for a fitting?
  22. beanie80

    Port pain when running

    Just curious if anyone else gets port pain when running? It is a sharp, shooting twinge around my port/bellybutton area (My port is just to the left of my bellybutton). It goes away pretty quickly, I'm just curious if anyone else has had it and if it is normal. I was banded June 26th 2013 and have had a couple of fills so far. Thanks!
  23. Congrats on the 40lbs!!! I'm not really in the green zone yet, but I can finally feel my band. I have about 4.75 in a 10cc band. I've been meaning to ask you LessLee, you have mentioned before that your doc did some test to determine where your green zone is. What test is this? also, what size band do you have? Hope you are having a great day!
  24. beanie80

    One year 72lbs!

    whoooo hoooo! way to go!
  25. The 1cc fill I got last week did the trick! I'm feeling hopeful and encouraged What about you!? oh and I'm going to share my goal for this month with you all so I can be held accountable. My goal is to get to 182 by the end of September. I just hope it cools down a bit more here in NC so I can run outside instead of on the dreaded treadmill. ugh.

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