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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    May bandings, Updates wanted

    Banded May 6th. Down 27 pounds. I think that's pretty awesome for less then 3 months. I would have never been able to do that before. I've had one fill, pretty sure I need another, but I'm working it! Keep the calories low and hitting the gym at least 5 days a week. Feeling good!!
  2. lisacaron

    Warrior or whimp?

    Ok maybe I am a whimmpy warrior today. It's a zillion degrees outside. I am cold in this office but I am still whining about going to the gym!!! I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay so I am gonna get up off my big butt and drag it kicking screaming and whining all the way down to the gym. Whaaaaaaa here I go, I don't like whiners making myself sick
  3. lisacaron

    Pain when in between my shoulders

    The gas pain can be uncomfortable, try the Gas-X and walking. Try a heating pad or hot Water bottle to see if it helps move things along. If you are still in alot of pain don't hestitate to give your surgeon a call. Better safe then sorry is my motto. Feel better!
  4. lisacaron

    Warrior or whimp?

    Thanks still going strong! I made it to the gym 5 days last week. 40-45 minutes on the treadmill. I upped the MPH from 2.5-3.0 and do that at intervals. Not ready to jog just yet, I have short legs so going any faster would be a jog for me. Maybe next week I'll push it a little faster...but I am feeling better about it and making it part of my routine. I think a little core work out and toning is in order to start working on building some muscle as well.
  5. lisacaron


    I am truly bummed today… I have had my first fill, and I am going to the gym 5 days a week. I'm really working on choosing and eating the right foods to work with the band. I'll admit I don't always, and there are days like today when I am so frustrated not seeing my numbers go down and I wonder what I am doing wrong…? Or am I just being impatient? Then I get that discouraged feeling that drives me right back to my old habits. So I spend the day fighting myself trying to convince myself I should not gorge on those fudge pops, it's probably better for ME not to even have them in the house and even if I have a headache I should put those sneakers on and go to the gym anyway! I should close my eyes and get some sleep at night and stop beating myself up, I'm tired, I need to get to the Dr. my blood pressure meds are probably keeping me even more tired..yet there are those excuses and bad habits of mine again. So I called and called the Dr.'s office only to keep getting the machine to leave a message and they will call me back to make an appointment, and guess what I did that last week when no one called me back! So I tore them a new one..sent them a mean spirited e-mail about their staff and office practices…and low and behold the office manager called me up! That was a first, usually people just run and hide from me when I am on a roll but this time they called me out so now I'll have to play ball and get my butt to the Dr. at the pre-set time. Sorry for the rant, thanks for being there…I was just feeling truly bummed today Maybe I will take myself to the gym anyway and work some of that frustration away.
  6. lisacaron

    Back to work

    Try Muscle Milk Light and just tell everyone you are on a new fitness program. This way when you start looking and feeling great they won't have so many questions they will just think it's working for you. I didn't hide my surgery but there are times I wish I had when people keep looking at me wondering why I am not 100 pounds lighter in only 3 months! I went back to work after the first week, and really I wish I had stayed home for 2 weeks. I was a bit tired getting back into work even though I sit behind a desk all day, you can't sleep there. The drive, the seat belt and my desk kept hitting up against my incision and I got one of them infected about 3 weeks out, and it took longer for it to close up. I made it through no pain just a bit of discomfort, but I would definitely recommend taking the extra time home, or starting back half days if you are able. Best of luck to you!
  7. I agree, the title of the post stating band failure was meant to lure people in thinking that something happened to the band and since most of us here have one or will have one soon so our interest is peaked to read the post. If something works for you by all means share away. No matter what it is because even under Water basket weaving techniques might help out someone who is looking for it, but be authentic in your statements please. You didn't have 100% band failure. Even if you think that is what it is, it is not. If your band there it's functioning then it's not failed. Everything takes effort and commitment. If using the band as a tool didn't help you I'm sorry to hear that you chose to give up on it. It was meant to be worked not just implanted like a magic bean stalk bean and poof you lose 100 pounds. If the diet is working for you keep at it. If your reading this post and you’re a bandster new old or yet to be, find what works for you and use your band in tandem as the tool it was meant to be.
  8. lisacaron

    First fill

    Don't be nervous it's nothing. The Dr. or PA will put a needle in the port, you will hardly feel even the pinch of the needle. My Dr. extracted all the primer Fluid that was put in the bad after surgery and then replaced that fluid and added just a bit more. They gave me some Water to drink to be sure it didn't get too tight and I was fine. You will be on a liquid diet for a couple of days after just in case any swelling happens, and the you will be back to a normal diet again. If you have any trouble swallowing, or symptoms of being stuck you may be too tight and need a small unfill but I didn't have that problem. Best of luck to you on your fill!
  9. Sad to say but people can be very insensitive when it comes to each other. I'm sorry that your daughter is not supportive of your decision but she doesn't have to be. It's not like you're taking her to the surgical ward. This is something you are doing for you and that is wonderful. Sometimes the focus needs to be on us. We need to take the time and the energy to make an investment in ourselves for our lives and our future and for our families. Your daughter will come around, she may just be worried about you not knowing all the facts, or even jealous that you are doing something so monumental for yourself. Take care of you, recover from the surgery feel better and don't focus on any negative stuff. This journey is difficult enough without adding other people's fears to it even when they are our children. Best of luck to you!
  10. lisacaron

    Feeling a little down

    Sometimes when we make changes in our lives it shifts everything. Our perspective on life and food and our relationship with food and even the people that surround us can't help but change and shift with us. Sometimes there are growing pains, and eventually we all adjust to our new position and way of being and we shed that old skin discard it and keep moving forward. It's not always the easiest thing to do, and I commend you for taking care of yourself and reaching out to share your story and your feelings. I know it really helps me too when I am going through changes and challenges to be able to reach out to others who are understanding. Feel better and keep taking care of you.
  11. lisacaron

    Fitness Routine Suggestions Please

    I think your right about the interval training. I was trying the couch to 5K and it was giving you that interval training I think I will go back to that. I can start low and work up toward a full run. Once upon my 20's I was very fit, but add another 20 years and a desk job, not so much at all. Starting back slowly I know I'll hit my stride I'm not giving up!
  12. I am really trying to stay motivated to keep moving. I have been really tired as of late. I just made an appt with my PCP to see if my blood pressure meds are maybe too high for me now and making me super sleepy. It's also been very hot here on Long Island, but I have been OK with the heat and humidity, just really really tired. I pushed through and went to the gym today. Walked for 45 minutes. I wonder if there is anyone out there who might be able to advise a good fitness routine for someone just starting out that doesn't have a whole lot of time to spend in the gym throughout the day. At first I was walking way too fast at 3.0 for my target heart rate, so I have slowed down and walk in the range for weight loss and monitor it at intervals and I have increased the amount of time I am walking by 15 minutes. I try to use the bike a couple of times a week, for 20 minutes to shift things up and not let my body get too comfortable with any one exercise. I am not really seeing the scale move, though I am feeling good (other than the tired thing I mentioned. That has me fighting with myself to get into the gym sometimes) and I can tell the inches are shifting in the way things fit. I'd love to hear any advice you all have. I'm trying to stay motivated to get fit and keep losing the weight.
  13. lisacaron

    May bandings, Updates wanted

    I had my surgery on May 6th and so far lost about 24 pounds. I've had one fill so far, and think I could use another one. I see the Dr. in August and will find out then. Weight loss has been stalled for me since right after surgery, I am eating well tracking calories and exercising…I see some change in weight distribution and inches, so I'm staying positive and hope to see those numbers go down!
  14. lisacaron

    Little success after a year

    You have all of us!!! Reach out…it really helps me on days when I feel the same way. I am only a couple of months out from surgery but I have been using that myfitnesspal app and it helps me to track my calories Protein etc. I must admit I don't do it all the time like I should. The weekends are the worst for me, I'm great during the week very disciplined but the weekends send me for a loop. My husband and I did the surgery together, and even though we are together in the struggle it's different for me then for him. He is losing weight faster than I am, and he's not going to the gym like I am every day. He needs a full hip replacement and mobility for him is tough, so we have issues where I want to be fit and he can' t be doing what I am doing and yet I am still not losing the weight as much as he is, don't be discouraged look up that my fitness pal website and get the jump on your husband!
  15. lisacaron

    Pain in left side

    You can try taking a Gas-X they come in strips to disolve in your mouth. If you are still having pain much longer though you should give your doc a call.
  16. lisacaron


    I will let you know what they say as soon as I see the Dr. I have the feeling it could be that, I have been having that dizzy feeling every now and then, and just brushing it off ot feeling tired. I know that it's not lack of sleep though, I have been sleeping at least 8 hours but still tired. I'll post as soon as I have some answers. Thanks for the kick in the pants to get to the Dr!
  17. lisacaron


    Really tired Has anyone else had those days when you are just really really tired? I had a rough weekend, didn't really move much. Stayed home in my AC and just read ALL day on Saturday. (Really people I read 2 800 page books) after which I was stiff and nearly blind. I really needed some down time, but today I still feel as though I didn't rest at all. Anyone else feeling that?
  18. lisacaron

    Warrior or whimp?

    Thanks really trying to stay motivated to keep moving. I have been really tired as of late. I just made an appt with my PCP to see if my blood pressure meds are maybe too high for me now and making me super sleepy. It's also been very hot here on Long Island, but I have been OK with the heat and humidity, just really really tired. I pushed through and went to the gym today. Walked for 45 minutes. I wonder if there is anyone out there who might be able to advise a good fitness routine for someone just starting out that doesn't have a whole lot of time to spend in the gym throughout the day. At first I was walking way too fast at 3.0 for my target heart rate, so I have slowed down and walk in the range for weight loss and monitor it at intervals and I have increased the amount of time I am walking by 15 minutes. I try to use the bike a couple of times a week, for 20 minutes to shift things up. I am not really seeing the scale move, though I am feeling good and I can tell the inches are shifting in the way things fit. I'd love to hear any advice you all have. I'm trying to stay motivated to get fit and keep losing the weight.
  19. lisacaron


    You know I am on blood pressure meds. 2 different ones as a matter of fact. I am going to call the Dr. and see if I can get in there because you could have a point. with a 25 pound loss they might be too high now and that's really impacting me getting up to move. I'm tired almost all the time. Thank you, dialing now
  20. lisacaron

    Cardio or weights?

    I posted a comment similar to this in another forum, but I think the issue with weight loss for us is that we are not sure of how we should exercise for our condition. I think the surgeons should add a physiologist to their team of experts along with the pschyo Dr.'s and nutrionists. It's a combination of diet and exercise that's going to help us lose weight. From what I learned it's all in the combination of exercises that we perform. When we do cardio we need to keep our heart rate in the target zone for fat burning and not endurance. If we are walking or running too fast we are burning carbs and not fat. If we want to burn the fat we need to keep our heart rate in the target zone and that might mean slowing down. It did for me. I was walking at 3.5 and now I walk at 2.3 -2.5-2.7 to keep my heart rate in the target zone for fat burning which is for me 107-110 bpm. When we do strength training or weights, we are building up muscle that helps become leaner and there for able to burn fat more effectively. So it's really the combination of both of these things that will help us get to our goals. So far, following this strategy has helped me to get the scale to move in the downward direction after a bit of stall.
  21. lisacaron

    Warrior or whimp?

    I made it through the work out. I'm having a hard time commiting to working out, and I have to tell you I am HUNGRY later. I might need another lite fill or I am really just working up an appetite for ice cold fudge pops!! Maybe an earlier work out today...
  22. lisacaron

    Pre op

    Are you having Protein Shakes as well? What worked for me was to stagger out the times that I was having something to eat/drink so that I was always having something and I thought about my next step, the surgery and I was able to deal with all the people around me eating chips and all that stuff. I would have something every other hour helped to stabilize blood sugar staving off headaches etc. my times were 9;11;1;3;5;7;9 and in between those times I would have my Water so I was practicing not eating and drinking at the same time. Something I still struggle with now. Sometimes I just need that sip of water after. Good luck with everything.
  23. lisacaron

    Time to go,

    Good luck!!! You'll do great. Remember walk walk walk.
  24. lisacaron


    The metal interferes with the machines, if you have implanted piercings as some people do those do not easily come out though there are some hospitals who I have seen them tell patients that they will remove them for them. I would speak with your Dr. about not touching the ones you don't think you will be able to take out so that you don't have someone in the hospital do it for you. Good luck!
  25. lisacaron

    Feeling awful

    Try to spread things out so that you are having something every couple of hours. Especailly at work, that is what helped me get through the days and after the first day I was not hungry and it was simple to get through. I would start at 9 with a shake, then at 11, maybe yougurt or fat free sugar free pudding. 1 I would have some Soup etc. so the times would be spread out to every other hour, 9;11;1;3;5;7;9 It kept my blood sugar from crashing no headaches, and my tummy wasn't growling at me. The withdrawl from sugar and caffine can cause a bit of discomfort but if your 2 days in you should already be through that. Best of luck to you!

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