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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. Very sad that so called professionals act so UN professionally toward their patients. There are some Dr.'s that I think forgot that they are there to HELP other's and not make them feel badly. Do no harm isn't that part of the oath that they take? His words are tantamount to bullying and it's wrong plain and simple. You are a strong person, and I'm glad that you were able to take his comments in stride and not let it derail you from your weight loss efforts.
  2. lisacaron


    Yes I have not in the port area but the incision right under that had that issue. For me it was closed up and pretty well healed causing an infection to brew up in that pocket. I caught it right away because the area was tender and hot to the touch. I covered it with triple antibiotic cream and it burst and started to drain. It took a few days for it to clear but nothing else had to be done to it. The wound closed up and everything was good. Keep an eye on the area and how you are feeling and how the area around the port. If it starts to feel warm or hot give the Doc a call.
  3. lisacaron


    I just had my second fill today, and I do feel some restriction with it. I did not feel that with my first fill. Though this time I forgot to ask how much they put in the band, but it feels good so far. I'd like to know if anyone out there has an answer to your question as well. The PA I spoke to today told me there are some people that come in and don't need anything put in the band at all and then there are some that have up to 9CC's in the band before they reach that "green zone". I'd like to know what other's experiences are.
  4. All of you ladies look great! More importantly I hope you are all feeling great!
  5. lisacaron

    Finally! all things a Go!

    Right before my surgery I was thinking about 101 things at once. I'm glad that everything worked out and you were given the go ahead. Sometimes the littlest things can cause our white blood count to rise. A bruise a cut or a scrape or even a little cold. Don't worry. The Dr. cleared you and soon we will see you on the banded side! Take care of yourself and wish you the best with the surgery.
  6. lisacaron

    Second fill today

    Only on the first fill they took out all the primer Fluid and then put that back plus a fill and the second fill they just added more fluid. Good point on the tattoo. I can understand everything shifting after weight loss might have to rethink that idea
  7. lisacaron


    The lapband made by Allergan comes in sizes: APS 0-10 CC and APL 0-14CC There are several ports that can be placed with these bands the typical port is the standard profile port (14.7mm). The REALIZE band by Johnson & Johnson is a wider band at (23 mm) with fill levels of 9CC or REALIZE band C at 11CC but the band itself is one size fits all. Depending on the Surgeon you have and the product/s they use, it is determined at the time of surgery the size of the band you will need to work best with your anatomy. Good luck in your journey.
  8. lisacaron

    Second fill today

    I find it funny that they have to poke and push so much to find the port when I can feel my port just fine. Maybe it's different when you're lying down? They should just put a tattoo in that spot when they do the surgery so that they know just where to put the needle for fills and withdrawls. Just a little beauty mark so they can find the port site without all the poking and pushing
  9. lisacaron

    My first adjustment

    Hi Brittany, I have just had my second fill today. I am on liquids for the next two days and then on to mushy and then finally back to regular meals. I don't feel badly about it. I actually look at it as a fresh start. Gives my band a chance to settle in after the filling and my stomach a chance to accept the change. I think it also helps my metabolism get a kick start in the right direction. For me it's kind of like resetting the gauge on the gas tank after a fill up. See how far you can get on this tank of gas. Maybe this will be the one that takes me where I want to go, and maybe I might have to stop for another fill along the way before I get there. Try not to look at it as a restriction or a punishment. It's just a way to help you find that perfect balance you need to help your band work the best for you. Make sure you are eating enough Protein in your diet. Have something every other hour or so and you won't feel sluggish and weak. Also remember to hydrate, that can also make you feel sluggish if you are dehydrated. Soon you'll be back on regular foods, and your tummy will thank you for the chance to get used to the band change.
  10. That's great! I worry about not being able to fit in my skin! I don't mind the clothes, I have a lot of various sizes of things over the years of Yo-yo dieting and I'm grateful for that. Now I just buy things I can tailor or are adjustable. I don't want to spend any significant amount on new clothes until I am closer to my goal weight and I still have a lot to lose. I have a few friends who have lost weight, and some of them in extreme ways and their faces have just sunk I and they are so wrinkly. My husband says it's because they are lacking in nutrition and he's probably right. That was why I chose the lap band vs. the other surgeries I don't want to look like a prune Enjoy that back to school shopping and pick up a few items for Mom too!! You all deserve it!
  11. lisacaron

    Pre-Op Diet

    You can do it!! You will be amazed at how much weight you will lose in just the pre-op diet phase if you work through it. What worked for me was eating something/drinking something every other hour so I was never "hungry". I would start at 9 then have something again at 11 then at 1;3;5;7;9:00. You can have Protein shakes, Greek yogurt (Chobani with fruit is high in protein, low in sugar and the most protein for the calories) sugar free pudding made with fat free milk. No sugar ice pops, fudge pops (those are great for after surgery also!) Healthy Choice Soups are great as well low sodium. Sometimes I would also add a small salad at dinner if I really needed something extra. If you keep your hunger at bay and don't go too long between you will find it's not so bad and you get into a routine that will really help you after surgery as well. Best of luck!
  12. lisacaron

    getting started

    PT is right you are not out of control. If I read your post right you just had surgery? If that's true then you need some time to heal, and you might even find a bit of a weight gain from all the fluids and swelling from surgery. Everybody and every person's experience is different. My husband and I were banded in the same week, we have gone through all the phases together. Today at our Dr. visit I needed a fill and he did not. I lost weight and this month he maintained. Everyone has their own rate of healing and weight loss. The key is to find what works for you, and work it. Don't feel discouraged and try not to beat yourself up, just be honest with yourself and you will soon find those pounds melting away and your health getting better every day. Best of luck to you.
  13. Thank you for sharing your stories. You are right when you say that is what they are, YOUR stories. YOUR experience. I am living MINE as is each person on this site. Please don't cloud the issues with your issues. We are all aware of the risks vs. gain in getting banded today. There is extensive research that can be done and that is provided by health care practitioners who are still placing bands today. Are you a surgeon or medical doctor? Do you have a degree in the medical field or technology field that produces bands for WLS? Do you work in the OR / ER as a registered nurse for any of the hospitals you mentioned? Or did you gather that information from Google or Wikipedia? No matter if you are new, just banded, about to be banded or banded for 10 or more years. Your experience is always going to be just that. YOUR experience. You can be a statistic if you wish to be. You can be 1 in 10 or 1 in 5 but I suggest you just be you. If WLS surgery is an option you or a family member is considering, please do your due diligence. Research reputable surgeons and speak to your doctors. Get out and see for yourself meet people talk to surgeons check out the manufactures of bands today gain some firsthand knowledge, and then choose to walk the path or not without judgment. That is where this thread falls short, it's passing judgment on those before and after, and the last time I checked no one asked for that. This is an open forum to share your story and for others to share their stories and their onions not to judge, disillusion or harm others as you do when you make broad statements that are not matters of fact and cannot be substantiated by more than your individual experience. Good luck in whatever path you choose, and I hope that you have a much better experience in the future with no complications.
  14. lisacaron

    Significant Others

    Thanks for sharing CG. I have to say I am blessed to have the support of my family and friends. I have not had to hide the fact that I have been banded and for that I am truly grateful. Everyone in our family, our co-workers and friends have been nothing but supportive of my husband and I we are very lucky and in turn try to be supportive to everyone as we can be.
  15. lisacaron

    Weighing options

    First of all please let me say that I am sorry that you have suffered such a loss. I'm sure that this last year has not been easy, but please don't make things any harder by beating yourself up. All of us here have had our share of good bad and ugly eating habits. We were not always athletic, or even knew where our sneakers could be found! (Ok I'm guilty of that So you my friend have found yourself in good company here, and there are a lot of people in the group that can give you great insite and information about the lap band and you can find all kinds of sites and information online, but your right the only one who can make the choice is you. About a 2 years ago, I went to see my Dr. I thought I was ready to do this! I'm tired of being overweight, I'm tired of being tired and feeling sick! I'm going to get the band! Then I got home and started reading about all the tests and Dr.'s I would have to see and then I started thinking… if I could stand on my head to do all that then I could just lose the weight on my own! Now I know I wasn't ready to commit to all it would take to have the surgery, or all it would take to be succesful after it. If you're on the fence give yourself some time. Your still healing from all the emotional trauma you have experienced in the last year and you need to be sure that you are 100% committed to this life style change. While the band is reversible, it's not recommended you view it that way. So take some time, join Weight Watchers or a similar program on a month to month or week to week basis and see how you feel about it in a few weeks/ months, and revisit the idea again. For me, it took 2 years to fully commit to having the surgery and committing to all the changes I had to make in my life. It's not easy to face your food demons or the other things that can drive right back to your bad habits and food choices. Once you embark on the WLS path that is exactly what you will have to do every day to be successful with it. I wish you all the best, and please come back and ask as many questions as you need to. There are a lot of very supportive and helpful bunch of people here.
  16. Please do not use mederma or anything else in that area. Just keep it clean with soap and Water. The incision looks good and the area that is open will heal. Try to keep the area clean and if it rubs against your clothing just put a simple gauze pad over it with nothing under it. If the skin around the incision site gets red or feels hot then you need to get to the Dr. because you are brewing a possible infection. The wound is still open so mederma, or any other kind of cream could result in getting bacteria into the wound so steer clear of those things until the wound is fully closed and healed. Trust me this is coming from experience with wound and incision infection.
  17. lisacaron

    Ultimate Goal?

    I feel like I am the shortest one here at 5'1". I started this journey at 260 and I am not 232. I'd like to lose 100lbs more though I am happy at every weight I am at as long as I am healthy! I have not always been healthy so for me that is my goal. Healthy and happy. The lowest weight I have been was about 24 years ago before I started having children and I was 110 lbs. I don't think I will ever see that weight again, but I never like to say never
  18. lisacaron

    Lost 5.4 more lbs

    Woo Hoo! Keep up the good work!
  19. lisacaron

    Weight gain!

    First of all don't feel like a failure! You just had a baby, your still nursing and you need some time to heal. Your body has just been through one of the most dramatic and traumatic things a woman can go through and you have a beautiful baby now. I have 3 sons and 2 step sons so I know it can be so difficult to get any time for yourself, but when you can take it. Even if you are going for a stroll with the baby on a beautiful summer morning. Running after the kids is going to help get you back into shape. Add them into the routine, make them part of it with you they will love it. I would wait on the fill till you are done nursing because you need the extra nutrients to pass along to the baby. Just watch the things you are choosing to eat larger portions of, and once you are done nursing make an appointment for a fill. Most of all be kind to yourself, that is the first step in getting back on track to take care of yourself. Congratulations and Best of Luck to you!
  20. lisacaron

    stress not good

    Ah my friend I am all too familiar with family issues and STRESS. It can really take a toll on you and weight loss is not the only way it can get to you. Though it is much easier to say then to do, please for your own sake take care of yourself. Give yourself a break and show yourself some love. Even if you have to take a moment or two and lock yourself in the bathroom to take some deep calming breaths, it helps. Best wishes for you and your family. Stay strong, keep breathing and this too shall pass.
  21. lisacaron


    Both my husband and I were given one after surgery. We were both banded in May. However my father had curated artery surgery and he was given one as well, so I'm thinking this might just be something they do for any extensive surgery where the patient is intubated and sedated to open up the lungs and clear them of fluid after surgery.
  22. lisacaron

    NSV today

    Best of wishes to you and your family. Keep up the good work you're doing great!
  23. lisacaron

    Post op

    I think your right on track. Clear liquids are usually only for a couple of days before you can progress to thicker Soups and Protein shakes. Pumpkin soup sounds amazing wish I had thought of that when I was hungry after my surgery. By the end of the week you'll move to mushy or purred foods. If you put them in the blender that will make them soup like and smooth. I've had chili from Wendy's and put that in the blender and it was delicious after weeks of sweet shakes and pudding, and I'm not a big chili eater never would have thought to eat it before surgery. Now we make turkey chili all the time, add lots of vegies to it that I put in the blender so they are in there but don't get stuck and I love it. I'll have to try the Pumpkin soup next time I have fill and need some soup! You're doing great! Keep up the good work.
  24. lisacaron


    My friend plan to be off at least 2 weeks. If you are not telling people at work about your surgery it's going to be hard to go back and be able to do all the things you normally do. Your stitches will take at least 4-6 weeks to heal and close so you want to be careful. You don't want to be lifting things that could cause a hernia where the incisions are or anything else. I have a desk job and I went back to work after 10 days. While I was feeling great, and was ready to get out of the house, it wasn't the best choice for me. The seat belt in my car and the edge of my desk line up with one of my incisions and it ended up getting infected from being rubbed against and it was uncomfortable for a while and took longer to heal and drained for a week straight. I should have stayed home another week. My husband is a fire fighter and he had surgery 2 days after me, he was home for the full 6 weeks + until he was able to lift things without injury. If you have the time take it. If you are able to use FMLA use it, if your job has short term disability or light work apply for it. If you have to tell them you're having surgery tell them it's abdominal surgery they don't need to know it's weight loss surgery it could be anything. Female problem, or gallbladder or anything really. Give yourself the time to heal. You are doing this to make your life healthier, so start off on the right foot and give yourself the time to heal before getting back to work if you can. Best of luck to you!
  25. lisacaron

    Kinda scared

    I have heard about this before, and some advice that was given was to try something warm. Sounds like you might be a bit tight, if you have a cold or something that could make it more so in the mornings. For me the mornings are a bit tighter, and I usually start the day with a cup of coffee or tea before eating anything. It really does help. Hope you feel better soon.

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