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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Onederland finally

    Awesome! You look great and very happy!
  2. lisacaron

    My secret reason!!

    Love that Good for you! Halloween is one of my favorite days, and the fall is my favorite time of the year. I don't have a secret...but Wonder Woman and Superman could be fun costumes to dress up in next year!!!
  3. I’ll never be a band basher! I said I do on May 5th, had my ring placed and I enjoy excellent communication with my band and my bariatric group. Communication is the key to success.

  4. lisacaron

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    I love it NaNa you prove my point 100%. It is not your job to be judge and jury to ANYONE on this site or else where. Share your OPINIONS and your ADVICE but DO NOT think that you stand above or are better learned then ANYONE ELSE. You can throw out a million links I know how to use Google very well thank you very much. People are going to do what they choose to do with our with out your comments. I'm not cocky darling, I'm just truthful. Thanks for calling yourself out and giving attention to YOUR own inadequacy. I'm sure in 5 years 10 years or 20 we will all be better off for not enduring your condescending tone.
  5. lisacaron

    personal question

    Love your photo! I think it's all he hormones that are released as we are losing. All that estrogen really rev's things up a notch!
  6. lisacaron


    Hi Hope, I wasn't sure what Pranayama was, I googled it Seems like it's something awesome to do with the band or without the band. Deep breathing and healing breath sounds like a good practice! I did lots of deep breathing though it was sometimes uncomfortable after surgery, but beneficial for clearing out the lungs. I'd like to learn more about it, and why you think it might not be a safe thing to practice with the band....
  7. lisacaron


    I am a desk jockey, the biggest muscle I have to use daily is my brain and my fingers...I was out of the office for 10 days and when I came back to work I wished I had taken at least the full 2 weeks. As a nurse you know Sylvia that your wounds will not be fully healed in a week. The surgical tape probably won't be off the wounds at that point at least it wasn't for me. Not long after I started back to work, I got an infection in the incision I have at my waist from pants and seat belt in the car causing friction in the area. Of course hopefully that won't happen to most people just sharing my experience. (I am very short waisted) I healed quickly, and felt great when I was at home. The journey back to work, driving and then putting in a 9 hour day I was wiped out and dragging myself home and right to bed. This is a major surgery, and it really does take the body time to heal and assimilate to eating differently. My hubby is a Fire fighter and he was told he would be home from work for a month until he was cleared to lift by the surgeon which actually took 2+ months. I don't want to say that is the norm, but please check with your surgeon let them know what your job details are and then make the best choice for you. Best of luck on your journey!
  8. lisacaron

    HELP!! Has anyone had this happen?

    I'm sorry to read all that and I hope everything works out for you and the Dr. is able to easily remedy the situation. I am curious to know if he told you what might the tubing kink up? Is it something that happened on the install of the band or something after? I always think about that when I am doing certain exercises, though I do try not to worry about it...I am curious to know what might cause something like that.
  9. lisacaron

    Hair loss!:-(

    Grrrowl!!! I have had hair loss as well. My hubby too. The other day I was at the hair salon, I had been putting off having my hair done because I was shedding worse then the Persian cat I have at home! Bits of long blonde hair were everywhere! I finally broke down and went to the salon, I thought to just groom the dead ends, and hopefully get some volume back. I had them bring the color tone down from bright blonde to more of the new in style Bronde. A mix of brown and blonde. As they washed out the color...a huge fist full of hair came out. I panicked for a second thinking OK now i"m sure I have a bald spot! Alas, no bald spot. (Thank God!) I have been taking the Biotin Vitamins and using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. My hair is growing back, I have all little baby hairs popping up everywhere. The hairdresser did a deep conditioning Keratin treatment for me while I was there to help smooth down the new growth, and to help make the rest of my hair stronger. I'm happy. My Nut told me it's because I have not been getting enough Protein so I have upped that to make sure I am getting in 60-80 grams a day. The hubby too and things have turned around for us in the hair department! Thanks to a friend on this site, I have been taking protein shots on days when I am not eating enough to help supplement. They have about 26 grams of protein and 65 calories. I am loving it! Thanks PT for the advice!!
  10. lisacaron

    Pre op Diet Struggles

    I have a question for you...does slimfast have enough Protein in it to keep you full? When I was doing my pre-op diet I remember looking at those shakes and the protein content was pretty low compared to others on the market... My husband and I used Premier Protein with 30grams of protein about 160 calories. We choose that one because of the protein content and it had the best flavor and texture for us to work with. Also what helped me was I put a program in place, so I was eating or drinking something every hour. For example I would have a Greek Yogurt (chobani I found had the best nut values for the calories) at 9am, then at 10 I would have Water or decaf coffee/tea then at 11 a shake, 12 water, 1 Soup, etc. That kept me from being bored, and I felt pretty satisfied. When I had the urge to chew I would try a piece of gum, if I really needed the chew and crunch I would have a small salad or grilled vegies. Good luck on your journey!
  11. lisacaron

    onelander baby!

    Lovely!!! I'm working hard to get there...and all of you are a great support and inspiration!
  12. lisacaron

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    A bit off topic here...but just had to get this off my chest. Why is that some people feel they are experts at what is right for anyone but themselves? When "newbies" or even veterans for that matter ask questions, it's because they are looking for advice and support. We are not looking for the know it all clipped and often times judgmental comments that are thrown out to refute the actual helpful advice of other bandsters. These comments come in almost exact succession to the postings of certain people who are actually helpful in their comments and advice, and these judgmental postings are really starting to bug me. If you think this comment was about you, then it probably was and I hit my target audience. My advice to you is that perhaps you should take all that you know and apply it personally and then edit the content again before you hit post. Or I'm sure there will be more people who will start refuting your comments and judging you for your tone and countering you on your expertise. Last I checked you were not registered as a Lapband Surgeon, Doctor, PA, or spokesman. It's really all just your opinions that would be better served minus the judgmental tone. Thank you. My apologies to Wanna-Be-Healthy for hijacking your post to speak my mind.
  13. I am about 2 months post op. I had my first fill on Monday 7/8. The doc had to poke around a bit, and then got in the port "to the side" she said. Extracted all the Fluid, about 3cc's and added that back plus 3. So all is well. Eating now back to regular food, nothing getting stuck doing well with all of that. However…on that side near the port when I am exercising it hurts a bit when I breathe deeply while walking/walking really fast not really a jog as yet. I just wanted to reach out and see what opinions are. The doc did say I might be a little sore, but it's a strange tight feeling in the muscle there, not really at the port site itself but a bit lower. I don't want to hurt myself, and I also don't want to lose the momentum of going to the gym and getting a little fitness started either. Your advice is welcome.
  14. Chauffeur hat in place off to run the college kids around! What’s wrong with that picture?

  15. lisacaron

    Something to encourage you all

    OMG I LOVE THAT!! Thank you I needed a laugh this fine Monday afternoon!
  16. lisacaron


    I think it's possible, and probable. It happens for me as well. Some days I am feeling fuller faster, and hungry less often and then others I feel like I could eat a bit more or I am hungrier faster then I was the day before. I think some of that has to do with my choices of food. salad vs chicken Breast etc. but I know in the mornings I am tighter then I am through out the day, and then sometimes right before bed it's a bit tighter again. Which works for me I have my cup of decaf tea and hit the sheets for some Zzzz.
  17. Me too Lady J. Keep us up to date on what they think might be the answer to the missing fluid.
  18. lisacaron

    Stomach growling??

    Try the Unjury unflavored protein. There is also a Whey protein that is lactose free. You can also try lactase tablets to help you out as well as a probiotic. The first couple of weeks of my post op liquid diet I had digestive issues also from dairy and those things helped me.
  19. lisacaron

    Stomach growling??

    My tummy grumbles and growls, my hubby's tummy grumbles and growls. We look at each other and laugh! It's like our bands are communicating to each other, and we find it hysterical.
  20. lisacaron

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    Glad to hear that they found out what was going on with your wife. I hope she has a speedy recovery, and heals well. Thank you for keeping us updated. Stay strong and best wishes for your both!
  21. I think I understand what you are trying to say/ask. For me the band does not take away my hunger, but it does help to curb my hunger. I am able to go 4 hours without looking for a snack or a meal. It does not stop me from overeating, I stop myself when I feel that "full" feeling or that soft stop which for me is a deep sigh and a hiccup. If I push it too far, the band lets me know I have REALLY over eaten and I am uncomfortable (not stuck) just uncomfortable with the amount I have over eaten. Like filling up a bottle too close to the top and then trying to put the cap on, with out spilling. I pay attention to those feelings, so that I don't get to the point of having to vomit, or PB or feel stuck. I have pushed myself to that point a couple of times because the food was so good my mouth just wanted to keep eating it even after I was full. Now I don't do that. Once I have that signal if I have to walk away, or pour Water or something over the remainder of my food so I don't graze at it that's what I do. Until you get the right amount of fill it's easy to eat more then that one cup of food. Depending on the type of food you eat and if it's lubricated in sauce or condiments. Learning about our bodies and what makes us eat, when and why we choose to eat what we do is the test. Once you get all the signals your body is giving you it gets a little easier. Dealing with the head hunger of cravings, and mouth hunger cause it tastes so darn good...those are harder to cope with and factor into this new banded life. I hope that helped...
  22. lisacaron

    weight gain

    You just had major surgery. Your body is healing right now. It will take some time for your body to fully heal and you a little bit of weight gain is normal due to swelling and excess gas. Keep following Dr.'s orders and taking care of yourself. The weight will come off. Now is the time to focus on healing, and eating mechanics. Your doing great! Keep up the good work!
  23. lisacaron


    SC- You need the two weeks off to give yourself some time to heal. This was major surgery, and of course you are going to feel the effects of that. The nausea and sick feelings will soon ebb. My hunger returned rather quickly after surgery as well, but I was more tired then hungry the first few days. Once I was able to transition to mushy foods I was that much better as far as hunger and cravings went. My husband wasn't so hungry, and he stuck to his shakes for a longer time as they made him feel more confident. Set up a schedule, treat yourself like a newborn babe. Give yourself some nourishment every half an hour in small medicine cup doses. Try some warm decaf tea, and some sugar free ice pops they help you get the fluids in and they soothe your insides as well. The warm liquid will help open up and relax the pouch and the ice pops help the swelling of the stoma. Use an icepack at the port site, and a hot Water bottle under you shoulder/back or lower belly to help with gas pain. To move it and pass it...walk walk walk. Burping and farting are allowed! Find a guy and laugh it up with them as you toot your horn! Take your pain meds, and rest. If you are not feeling well and really can't get any liquids in, call the surgeon you don't want to dehydrate. Feel better, and reach out when you need to there are many good people here that will be happy to offer support and encouragement.
  24. lisacaron

    Spouse is NOT on board.....

    Manda, This is a decision you are making for yourself, and that really does not have anything to do with your husband. We all need lots of support and you are obviously not getting that at home right now. You could of course get that from your support group as well as from this forum and friends. I would however seriously consider looking deeper into what's going on with your husband he obviously has very strong feelings that have changed your course of action once before. If this were to keep up, it can cause hard feelings and upset on both sides as you will be resentful, and so might he thus impacting the relationship in a negative way. If your surgeon's group has a therapist it might be good to bring your husband in for an open discussion with you. So he can address what might just be fear of the unknown, and what sounds like some insecurity on his end. What I have learned is that this decision is a personal one, you are the one that must commit to the band, and it is very much like a marriage, including the ring around your tummy! Support from loved ones and family is always great but sometimes we have to think of our own well being and make the decision to move forward or not based on what's best for us. The best we can do for family and loved ones is to help them understand our decisions. Best of luck on your decision and your journey.
  25. lisacaron

    how's your fill done?

    Pretty much the same here. A few more questions about eating mechanics making sure we are getting Protein etc. Fill is different for my husband and I as far as CC's I am a bit ahead of him. He's at 4.2 in 10cc and I am at 5.5 in 10cc. I have had one missed port injection, but my port is not as close to the surface as my hubby's. It doesn't hurt slight pin prick and it's all done.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
