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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    I cant understand...

    Go MOM! She's right they are NOT in her league! They did her a favor before she lost the weight because now she knows right where they stand and doesn't have to bother to figure them out.
  2. Your in my thoughts. Hope all goes well for a speedy recovery! Treat yourself with some TLC!
  3. lisacaron

    Scared after reading

    Amazing support from everyone here! For every complication you read about there are so many other successes. When I was doing research about WLS, I checked out everything. Including other types of WLS. I personally knew and had friends and family with gastric by pass and sleeves. I interviewed Surgeons, and inspected hospitals before I was ready to commit 100% to this procedure. I have seen first hand how traumatizing and life altering other WLS can be, as well as how life saving and victorious those surgeries can be. The same can be true for the band. However, even with all the complications I read about the band..it was the safest way to go for me. I have friends who have been banded have found amazing success and yes even one who had complications never lost any weight and had her band removed. I can say those banded friends, are both alive and doing well in their lives. I could not say the same for those I knew who had other WLS, so that really helped influence my choice. Friend you have been through so much already, so i know your a strong person and would do well with any choice you might make. Rock on! and be well!!!
  4. lisacaron

    stayin stuck

    Your doing awesome! I will share what my Nut had to say at a meeting yesterday maybe this will help you. There is a ratio of calories in and calories out. When we take in less calories our metabolism will slow down to accommodate the amount of calories we require it to function on, thus slowing weight loss and balance the scales. For us..that means a Plateau, not gaining but not losing. The only way to unbalance that scale is to knock it off balance by either pushing our exercise routines up a notch or shifting it up..if we walk..we should run or bike, weight lift. If we are eating the same things all the time, we should shake that up and shock the system into response. If you ask the body to continue to burn more and more and push it off the plateau metabolism will kick in and start burning the fat stores again.
  5. lisacaron

    I cant understand...

    Discrimination comes in all forms I'm sorry to say. I have found that those that have prejudices about others are the ones we need to have pity for. They are so consumed by their own lack and insecurity the only way they can feel valued is to make negative comments about others. It is much harder to look in the mirror and see what is wrong with ourselves then it is to cast those dispersions onto another. You are all strong healthy beautiful women and men, you have done the hardest work. We took a good long look at ourselves and said...I can fix this and make it better, and we work hard at it every day. Not to "fit in" but because it's what makes us feel better, and we can share those good feelings with others in the world.
  6. Oh hang on....You are 3 DAYS post op! Got ya...3 weeks off Methadone. OK. Are you able to take Tylenol? That will help you. Also...please try some warm tea, and a hot Water bottle or heating pad under your back where it's hurting. That will help to move the gas around and out. Blow your horn honey!!!! I almost rose 2 feet off my bed the first time I passed gas, I was laughing so hard my stitches hurt but it felt AWESOME! Gas-Ex helps lots, and if your sore ice pack on the port site. Rest but also get up and try to walk around as much as you can when you can even to the bathroom and back. It does help to move the gas. sugar free ice pops were another life saver for me when I had trouble with getting all my fluids in. They are soothing to your insides. Again reach out if you need to!!!
  7. B-You have tons of support here! I'm sorry that you are having a hard time. Are you getting all your fluids in? I know sometimes when I am dehydrated, I get a little constipated and that makes my back hurt a bit like what your saying yours feels like. Mis is right though, if you are 3 weeks out you should call your Doc and make sure that everything is going well. You did have a double procedure and that might affect it but just to be sure it never hurts to call. Please let us know how your doing, and reach out any time you need to.
  8. lisacaron

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    Thank you lellow for your reply. It is very much in the delivery and the tone of the messages. It really tunes people out to what can be a very important message for all of us to read. When these negative messages come on the heels of other Veteran’s messages it sort of discredits them, and undermines their messages which are also very helpful and necessary for us to read. It is more than helpful to new bandsters like myself as well as more seasoned bandsters to hear from everyone about their individual experience and knowledge, but when the message is delivered in a way that stops other’s from sharing their experiences for fear of judgment or simply to not be forced into engaging in a thread war that is not good for anyone. I totally understand the frustration and the argument about those who are non- compliant and for those that are just seeking an “it’s OK to be doing wrong” pat on the back. Those are the very people that you are trying to reach and those are also the very people that are alienated by the tone of the messages being sent out. It doesn’t have to be all hearts and flowers, tough love is needed but remember that they are people and they are going to be best reached if they can relate to you and your message. If they are put off by you, then they are not hearing anything you say or anyone else is saying. They are just going to discredit the whole thing, and move on till they find what they are looking for. Sometimes it takes a bit of sugar to get the medicine down. It is as simple as remembering where you started from and helping those people put themselves in your shoes and you in theirs for a moment for your message to be heard and well received. Thank you all for your helpful replies, and wisdom. I assure you it is not lost on us.
  9. lisacaron

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    Speaking of crabs....no really! We love them, this Long Island gal is sooo happy to live by the seashore
  10. lisacaron

    Hair loss!:-(

    They are by Body Fortress, they have 26 Grams of protein. I got them at Walmart!! Shout out to my friend PT!! Her advice was right on the $$. They are about $9.99 for 6 bottles or vials as they call them. I usually have 1 or 2 per day depending on the amount of protein I have. They are a quick way to ensure I'm getting my totals in for the day especially if I am short for some reason.
  11. Bec I wish you the best! It sounds like this insurance company you have is ridiculous. Why would they pay for surgery and not your emergency bill?! Perhaps you can do a little research on them, and see if there is a way around it. Or even if another Primary Care Doctor can give you the referral. At least the GI doctor is a place to start. Good luck and keep us informed. Also since you are in the USA, I think under Obama care you are supposed to be covered for treatment of any pre-existing conditions with a new insurance company, that might be an avenue worth exploring as well.
  12. lisacaron

    3 months, 53 pounds down!

    Love ya PT! I found those shots and they are the best! I was so tired and weak from lack of protein and I had no idea what was wrong with me. I had my PCP run all my blood work to find out and that was it! I wasn't taking in enough protein the shots are a great supplement and I'm feeling SOOO much better today after taking them. Thank you. {{{HUGS}}} to all the great supportive people out there! You really help in so many ways just by being there, and being YOU!
  13. lisacaron

    3 months, 53 pounds down!

    ShantelleElaine- you are an inspiration your upbeat tone even in the face of such adversity is amazing! My heart goes out to you both! You are both such strong amazing women!! You ladies ROCK! Please take care of yourselves, and I hope everything comes back good for you both!
  14. Mis has good advice! If you are looking for a doctor to take care of your band issues going further after you have resolved the too tight band you have now, perhaps the doctor that you see in the ER will take on your case if he/she is a Bariatric doctor. If not ask them to give you a referral if that is what your insurance company requires for you to see another Bariatric doctor which you can probably find using the search feature on this site for one close to you. Good luck and please take care!
  15. Debbie, I would also ask them if they will cover un-fills or partial un-fills in case they are overly aggressive getting you to green and you need a bit out to be comfortable. You don't want to get hit with a bill after the fact.
  16. Those last few days can really be a test! Your in the home stretch now, and soon it will be over and done and the healing will begin! Deep breathing....and keeping busy is what got me through those last couple of days. See you on the banded side!
  17. lisacaron

    Am I the only one???

    I will say that most Protein products do have that ole smell. My mixer if I don't clean it out right away gets that grody smell to it and I won't drink anything out of it. I'm going through a lot of plastic shakers let me tell ya! Thank goodness they are not too expensive I haven't tried the unjury so I can't comment on that. I stick with the chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. It works for me since I don't use it that much these days. Only on fill weeks, or to supplement my protein totals for the day.
  18. Hi Debbie, I have read a comment somewhere from someone on here....and hopefully they read this and can attest to or refute...but it might not hurt to ask your doctor this question. If your fills can be given under the fluoroscope, so that the Dr. and you can see how quickly or slowly Fluid is passing through the stoma, perhaps giving you the opportunity to have more fluid put in at each fill so that by the time you reach your third fill you might be close to if not at the green zone or rate of digestion through the stoma that might be ideal for you to maximize weight loss....?
  19. lisacaron

    I miss eating...

    Hi Terry, Just got off the phone with my hubby a little while ago, and you know he said the same thing to me. "I miss eating". I can understand that, but in the same breath we are both grateful for the band restriction.
  20. lisacaron

    Today the big day!!

    B- are you staying over night at the hospital? If not take the pain meds they gave you, and try to walk when you can. Ice packs and hot Water bottle helps. Ice pack for port incision and hot water bottle for gas pains in shoulder/back or belly. Feel better my friend, the first day is the worst of it!!
  21. lisacaron

    odd NSV

    Love the graphic CG! Right there with ya, I hated having to get up to even go to the ladies room, now I try to get up every half an hour or so and walk down the hall just because! This week I even started taking the stairs. I can do the 4 flights no problem...it's that 5th flight the last one that has me panting for a good 10 minutes when I get up here, but I'm determined, and your my motivation!!!!
  22. lisacaron


    Lauren- your gonna do great!!! Enjoy the snooze and see you in bandland!!!
  23. lisacaron

    On the final stretch!

    Hi Lady, Best of luck as you begin your journey!
  24. lisacaron

    Frequent UTIs??

    Hi April, Maybe you can let your Bari Doctor know you are having an issue with UTI and Fluid intake and he can modify the drinking times for you? A co-worker was having serious issues like that, she is not banded. I mention it because she went to see a urologist and he told her that she had an obstruction in the urethra that was causing her not to empty fully and the remaining fluid would back up into the bladder causing UTI. She took some medication for a while and it's been better ever since. Good luck and feel well!!

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