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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    over eating...

    Hi flipper, LBS is not going to fix your emotional eating or mindless eating for you. To quote another, the band goes around your stomach not your head. That said, LBS does help you to stay in control of the portion size that you consume to a degree, though that is not the true goal of LBS. It will help with the feelings of uncontrolled hunger, and offer a feeling of fullness faster then you might have them now. The band is a tool that you must master. Just like a carpenter or a plumber can call themselves that from day one, but to be a true master of their craft they must master all the tools that they employee in their service. You can be banded and never truly master your band. If you want to be successful and lose and keep that weight off for good then you must make that commitment to mastering the use of this tool. It is not an impossible feat, there is a pre-op and post-op diet that require strict adherence. They consist of mainly liquid diets, and soft mushy foods building up to a regular diet of Protein and vegetables. Take some time and research what the band is all about and see if you are able to make the full commitment that is required of patients under going this surgery. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  2. I agree with Hazel and Jim. I think our poster was trying to say that they have "cheated" the band themselves what have you and more then likely because of food addiction did not clearly notice that they were "cheating" themselves or eating around their band. In another post today, I explained that I'm a Sweetie! I love all those yummy sweet things. Would I throw them in the blender to have them...no (the visual makes me sick...and cures of of the want to eat it! so that's a good thing!) When I am in the middle of an emotional turmoil (today would be a good example!) I can eat things and not even pay attention to them. I'm hungry I eat. If the food item makes me "feel" better for the moment even better. I don't want to cheat my band or myself, that's not why I had surgery or why I am here. Yet it happens sometimes, and because I know it and I am aware of it I can make a change and make a different choice next time before I start mindlessly eating. I think our original poster was just trying to bring that out to the light, and ask others to share what food items trigger that mindless eating for them, that in affect "cheats" themselves by eating around their band.
  3. lisacaron

    Embarrassed, depressed....

    It's our emotional stuff that gets in the way of the band. Sometimes we let our head our minds over rule the tool we have in the band. Even in the green zone, when troubles rise, stress and anxiety come around it's easier to fall back on the old habit of what we know. It's been ingrained in our psyche for a long long time, and it's going to take time for us to get our head around the band. Just because we put it around our stomach doesn't mean our minds have been captured by it. You may not "need" the food that you choose, but your mind makes it a NEED. It's not going to sustain your body, it might be pure sugar and nothing else but your mind and the way you think and feel about that food becomes greater then the subtle whisper of the band that tells you "no you don't need that." I know for myself when I am so overwhelmed by stress, even the positive kind where things are going amazing I have to battle my emotional need to eat something familiar and comforting. It could be that cheese danish or crumb cake, that brings back all the memories and gives me the feelings of being a little girl who was safe, secure, accepted, and cherished. It takes me back to a time that was simple and not full of such turmoil, a time where people were not looking to me to help them solve their problems, advise them on the steps to take or to plan their events. Where I wasn't responsible for the lives of others, I was just me, a part of family not the head of one. All those emotions and feelings come to the surface in the blink of an eye, in a breath I am craving that feeling again. I know that eating the danish is not going to bring me back there. It's not going to rewind my life, or erase all that I have to do or all that I am responsible for. Yet..in that moment as I lift it to my lips to take a bite...I'm transported to where I want to be in my mind. It's an escape, and I'm a sweetie. I love the cakes, the chocolate, the Cookies and pastries, and all the things that remind me that life is sweet and life is good. I don't drink, smoke or take drugs. I eat. That is my addiction. I fight it every day as much as any other addiction that is out there, and this one is so much more difficult because I must eat to live. So I battle with my head every time I make a choice of what I am going to put in my mouth. Sometimes I justify and then later berate myself, but I am learning NOT to do that. To battle the emotions and the food that is tied to them as they come up. Some I have been more successful at squelching then others. It's a state of mind, not the food itself. I know this, and I am working diligently to strip those ingrained emotions and habits and get back to the frame work that is me. Rebuilding and re sculpting in the image that I choose to embody and reflect outward to the world. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts, as I strive along side you all to do the best and be the best me I can be.
  4. lisacaron

    Hair loss

    Ahh yes the dreaded hair fall! My hair also is noticeably thinner after surgery. Take care of yourself try not to stress, keep up your Protein, Biotin, multivitamin. I use Nixoin shampoo and conditioner it's a bit pricey but it has helped me tremendously with the regrowth. Make sure to let your Dr. know also and have them run some labs to rule out all other deficiency's and hopefully soon you will start to see some regrowth.
  5. Hi Jess, Try some warm tea, to help move the gas. I don't know why but that really worked for me and helped calm my tummy also. At four days I wasn't eating anything yet, on Protein shakes and liquid diet only. If your Dr. said OK for foods, follow his directions...but maybe cut it back a bit and supplement a shake or two until your feeling better.
  6. lisacaron

    United Health Care

    It all also depends on the coding that your doctor uses. See if you can get it coded by the hospital under a different code such as gastrio intestinal. Best of luck to you!
  7. lisacaron

    Weight loss stall

    Sparkle...you are not giving yourself a chance. Take a breath... It's only 3 months since you have been banded and look at how much you have been through! Your body, does not know or understand that you want to lose weight. It only knows that it has undergone major trauma in the last three months. You had MAJOR surgery (lapband) you got pregnant and your hormones kicked in to try and promote pregnancy. You miscarried (my heart goes out to you) and your hormones are still there trying to get back to level again. The body's natural defense is inflammation and retention. Your body is holding on to everything right now fearing for your life. It doesn't realize that some of this things were intentional. (ie lapband surgery and restriction of caloric intake) all it knows is that it's experienced trauma, and it's fuel source or food source has been drastically reduced. It's being called upon to function, and it's conserving resources for this as well as to recover. You have to be kind to your body and it will respond. Eat high Protein foods, a little fat and a little carb. Keep walking and take deep breaths. Hydrate and keep moving. Try myfitnesspal for tracking your calories for what your eating and I'm sure in a couple of weeks you will back on track and the numbers will be going down. I have not been through as much as this, but my stress level running around for family and work etc. was so high the last few months I was in the same boat as you. Not losing, doing everything I was supposed to. Finally I was able to take a breath, recoup and the scale started moving again. Sometimes losing inches, sometimes a pound or so. I'm still fighting the battle with my body to recover and do what I want it to. Hang in there!
  8. lisacaron

    1 week update (cosm. surg)

    Ditto what CD said! I'm going to start saving up some time and $$ (well I will after a couple of much needed vacations this year)...so that if and when I need CS I can do what needs doing and then rest and recuperate somewhere lovely and not think of kids or work!
  9. lisacaron

    Advise needed.. Starting over

    Hey Hope, I understand where you are coming from. Set backs are never fun, but that is all that this is. It's a set back not a failure on your part at all! Try to use this time as another tool. You know what all the rules are, and you know how the band should work, now while you are waiting to get all the parts installed in working order, is a good time to keep up and define your band practice! Don't allow yourself to fall back into the old habits! As you said that is the easy route and you have so far taken the high road with all it's trials and tribulations. Don't lower your standards or expectations now. Keep your goals in sight my friend. One step at a time, one mile stone at a time. Go back to the band basics, and reboot. You can and you will make this work for you!!! I have faith in you!
  10. lisacaron

    Rocked a size 20 dress!

    Thank you for sharing your story! I hate shopping also, I don't think that will change with my size...only think I like to shop for is jewelry and not the costume kind
  11. lisacaron

    Two weeks post opi

    It's normal to feel a bit tired after surgery of any kind. With this surgery you have drastically cut your intake of food, and your body is busy adjusting to all the changes and healing from the recent trauma.(Surgery the body doesn't know you chose to do this, it just reacts to it.) You are probably getting back to your regular routine, and your body is now being asked to put out movement with much less energy source and needs to tap into it's resources, so it's going to take some time to get back up to full speed. Be easy with yourself and take it slow when you can and as you need to. Up your Protein intake, and hydrate those will help the body assimilate. If you are feeling VERY tired or lethargic please call your Dr. right away and let them know, and ask them to advise you further. Feel better soon!
  12. I understand the challenge that you have in letting your girls know that you are going in for WLS. They are at a delicate and impressionable age, where their own body image is being formed as they grow and start to develop those girly curves. You want to help keep their self esteem and acceptance of their own body image high, and hearing that Mom is going to for WLS could shift that perception for them if they don't understand fully. If you are going to share with your daughters, my advice would be to be as honest and straight forward as possible. Explain to them it is not a vanity thing, and you are not going to this extreme because you don't like who you are or how you look. Let them know that this is not a "short cut" to looking and feeling better, but that it is a commitment to your life, your health and your future. Give them all the information they need to understand the journey you are about to undertake, and answer any questions they might have for you along the way with as much clarity and positivity as possible. I wish you all the best in your journey!
  13. lisacaron

    Hair loss why?

    Up your Protein as well. I have been using Nixon to keep my hair from falling out and I also take a supplement of Biotin. Once I started upping my protein intake that really helped the new regrowth. I still shed some hair, not as bad as it was though and I have lots of new baby hairs growing in. @ Donna... There is a Rogaine now for women, you might want to give that a try. My sister in law also had that baby fine hair all her life, and then sadly had breast cancer and through chemo lost all her hair. She was hopeful that as per some stories she heard that her hair would grow back thicker and fuller. Her hair grew back, but still baby fine. She used the rogaine for women and that really helped her out. Might be worth a try.
  14. Back in the NY Groove!

  15. I always go for the lean Protein or fish dishes, or ask to have a special dish prepared the way I would like it. I never have an issue eating only the protein, I never eat the bread or macaroni salads that come to the table and often times ask the server to take it away. If the dinner is very large I eat the portion I am comfortable with for my band and take the rest home. Often I am able to make a couple of meals out of one dinner. If I am out with my husband who is also banded often times we will share the full meal with each other. Very cost effective as well I might add!
  16. lisacaron

    feeling discouraged

    This is all true, plus your body is still healing. It took me a good 3/4 months to feel like I didn't have surgery. Where I was back to feeling like myself again with no pulls and pains. Keep to the program, and you will lose slow and steady. This is not a gastric by pass. It's going to take some time for your body to learn to work with your band. Your doing great keep up the good work!
  17. lisacaron


    I usually have coffee in the morning, and then around 10am a protein bar. That holds me till lunch time.
  18. lisacaron

    New Drink.....

    They are starting to crop up all over the place these days. I have found them in Walmart, and CVS recently. Hopefully soon to a store near you
  19. lisacaron

    A Yay and a Nay

    I'm always on the run, I work 10 hours a week, drive 60 miles a day I have 2 kids in college who have to be shuffled around because they don't have their own cars at either end of the Island...and well I'm just not cooking a meal at 8:00 at night. That said I don't find fast food places to be bad. I get grilled chicken breasts and salads and other things from the drive through. The difference is....I do not consume them while I am driving. I wait till I get to a place where I can sit, and prepare them. If I get a grilled chicken sandwich I am not going to be eating it like it's made. I take the chicken off the patty toss that and then cut it up into mini bites with a knife and for and sit and enjoy the meal. Occasionally I add a side salad to it depending on my level of hunger. My hubby has made the mistake of trying to grab and eat on the run. That's a no go. So now he follows the same pattern as I do. Grab the grub, and wait till we are out of the car in a food designated area to consume it. There are times, when you are so hungry and you just don't have the time to even do that...and for those days I keep Protein Bars in the car and in my bag for eating on the run. I still try not to eat them while I'm driving, but maybe before I head out or once I get to my destination and have the car in park. I would love to be able to always plan for meals and cook them and have the time and place to relax and enjoy eating them, but that is not always workable with my lifestyle. I have learned the band is a tool and you have to find your way to work it into your lifestyle to make it work for you and it is possible.
  20. lisacaron

    New Drink.....

    Love those shakes MSGal! Premiere Protein gives you high protein and they are low calorie and low sugar for the same amount of oz.
  21. lisacaron

    another silly question!

    My only advice, and this came from my Dr. is to be careful when eating the salad that you eat the Protein in it first. Don't "fill up" on the salad to the point where you don't get all the chicken or what ever protein in. That has happened to me before, and trust me you want to get the protein in first and not worry about how many leaves of vegies you get in.
  22. I understand how you feel MissyT. I also had to have a hysto at an early age. For us that can cause it's own issues with weight loss and weight gain. If you are in a good place about it, you can do it. It's not a miracle surgery. Your not going to wake up at goal weight. It may take a year or two..if your anything like me your going to lose a bit slower. Hormonal issues can be a huge mountain to climb when it comes to weight loss, but it is possible! Best of luck on your journey, we'll be looking for you on the banded side.
  23. lisacaron

    losing hair daily

    Nioxin is a hair treatment system for those with fine thin or thinking hair. It promotes scalp care to help the regrowth of hair after things like surgery and or stress that might cause hair loss. Helps to protect and strengthen the hair that remains as well so hair loss is stemmed. It has really worked for me. I use the shampoo and conditioner only for color treated hair and I have tons of new growth and while I still shed a few strands that has slowed considerably. Most salons or beauty supply stores will carry the product as well as pharmacies like CVS. The product is expensive. $25 for shampoo. $25 for conditioner. They are not very large hotties either. Leaves my hair strong and thicker and soft as silk. I was about to chop it all off and then tried this. My sister in law used it after chemo for breast cancer to help her hair grow in and sh was right it has worked for me.
  24. Due diligence is my thing. I do it for a living, and I make a nice one at that...so that said let me tell you my story short and sweet. 7 years ago at the age of 34 I was having major medical issues. Surgery after surgery, and finally my Dr. said Lisa what are you going to do about this weight? He gave me a doctor who was a colleague of his who did bariatric surgery. Lapband specialty. OK I thought maybe I will go and see this guy. I waited a year...then I went to see him. I loved him, he had a great practice, people were nice office chairs fit my big butt I was happy! Then he gave me the list of things I had to do..and the prep and the doctors and I checked on it some more..and I wasn't ready. Only a part of me was cheering...do it do it do it..the other half was saying...ummm I don't know...surgery...another one..complications...failure. I have personal friends I know who had the band, the 4cc one years ago and they not only failed but they had major issues...that was nearly 15 years ago...things have changed...but still. I wasn't ready. Then this January, newly married my husband facing a hip replacement and both of us over weight. Happy in love and overweight. WE went back to see the doctor and this time I was ready. I was all in. My hubby was all in, and we have never looked back! True it's only 5 months...(nearly) but I could not be happier! I am much healthier, I can walk and run I take the stairs now! It took me 3 years to get here from the time I first met the surgeon and 4 years from the time I was given his number. So take your time and be sure it's the right surgery and the right time for YOU. The band takes 100% commitment pre-op and post op. If your not ready to give that 100% your not ready.
  25. lisacaron

    getting back on track

    I'm sorry to hear about all that you have been going through. I know for me emotional eating is my worst! When I am stressing big time I tend to lose weight, when I went through my divorce pre-band I lost 45 pounds. (but I also broke my foot and had to hop around for 2 months on crutches! That's a work out let me tell you!) My best suggestion to you is to give yourself some TLC. Go back to band basics like when you first were banded. Try the 5 day pouch test/reset to start. You can find it in posts on the site and online as well. Find a doctor that you like as your PCP let them know your banded, then find a bariatric doctor and make an appointment. Don't let your insurance company tell you no! It's all in the way visits are billed and if your having an issue, then it should be covered. Best of luck to you, sounds like things are going in a better direction for you already!

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