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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Affordable Care Act

    Isn't America wonderful! You have the right to speak your mind and share your thoughts without fear of recrimination. You do not however have the right to disparage or call people names no matter who they are or what group, race, creed or sexual orientation they may identify with. Just because one person shows their ignorance and lowers themselves by making absurd comments doesn't mean you have to do the same lest you identify with the very people you claim to disapprove of. Lets be the adults we are refrain from behaving like 5 year old's on the playground picking on and calling each other names. Thank you
  2. lisacaron

    Port Problems...worried.

    Wow that sounds scary. My father in law has a similar issue with open wounds that don't seem to heal well. He has to see a wound care specialist after any invasive procedure. I would wonder if you could see a wound care specialist to help you to get that wound to heal and not become infected? Best of luck to you, I hope it all heals well for you.
  3. lisacaron

    On the lighter side

    The office is in an oppressive state today. It’s that time of the year, budgets are on the table and belts are being tightened. It’s a necessary step in the corporate culture, there is a certain amount of housekeeping that needs to be done. Going through the cupboards taking inventory of the stock on the shelves as we head into the winter months. They are known for being the lean months of the year, where resources tend to be scarce and harder to find. In our world of fast food and instant gratification, our resources are all but scarce we can travel out our door to the nearest corner store and find just about all we need to last us through a long winter. We no longer need to squirrel away or pack our pantry’s full of food. The mood is sullen here in the office as everyone fears they are going to be the Thanksgiving turkey and their heads might be next on the chopping block. It’s a worrisome thought for many to be sure, but it had me thinking of ways I too have been making similar changes in my personal life. Over the last few months I have been cleaning out my house. Early on I cleaned out the cupboards and got rid of all the junk that found its way into the dark cavernous corners of my closets. I lightened the load on the can goods that were over full of sodium and tend to only bloat us while providing little nutrition. I created a space with a set of clear plastic drawers where we could see what good foods were available and what foods we needed to replace after consuming. Recently I have begun taking an inventory of all my clothing, and finding that I need to tighten my belt literally! It’s that time of year to take stock in what you have, what you need and what you can donate or share with others who might be in need and what you can just let go of all together. For me I’m happy to say I am able to donate some clothes, coats and shoes, even as I need to purchase replacements I can do so sparingly as I continue to tighten my belt. With the help of a few new and old friends, and some loved ones I have been able to create a strategic network of people to surround myself with who are there to help me and provide the support that I need to be successful in reaching my goals. Together we are strong and with each of our individual strengths we are able to lift each other up as needed and sustain each other in the goals they have set. Today with all the instant fixes we have it’s easy to let things that no longer serve pile up and weigh us down and I realize there is no time like the present to clean out under your desk, under your bed, in your drawers, closets, cupboards and minds. Take the time to clear out the cobwebs, dust off the things that work but may have been forgotten and put them back in service or pass them forward. Discard the things that are broken or no longer fit into your life and over all lighten the load. As oppressive as the mood around me has been this morning I am feeling lighter quite literally, and as I look back over the last nearly 6 months I see the changes that my husband and I have made and continue to make in our lives. As the holiday’s approach I am thinking of all that I am grateful for, and all that I still want out of life. Putting it all into perspective, and looking forward to plotting our next steps. We are leaner then we were a year ago, we are lightening up and tightening our belts tying up our sneakers and ready to hit the ground running! As this holiday season approaches, what are you doing to lighten up? What are you grateful for? And what are your plans for the future?
  4. lisacaron

    Affordable Care Act

    Holle, Take it in stride, you don't have to like the politics but it's an open forum and it's good for people to speak their minds no matter what the topic is. Hearing both sides of an issue is not a negative we learn things we didn't know before and that is in line with what these forums are for. Speak your mind but with hold your judgement of others, and others should do the same. We are not here to be bullied or to bully anyone. This topic will affect lapband patients and that is why we are all discussing it and sharing what we know and have experienced so we can support each other. The topic of racism...should be a none issue. We are not discussing that and name calling should not to be tolerated. We are a great group of people and we share and learn lots from each other, this should be no different.
  5. lisacaron

    Home from surgery!

    Your barreling right through it all mel. I didn't move after surgery other then to get into the recliner and didn't sip a thing other then a few ice chips until the next day. Keep up the good work and feel better soon!
  6. lisacaron

    Affordable Care Act

    Sharpie, I really hope that is not true. No one should be making those types of judgements here. There are obvious issues with this Healthcare plan and rather then berate our neighbors and fellow Americans, we need to be active and be in touch with our Congressmen and Senators and our President and let them know that they need to take up these challenges and not just argue them but DO something about them. They are not allowed to hold our government hostage to get their points across, but they should be doing their jobs as we do ours every day to feed our families and pay our taxes. The bitching and moaning needs to stop and ACTION needs to be taken. Not just to fix the things that are popular, it is true that we might all be a bit uncomfortable with what results but change is never easy. This is something we can all relate to!! Look how hard it has been for us to change and transform our lives and we have this awesome tool to help assist us. We have teams of medical doctors and insurance companies and support groups friends and family all helping us to change. Some of us make it, some of us flounder, some of us fail only to rise up and try again. Don't judge others, we all have the same size yard stick and beating each other over the head with it won't change the facts. Putting them together instead of wielding them as weapons might.... I have faith that we can make things better, for ourselves with our conviction and perseverance and or the whole world using the same formula we use for ourselves it takes the courage to put it out there and do it. There are always pioneers who lead the way and B-52 is putting it out there today, Hooray to you for calling out the issue. Missy..cheers for taking up the stick, count me in and let me know what I can do to affect some change!
  7. lisacaron

    Lotsa spit

    OK but no spitting out the car window at 100 mph you could put an eye out.
  8. lisacaron

    Return to work HAHA

    Well friends....I took off for 8 days a total of 10 with the weekend in there. I felt AWESOME after surgery! I was up and out and driving to pick my hubby up from his surgery a couple days later. BUT...after that I crashed. I was so tired, and achy a few days later that by the time I had to go back to work I wished I had take the extra time and took the full two weeks. That's me though, everyone is different. I work long hours, at a desk job sitting butted up against my desk was not optimal for me as it hit right at the level of my incision, and the seat belt same thing and I drive about 60 miles a day. So the first couple of days back were exhausting, but I made it through and every day was better and better. Take care of yourselves while your home. Extra extra TLC, so your ready to go back to work and be realistic with yourself when you go back. Take it slow if you need to stop and rest do it. If you have to go home half the day cause your not feeling great take it. Soon your gonna be feeling great, but give it time after all you just had Major life altering surgery. Best of luck to you all!
  9. lisacaron


    I'm GREEN with envy sounds like you are there! I think I am almost there, it's so hard to waste food! The hubs and I went out for our anniversary and we shared, yes shared a slice of cheese cake! We couldn't even finish that between us after having dinner, and left some on the plate. Now that was a sin!! It was really awesome cheese cake too, but it just had to be done. :wub:
  10. lisacaron


    Hi Friend, I am so happy to hear you are doing well! My hubby is getting ready to schedule similar surgery. Probably one hip at a time, he's in a lot of pain right now. The first goal was to have the band surgery and lose some weight. We are a bit nervous as to what to expect with the hip replacement, but just like the band we are doing all the research prior to surgery and reaching out to others who have had the surgery already. Please keep us up to date on your progress, best wishes for continued health to you!!
  11. Hi friend, Don't be discouraged, sometimes it takes a minute for our bodies to understand what's going on. Make sure your keeping hydrated for me that was a big key, and those bullion cubes can have lots of salt in them which could have you retaining some fluids as well. The first bit and the bit just after banding can be rough, I have faith that your going to make it and your going to surprise yourself! During this time you need to show yourself some TLC your working hard and making lots of changes. Don't beat yourself up, keep up the good work and it will pay off in the end.
  12. lisacaron

    Linx Surgery and Lap Band

    I am curious why would the metal linx work better then the band for reflux? It looks like they place them in the same area, and I wonder why inflating the band wouldn't help equally to stop that reflux action. I understand the risk of erosion for the band it being plastic and all, but I wonder if they work in a similar way... Doodle please let us know what you find out and I hope your feeling better soon.
  13. I should mention that all our kids are over the age of 18...I've never punched one, but I will admit I have dreamed about it before
  14. Hi Jill, I have been banded for almost 6 months now. I chew gum all the time, though I am very careful NOT to swallow it. I love my gum I blow bubbles and love to make them crack much to the chagrin of my co-workers. It helps me with my cravings. I am emotional eater as well. I think it's safe to say most of us are food addicts, since we must eat to live it's easy for someone who likes food to use it as a salve for many many things. Over the course of working toward getting my band, and over the months since I have been banded I continue to work every day on being aware of what triggers those feelings and cravings to eat. Sometimes I allow myself to fall into the bad habits of the past, so that I can learn and recognize why I am doing something. Why am I choosing to put that chocolate in my mouth? Is it because I really want it? Is it mouth hunger, emotional hunger, or am I thirsty? Or maybe I am really hungry and I would best be served by eating something. I try to make better choices through out my day, if I really want that chocolate I eat the most expensive chocolate and richest tasting one and enjoy it. I no longer eat the junk. It's not worth it to me. If I just have that hankering for something sweet sometimes a shake or Protein bar fit the bill and they are right in line with my plan. The best advice I can give you is to know yourself. Get into your psyche and find out why you turn to food. Is it that you need a hug, or a cry or to punch someone in the face? (for me it's usually the latter!) In that case I have learned over the last few months to take a walk, to vent, to speak my mind when it needs speaking and to hit the gym when things need punching! This way it's win win for everyone, and we save money on hospital bills for the kids It's not easy, the band won't make all the emotional stuff go away. It will help you to get control over some of your eating habits and create some space for you to work on the emotional side of things. It's been a blessing for me and I would do it again in a heart beat. Hubby too. We work the bands together, and it's him and I against our five monsters..I mean kids who are enough to try the patients of a saint and give the devil a run for his money any day of the week!
  15. lisacaron

    My IBS has gone.....

    Zinghy... I also have IBS and a bit of other digestive issues. All of which cleared up right after surgery. I noticed that my IBS came back a bit and it was from the whey Proteins which are pretty much made from dairy! I have since started taking Lactaid when I have any of those products like shakes, or bars or Protein shots and presto, no more IBS symptoms! I also take a pro-biotic every day and I could not be happier. Like all of you I would not like to go out to eat, I would always make a mental note of where the rest rooms where when ever we went out anywhere and I would decide on events and locations based on the availability of using a restroom. I spent a lot of time through out my younger and adult life miserable and now I'm feeling AMAZING!
  16. The hubby and I have been talking about retiring out of state. Actually half way across the planet to Hawaii. Reading about all the people who have moved and lost touch with their surgeons, as set me on a plan for how I am going to be able to maintain our band when we decide it's right for us to relocate. I know it's not for several years, but I am hoping to start investigating property there shortly. I think I will also do some research on band doctors on the islands, and see what I find. If I find someone that we like perhaps we can get him and our current Dr. in touch with each other so when we finally relocate there won't be an issue. I always worry about that, other doctors not wanting to take on new patients that aren't theirs. Anyway I appreciate everyone's feedback because it's helping me to get ready for the future Just thought I would share.
  17. I agree with CG and Sojo. Give your doctor a call and let them know how your feeling. You could be dehydrated, and/or you could have a bit of a tummy virus. Either way it's a good idea to let the doctor know how your feeling so you can get some relief. Hope your feeling better soon!
  18. lisacaron

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    All my pants are falling down just in time for the winter!! Calling Mr./Mrs.Tailor!! Not ready to be buying a whole new wardrobe for work just yet, so I'll take inventory and see the tailor for some alterations before everyone knows what color today's undergarments are
  19. lisacaron

    happy but frustrated...today

    Hi B, Thanks for coming back to share with all of us! I find time for the site M-F, it helps me get through my work days which for me can be very frustrating, and a big emotional trigger for me. On the weekends, as a rule I try not to log onto or into any applications or computers. Bad enough to have a smartphone that keeps me constantly connected...I really try to focus and enjoy having the down time to just live life on the weekends. My frustrations are much like yours, I'm losing slowly but steadily and I can't complain because I know those pounds are gone for good this time.
  20. lisacaron

    Do I Rub You The Wrong Way?

    Thanks that was great for a laugh on a Tuesday Morning! HB keep rubbing...let me know when the Genie appears I have a wish or two to make!
  21. lisacaron

    Feeling discouraged...

    Oh yes everyone is very different friend you are right there. Since surgery my tummy sometimes makes those grumbles even when I am not hungry, sometimes it's grumbling right after I've eaten.
  22. lisacaron

    Fill #4 9.4cc

    There are pressure points that can help stimulate your metabolism, and also can help with any hunger and craving issues. It's not a bad thing, they can help you to relax and help with any aches and pains you might have in the body after working out. Give it a go and let us know how your doing if you love it or can leave it.
  23. lisacaron

    Alex, Founder...Question?

    A good idea would be to add a banner to the top header of this site to let people, specifically the new ones that just join that the site is being upgraded and that some of the functions may not work until the upgrades are complete.
  24. lisacaron

    Feeling discouraged...

    The tiredness and is normal you just had Major surgery. Your body is healing and your right to focus on that now. The best thing to do for your body to help it heal and get some energy back is to keep up on your Protein. Try to up the amount your taking in if your feeling really sluggish and hydrate. Lack of Water can make you very tired as well. Check with your PCP if you are on any medication, weight loss can affect the doses that you need to take and that could be affecting you as well. I know know for me my blood pressure meds were too high after surgery and I was feeling tired all the time. So the Dr. lowered them. Getting a fill will help with the feelings of hunger you have, but right now if your hungry feed your body something nutrition that's on your plan and high in protein. Hope your feeling better soon!
  25. lisacaron

    why me??

    Well Micki, I'm sorry that you are having to experience this. It's not the best outcome but the negativity and the upset that your going through is not going to help you get this under control. Take a breath, a nice deep one. The surgery to fix the flipped port should be fairly simple and you do not have to stay over night. If you don't want to be knocked out see if the Dr. can use a local and just numb you up really well. The port is right under the skin I would think that would be an option. Yeah you might need a day at home after the surgery, so see if he can schedule you on a Friday so you can have the weekend to rest and heal. Attitude is a big key to success, sometimes the road is bumpy and filled with obstructions for some of us. Try not to let it make you miserable, let it make you stronger and see you through to where you want to be. I hope it all goes well and you recover quickly!

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