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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Stuck or stretched pouch?

    I find that when something gets a bit stuck on me it's usually from not taking a small enough bite, chewing well enough or eating too fast. Warm tea/coffee usually does the trick to help things relax in there and help the food pass and digest. If you don't feel the food pass or the pain your in subside you may need a tiny bit of Fluid unfilled to help open the stoma and let the food clear. Then liquids for a day or so to reduce any inflammation that might be there. Even if I have a small stuck episode that doesn't last long, I will stop eating what ever it was, and then rest my band for the next meal or two just so I don't irritate it but that's just me.
  2. lisacaron


    That's interesting. I don't have any restriction on gum chewing, though I can understand where swallowing it might pose a problem. I am very careful not to let that happen I usually chew a bit of gum to prevent dry mouth issues I have from medications, I haven't had any issues with the gum until I chewed the peppermint one. It had little flavor crystals with enhanced peppermint flavor an oddly that was causing me to cough like an allergy cough. Once I removed it and drank some Water I was all better. I tried another flavor after I read your post and then tried the peppermint one again, and it seems it's only the peppermint one with the flavor crystal things that does it to me.
  3. lisacaron


    Hi dylan, I was shocked to learn that this was what was causing me to cough. I was chewing some peppermint gum and I thought it was maybe just dry mouth as all of a sudden I felt my throat starting to get tight and dry out. I spit out the gum drank some Water and I was fine. Later that same day I put another piece of gum in my mouth after a rather strongly garlic flavored meal, and the same thing happened. Just after that I read your post and wondered if it could be the peppermint gum. Sure enough, bubble gum flavor no problems, fruity flavor no issue, peppermint cough cough like I"m having an allergy attack or something. I guess that is now a no no for me
  4. Hope you all have an awesome weekend!! I'm gonna work at RELAXING this weekend!!! Even if it kills me :)

  5. lisacaron


    Your looking great Mandy! Thanks for sharing those photo's! Inspiring and motivating...gotta get up off my butt!!!
  6. lisacaron


    What did she show you with her fingers? Does it affect the tightness of the band or your throat? I never heard that before.
  7. lisacaron

    Accountability and encouragement

    The day after Halloween...and I feel like I have a hang over! It's very odd because I have not touched any candy, I did not drink any alcohol, but today I'm feeling like I was up all night drinking and partying. Today I did allow myself one almond cookie, this lovely lady in our education department brought in from the bakery on her lunch hour. (I know everyone wants to beat her over the head!) I have to tell you though I could only eat about 3/4 of it and the smell of the rest of them was actually making me feel sick. I had to move them all into the kitchen away from my desk. I'm the "festive" gal around these parts, so everyone brings things and brings them to me, because I am the self appointed party planner on top of my actual "work" title I'm glad to see people bond together though, so I'm happy to be the office cheer leader, it makes for a nice mix of people working together and getting so much more done then working against each other. There is a method to my madness but don't let them know. I can't wait to go home today and just get into my PJ's and crawl under my covers and turn on the idiot box as my Mother used to call it, and do NOTHING. I took a couple of Advil and might need a couple more to get rid of this brewing migraine...been drinking lots of water, and just trying not to get into full blown black out the world migraine. I love how the band really helps us to avoid these testing times like Halloween. I LOVE the spirit of the holiday, and this year I really have no desire for candy or cake and if I want to have something I can and do and it's very small just a taste and I'm satisfied. Maybe next year I'll have to have a real bitchin party so if I have to feel hung over it will be well worth it after a rocking party!!! At least my body could ache from dancing all night instead of just the miserable weather Hope you all had a good one...I'm off to PJ land and beddybye. Have an awesome weekend all!!!
  8. lisacaron

    Too much protein!

    I agree with you Jean, sounds like a low amount of Protein. My Nut always says 70-80 minimum. We need that protein to keep those energy levels up, hunger at bay and for help in healing after surgery. I have a hard time making sure I get it all in through out the day sometimes, even before the band I was never a big eater. With Protein shakes, bars and shots, it's been much easier and I can finally say I am feeling better. I was feeling drawn and weak for a while after surgery and losing lots of hair as well. Once I upped my protein levels all that changed and I am feeling better and hair is growing in nicely
  9. lisacaron

    Leftover Candy....???

    I am so proud of myself, I have not touched a single piece of that Halloween candy!! It's all here on my desk, and everyone else is eating it..and I am laughing at each one. I have this awesome bowl that yells at you when you take the candy. It tells you candy is no good for you, that it will rot your teeth. You can't have it..and it screams at you that it will bite your fingers off. I love watching them all jump and then take two just to hear it go off again! I look at it this way I'm losing calories by laughing it up, I'll keep feeding 'em
  10. lisacaron

    Daily reminder......

    Love it!! Friday pick me up!
  11. lisacaron

    Miss having friends

    Excellent post kBrown. Often I find that the person that is the worst critic and makes the nastiest comments about my weight is myself! There is no escaping myself, but I have learned over the years not to take myself so seriously, and to not beat myself up. I am who I am, take it or leave it. When I start thinking negative about myself or think that others might judge me, I take a step back and ask myself what is the worst they could say...? You have already said it to yourself more then once...so get on with it girl get up and get out there and be happy. Life is too short to do anything else, so I get up get ready give the critic a smirk in the mirror and stride on out the door. There is life to be lived, and I'm too big to fit under a rock so I might as well get out there and soak up some sun! My Vitamin D is too low
  12. lisacaron


    I make a new commitment every morning. I am not always in compliance with what I would like to see happen for the day, but every morning when I wake up I recommit to making sure that I follow the band rules, make good choices in food and usually where I fall short is getting in the exercise I need every day. I sit so much...at work in the car on the way to and home from work. Sit sit sit...I try to get up and move around the office, I park far from the door, I take the stairs every day 4 flights to the third floor. If I have to speak to someone I try to go to their office no matter where or what floor they are on rather then sending an e-mail or calling them on the phone. It's not enough though. I really need to spend some time in the gym, bumping up the cardio and getting stronger, so I am making that commitment to myself this month! I am going to get some kind of toning and strength training routine started and I am going to commit to sticking to it!! Here's to all of us getting addicted to exercise!
  13. lisacaron

    Newbie Bander

    All your boys are beautiful! Congratulations all around!!!!! Take care of Mom and the boys and don't forget to take care of yourself too!!
  14. lisacaron

    Bat Wings

    Getting a strength and toning routine in place is my goal for this month, along with getting that walking in. Your awesome getting up at 5am to walk. I would sleep walk every day on the tread mil if I could really be sleeping!!! I am sooo not the morning person, I have been trying get up and go to the gym at lunch and/or after work before going home. I'm going to research some moves to eliminate batwings and speak so some of the physical trainers that teach classes here a couple times a week and I'll let you know what they have to say about toning that area. November 1st starts tomorrow...I keep telling myself that so I remember to at least pick up the weights once
  15. lisacaron

    4 Months Post Op - Pictures

    Hi Winkie, You look awesome! Glad to have you back, your smile in your pictures is infectious! I am also losing slowly but surely and I couldn't be happier. I am losing more inches all around then big number changes on the scale but I am happy with it, and I know I'll get there and be all the better for having done it a little slower cause that's how I need to do it and keep it off. Keep up the good work!! I hope to see even less of you soon!!!
  16. lisacaron

    Made it through week 1

    I will say this for the site, I found it just before being banded. A bit late for many questions to be asked but I was very lucky to have a great surgical group, so both my husband and I were prepared for our surgery and how we might feel afterwards and we knew that each of us would be different and our experiences would not and were not the same, but this site helps me every day. It's not something my husband is into much at all, but it helps me tremendously to be able to share how I am feeling and doing on this journey and by being motivated and inspired by all the awesome people that take the time to share their journey here. From the pre-banders to the post banders to the veteran banders and everywhere in between, being a part of this group for support has really been that for me and my husband as well because you KNOW I go home and share it all with him!!!
  17. Boy was that difficult to get loaded! You can see my photo from the day of surgery my husband took at the hospital and today at the office Everyone keeps asking me what I'm eating...haven't touched the candy!!!! Had a slice of pot roast and some peas and carrots for lunch...coffee and a few cubes of low fat low sodium cheese this morning. So far so good....
  18. Your post made me actually take some photo's today! OK dressing up in the office for Halloween did it too. There are days when yeah my clothes feel big and the numbers on the scale move...but you are SOOO right about taking the pictures!!! I can see it in my face, my arms, my boobs (that day of surgery picture scares even me!!) It really is nice to see some changes as well as feel them!
  19. Name, real or screen~ LISA CARON Goal weight for November 30th~ 200 Weight on November 1st~ (FILL THIS ONE IN TOMORROW/) Age~ 42 City/State~ SUFFOLK COUNTY/ NY Dietary goal for November~ EAT 3 MEALS A DAY Exercise goal for November~ WALK AT LEAST 3-4 DAYS A WEEK Personal goal for November~ BEGIN STRENGTH BUILDING ROUTINE Date banded~ 5/6/13 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~39 LBS Favorite Thanksgiving Activity~ RELAXING WITH LOVED ONES
  20. lisacaron

    I'm just so happy...and it's hard to hide it!

    I love to read these stories, they always make me smile and give me motivation! Especially on a day like today where the candy and treats abound!!! I made a vow not to any Halloween Candy, everyone brought something to the office for the day...and I brought in cheese, olives and pretzels. NO CANDY!!!
  21. lisacaron


    For me it's the sodium that does it. My face and my hands and feet puff up. This also happens to me when I don't drink enough Water. There are days it goes away over night and then times that I have that bloat around for a few days until I get myself back to a good hydration and no salt. Also sometimes allergies make my face swell up, check to be sure it's not an allergy that can be dangerous if it is. Hope your feeling better soon!
  22. lisacaron

    Lap band slipped and gaining like a pig!

    And if you should....cause it happens, reach out we are all here to help support each other! Being able to share with everyone has saved me from more then one ice cream sandwich!!
  23. Happy Halloween!!! Wha'ts your trick or treat today? Mine is low cal cheese with olives and pretzles while the office snacks on candy and junk food!

  24. lisacaron

    Losing weight

    Luv...give yourself some!! You just had major surgery!! Your body is healing and it will take some time to get to our optimum fill point. Getting the band was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Please don't be discouraged. Give your self some TLC, let your body heal take it slow and you will see everything will start coming together for you.
  25. lisacaron

    Affordable Care Act

    I know CG still won't eat fish!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
