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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. Name, real or screen~ LISA CARON Goal weight for November 30th~ 200 Weight on November 1st~ 226 (down 2lbs) Age~ 42 City/State~ SUFFOLK COUNTY/ NY Dietary goal for November~ EAT 3 MEALS A DAY Exercise goal for November~ WALK AT LEAST 3-4 DAYS A WEEK (so far so good!) Personal goal for November~ BEGIN STRENGTH BUILDING ROUTINE (Maybe today...) Date banded~ 5/6/13 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~41 LBS Favorite Thanksgiving Activity~ RELAXING WITH LOVED ONES
  2. Happy to have found my way to the new site! Missed it yesterday!

  3. lisacaron

    My day at the hospital

    Welcome to Bandland my friend! I'm a late comer here to the new site You are doing amazing and I know your going to Rock your band!! Take care of you and feel better soon!
  4. lisacaron

    Accountability and encouragement

    Smack. Ok proud of myself today. Hit the gym after work for a 30 min treadmill walk. Tomorrow back to the weights!! Can I keep this roll going.....
  5. Try not to worry about the "what if's" worry about what is. You are overweight and long term as you age that can wreak havoc on your body and your life if it hasn't already. We know we have all been there. Any surgery is a risk, but focus on the positive and we will all be here to support you and pray for you and offer good wishes for a speedy recovery. The first few days are rough, but you can do it. Fear can be crippling don't let it take away your power. I wish you all the best! Let us know how your doing!!
  6. lisacaron

    What to eat

    You can pretty much make any food mushy if you throw in the blender and chop it up. Make what your family likes to eat, and then throw your portion into the blender and whip it up a few seconds till it's a paste like consistency. Like the others here I was on liquids for 2 weeks and then mushy then soft foods like eggs and flaky fish and then to solids so go slow and follow what your doctor advised you to do.
  7. lisacaron

    Stuck question

    I think what you are experiencing is a bit of a stuck episode. When other get stuck they well and truly stuck. The food does not pass for a while, if at all and they need to see the Dr. to remove Fluid and sometimes they will PB or vomit and that is why they then go on liquids to allow the stoma some time to recover from any swelling that might have been caused while the food was stuck in it or above it. I have had minimal stuck issues similar to what you experience, but my hubby has gotten well and truly stuck and had to vomit to remove the offending bit of food. The pain I have is short lived and usually I am able to pass the bit of food after a minute or two, or after a drink of something warm like tea or coffee. If it takes too long for the food to pass, the next meal I will do a liquid Protein shake or something soft to allow the stoma to relax from the trauma but that's just me.
  8. I watched the video, and he is really saying it's OK to have a drink "with" your meal not while eating. There is a difference and while it might be a play on words here, with and while...I think doctors tend to say not to do it and wait until you are finished eating to prevent patients from turning their bites of food into Soup and swallowing a drink of Water or other beverage while still chewing and/or swallowing food. He is also not saying to clear your band and drink after eating, he is saying if your thirsty OK drink, and to listen to your body's signals for hunger and/or thirst. The best advice for everyone is to read and listen to all the information that's out there and then talk to their surgeon's or doctors and follow their rules as they are the ones caring for you. If you don't agree with them, speak up ask questions challenge your doctor directly don't take it in your own hands to change the rules your given for success by your surgeon.
  9. lisacaron

    morning to noon eating problem

    Ooo maybe I read this wrong. If you are not able to eat all day until well after lunch and only Soups...Nana is right and you could be too tight. (rhyme not intended) Maybe keep your apt with the Dr. and talk to them about how your feeling and the issue you are having getting solid food in.
  10. lisacaron

    morning to noon eating problem

    I have had issues sometimes in the morning and I just don't want anything at all to eat. I usually have a cup of coffee and wait until I am at work and then have a Protein bar. If your in the green zone and it sounds like you might be, you can discuss it with your doctor and you might not need another fill and be just fine where you are for a bit. I had an apt with my Dr. today and I did not get a fill, as I feel like I am right at the green zone mark and about to go on vacation so I put it off for another month and might do so even longer if I continue to lose and be happy with the volume of food I am eating now.
  11. lisacaron


    No problems with pills here either. I've been taking them since the day after I had my surgery whole. The larger pills like vitamins (though they have them smaller now and chewable I like the chewable ones) I might cut in half just so they don't get stuck the wrong way and not get through the band till they dissolve, but I have not had one get stuck yet.
  12. lisacaron


    The plication not only is restrictive similar to the sleeve it also helps with the hormones that regulate the absorption of food as fat. Given that understanding, the plication was a go for me and my husband both. Having had serious digestive issues in the past, I can honestly say that my digestion has never been so good as it is since I have had this surgery. I am a happy happy plibandster.
  13. I think I have a toe in the Green Zone as of my current fill. Sometimes I think I am still able to eat just too much, like I am there but just not "there" yet. I see the Dr. in the morning, and I am thinking maybe i should hold off on another fill even a tiny one....I am traveling in 2 weeks flying out to TX. Do you think it's wise to wait...or get the tiny fill and see where I am after that?
  14. I think you are very right, thanks for the advice. Sometimes it's easier to advise others when your not so close to the issue and when it comes to yourself, you loose perspective. I think I'll request no fill today, and see how I feel after the trip. Thanks for the clearer perspective.
  15. lisacaron

    Recovery Time

    All great advice here. I took off 10 days and wish I had taken the full 2 weeks off, I'm a desk jockey also..but still would have loved the extra few days to get some energy back.
  16. lisacaron

    I took a wrong turn. :(

    Have you been banded already? Or on pre-op?
  17. lisacaron

    Accountability and encouragement

    Feeling ya CG with the stress, why is that company's do their year end budgets in January...can't we change the fiscal year to the way the Gov't does it so that lay offs and the like fall in the spring, when people won't mind a summer off where they relax and enjoy some time at home..while looking for something. I think it takes the stress off rather then laying off people as the winter months roll in. When the days are dark and cold already and now your miserable and depressed trying to figure out how your going to keep your house warm all winter, gas in your car, and your children fed as we know it's easier to eat when your locked inside all day rather then running around outside, never mind the holidays that are just around the corner! This is just some of the work related stuff I could be stressing about....but I'm getting off that soap box and hoping that this scenario doesn't affect anyone!!! I have the same issues with the parents and in laws. I tell my hubby we are the sandwich generation and we (he and I and those like us) are the meat int he middle. WE are stuck between two slices of bread that do little to nourish anything or anyone. Sick and aging parents that need care, and the Peter Pan kids in their 20's that refuse to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. We know stress too well. I want to want to enjoy going to the gym and doing all the things I used to enjoy at one time...I went to the gym today. Did my 45 minute routine, I do feel better and I'm glad I did it! I can't wait to be able to get my mind around taking care of ME and not worrying and stressing over all the things I really don't have the power to change. Thanks all for being there today...you helped me!
  18. lisacaron

    Accountability and encouragement

    Ok. Thank you to you all and this thread I am in the gym for 45 min work out. This is just what I needed to get my arse in gear!!!
  19. lisacaron

    Accountability and encouragement

    My accountability is low...I'm not really doing myself a service at all. I watch what I am eating, and I for the most part make good choices. I'm working on getting all my fluids in I was never good at that band or not. I am afraid I am just lazy!! I have every intention to get up and work out. To go to the gym and get things started..and I keep finding myself chained to my desk. I'm walking around a lot more taking the steps, but I am not getting my butt to the gym. I know I should just force myself and do it. I have to stop procrastinating and saying I'm tired, even if I am I know I will feel better if I get moving. Seems to be there are not enough hours in the day when I spend most of them procrastinating at my desk telling myself I'm working and I'm tired and 6 hours of sleep is not enough for me and blah blah blah. Do they sell an ass kicker? I want to put that on my X-Mas list!
  20. lisacaron

    Kidney stones/Gallbladder stones

    Isn't that always the way...you go see the doctor and things get better and go away and they look at you like you like you like Scooby Doo trying to solve a mystery! Please let us know what your doctor says, and I hope it's not Zoinks!
  21. Great thanks Alex for your reply, I'll keep an eye out for it.
  22. lisacaron

    Swollen stomach

    I notice the same thing usually around my port area more then the whole upper stomach, and if I am bloated or just eaten it seems to be a bit more swollen. Occasionally my port bothers me...but then again my work desk butts right up against it and I tend to lean over the desk sometimes and that can cause an issue for me if I am leaning in too far for too long. I try to be conscious of it...but over the course of the day...it happens.
  23. I'm banded about 6 months now, and I'm learning that the band is the band is the band It does take education and some trial and error to realize the things you can eat and the things that just don't work for you anymore no matter how small of a bite you take or amount you chew. I have yet to find my spot in the green zone though I think I am very close to that at this point. However there are days when I am eating either too few or too many calories depending on my choices and the locations I am eating at. The band might be the band in NY as much as it is in Delaware, or Dallas, but the chicken at Wendy's is not the same as the chicken at the diner or the chicken I might make at home. My attitude is a bit different as well when I am on vacation and when I am home, and my choices are not always the best I have found while I'm on vacation, and I'm working on that too .
  24. So oddly I got a bunch of e-mails today from Alex, about en-rout by pass and sleeve gastrectomy for the WLS boards...but nothing about lapband...are these boards even live yet?
  25. lisacaron

    Lap Band Fill (adjustment)

    Ditto what Missy said. It's a bit of pinch through the skin and that's it because the needle is in the port not going into any muscle or anything else so it's just a tiny pinch. Often times I feel like I'm in a mechanic shop getting adjusted my Dr. uses a valve attached to the syringe so that Fluid doesn't flow both ways only the way it is pushed or pulled, so it was an odd feeling the first time now it's a quick thing and I'm out the door. Good luck with yours and the worst part of it is the fear of the unknown. Take it in stride and you'll do great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
