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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Happy Anniversary to me

    Congratulations! You are a true inspiration to me and so many others!! Keep smiling that beautiful smile, you look amazing!!
  2. lisacaron

    Getting muscle cramps and spasms

    Thanks Karen. So glad your doing well Susie hope the issue resolves quickly for you.
  3. lisacaron

    New to forum, advice please!

    You got it!! I hope all goes well for you! Check in with us after your surgery!
  4. lisacaron

    New to forum, advice please!

    I would seriously consider making plan B your plan A. No one from work needs to know what's going on with WLS, but you are not going to be your 100% best at the conference on Monday. This is minimally invasive surgery but it is major surgery none the less and as Cheryl said there are things that can happen from God forbid the worst to the simplest of complications. You care about yourself to take this step to be healthy, care enough about yourself to let people that love you care about and for you. Let work know your having some kind of "surgery" hernia repair or something like that so your covered on that end when you show up on Monday and have at least one family member at the hospital to care for you the first couple of days. If you can spend the night in the hospital, trust me make some changes to your plan and you will be very glad that you did.
  5. lisacaron

    Pain under left rib cage... what is going on?

    Definitely a good idea to call your doctor, just to be sure that nothing has developed since your surgery. I remember way back before I was banded I had some oral surgery done under anesthesia and I had residual pains after for a week or so, that felt like that gas pain under the diaphragm. When I went back to see the oral surgeon I told him about it and he said it was from the position they had me in to remove the wisdom teeth and it could be where the anesthesia "settled" and caused some muscle weakness. I don't know much about anesthesia, but after a week or so it was better. It would bother me most when I would take deep breaths and/or have too large of a meal, I remember that. Feel better and let us know how your doing after you speak to your doctor!!
  6. lisacaron

    Getting muscle cramps and spasms

    OK I don't want to be the one to start a panic. You need to call the Dr. now! The reason I stress some urgency is because you just had surgery and with this type of surgery blood clots especially in the legs can be a concern. As well as the fact that you are drinking Water with electrolytes that could put your cardiac rhythm and blood flow out of wack. It could also be nothing and you are simply dehydrated but PLEASE CALL YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are not doctors here and can not possibly diagnose this issue.
  7. lisacaron

    Eating and exercising habits the only change?

    Great points you touch on! Jean thanks for the smile I got from reading that post! When I first started this journey, even before being banded I realized that there were lots of things that I would need to change in my life. The eating, drinking and exercise parts though for me those have been the hardest things to do and remain consistent with. I find that to be the case because I am one of those people who always does first for others before myself. That is a BIG mindset I have had to work on changing. I am not a door mat by any definition of the word. Those that know me..will attest. I am small in stature but not diminutive in any way My bite can be equally as terrifying as my bark when deserved. That said I am a mush at heart. I have a very soft spot for those in need and those that can not help themselves to the point of my own detriment sometimes and I have had to learn that lesson the hard way. I will still go out of my way to help another it is a part of who I am, but I know now that I have to take care of myself too and make that the priority. I thank goodness for my husband, though we have the same affliction he's a fireman and will literally throw himself into fire to help another and even to teach others how to become fire fighters. He often reminds me when he see's me getting too tied up in someone else issues to take a step out and to take of myself. Sometimes the shoe is on the other foot and I am the one telling him the very same thing. I find myself feeling lighter literally in my heart and my mind as well as my body these days and there is a lot to be said for that!
  8. I got the eye of the tiger...and your gonna hear me ROAR...Grrrrr:)

  9. lisacaron

    Zumba wow!

    Old dancers trick...Epsom salt and warm water bath. Really helps the muscle fatigue but don't wait too long do it right after the class if you can the same day.
  10. PT that happens to me too but it's usually the other direction! Also...the time of day you weight can change the number drastically and if the battery is failing all bets are off
  11. lisacaron

    I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.

    GW Pain is an excellent motivator. Ken (hubby) would agree to that. While I am in control, I can and do think about what it is I am going to choose to graze on, my problem is that I should not be grazing on anything. I should eat my meals and that should be enough. Often times it is enough, and then there are times when it is not. I don't think it's because I am even hungry, but it's that urge to eat something that need to feed. To chew on something to munch, to just let it all go and say to hell with it. Most of the time I am so in control, so regimented, organized and always doing doing doing. When I stop, shut down and just relax that is when my little crunch monster shows up. I can fight and grapple with her all I want, I usually end up losing the battle. 4 bottles of Water and I still wanted to munch. Popcorn, hummus and carrots, Peanut Butter. Maybe I should have just gotten up, eaten my meal and stopped being a couch potato watching TV all day and night. (Sometimes I will do that with a book and read a 1000 page book in a day!) I excused my behavior (with the hubby's blessing. "there's nothing wrong with a down day, and some you time") by telling myself, I am always running always out the door doing doing doing it's OK to do nothing once in a while. The truth is that I am out of balance!! I need to temper my doing with some down time in equal amounts. There should be no binging on anything, even binge watching TV or reading all day and night is a bad thing. What they say is true too much of any one thing is no good for you!! I am paying for it today, I am a grouchy, cranky mess today. (OK I don't look it. I look like my normal control freak put together self...but don't mess with me cause I'll bite your head off and it's not on my list of preferred foods! ) I don't like to be this way, I am out of sorts, and darn if I didn't do this to myself! I'm not beating myself up about it. Just making some observations and cutting myself and everyone else a break today. GW it is your post that helped me to look at this, and analyze it so I can start making some much needed behavioral changes. I know it's not gong to happen over night, but now I am that much closer. I think that's what addiction really is, it's something our minds and our bodies can overcome if we can understand what it is and where it comes from. What drives us to the behaviors that harm us, and what we can do to combat the issues and modify the behavior so that we are healthier.....
  12. Grrrr...very irritable and grouchy today. Not my usual self....too much cold and rain..?

  13. lisacaron

    I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.

    So what are some strategies that you have learned over the life of your band that have helped you to come to terms with those behaviors when they come up? It's always good to think about the health of our bands and ourselves but I know sometimes I can and do fall into mindless eating just because I too am a food addict! Mindless eating for me isn't volume eating of any one thing, it's that constant picking and picking that adds up and defeats me. It can start with cottage cheese and carrots, or hummus and carrots and carry it's way into scoops of Peanut Butter, munching Protein bars like candy...looking for something or anything to fill that mindset or "need" to graze. I am guilty of this crime against myself and my band. It happens to me when the world stops spinning for a moment and no one is around. It's a guilty pleasure, and I feel like a bad girl getting away with something only to feel badly later that I broke my word to myself to not eat mindlessly. No matter what the choice of food is....for me it's not a good choice to allow it to start.
  14. StarsZ. You need some handholding and lots of love. You have been through hell and you are still here and reaching out. This group is here to help you as you need us. Vent cry blog whatever form you choose is cathartic and healing. Your doctors office may not be thinking of the stress and psychological effect that you have been under these few years and are only thinking the band is not working for you. You have taken a huge step and shared your story with us. Your next step needs to be getting some counseling if you are not already. Incorporate with grief counseling some dietary and life affirming counseling to help you get back on track to you again. Going back to basics is a way to start. Always remember that your doctors office works for YOU. you are the consumer here. Call them back and tell them what you want. You want an assessment on your current band status. Is it sitting right how much fluid is in it and maybe a tweak of that amount. It is not day by day Star. It is moment to moment and we can't ask more from you then that and you should not ask more right now either. Every breath is a step forward. Start now take a deep breath and make the plan for the next one and the next. Follow along and you will be in a groove. From there you can make the choices to get your band rocking again. Sending out positive vibes and support your way! You can do this!! Have faith one moment at a time.
  15. lisacaron

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    Lapbandchic, Your doing great, the lapband is not about "restriction" in the sense that it holds food in a pouch until your full and you stop eating. You never want to be "full" with the band. You what to be satisfied and not hungry 3-4 hours between meals. Reading your posts it sounds like your pretty much there already, even with only 2cc. There are some members here who have had NO fills and are at their green zone and have lost over 100 pounds. Here is a link that has gone around and I find it very helpful to explain the band and what restriction actually is. http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html
  16. TGIF to you all!!! This has been a heck of a week on the East Coast! Gald to see it gone!

    1. Jim1967


      I am with you on that one. Supposed to be mid 50's with rain this weekend. I'll take that. At least I can thaw a bit.

  17. I got one for ya..... "Titanium" You shout it out But I can't hear a word you say I'm talking loud not saying much I'm criticized But all your bullets ricochet Shoot me down, but I get up I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away You shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium You shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium Cut me down But it's you who'll have further to fall Ghost town and haunted love Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones I'm talking loud not saying much I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away You shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium You shoot me down but I won't fall I am titanium
  18. lisacaron

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    It's gonna take some time to get to that green zone and it is different for everyone. I am up to 6.5 cc in a 10 cc band and just now starting to feel as if my toes are on the line of the green zone. It's making sure that the 2 cups are nutrient rich foods and not garbage that I believe is key. Easier said than done (yes that's a BIG key!!!) As you move forward that gets to be a bit easier, I have gone from never cooking a meal at home to cooking dinner nightly for myself and my husband and even my grown kids who now WANT to eat that vs. McDonalds I work 10-12 hours a day out of the house from 7-7 M-F and making dinners is not the easiest thing to do, but I have worked it into my life. Gulping is one of those eating mechanics you want to stop doing now before you get to the green zone. You will be sorry to test the band when your close to that zone and you gulp anything trust me. That pain the middle of your chest over a huge mouth full of water is not fun and the shower you might have to spray right after it is going to make anyone around you angry Some banders are filled right up to the green quickly. In my humble opinion moving more cautiously is going to be the best overall to learn to live with the band for life and make your life style changes gradually so it's not a shock to the system.
  19. lisacaron

    I just had lapband surgery yesterday

    Gas-Ex works, beano anything that will help you pass it. Hot Water bottle or heating pad on your back might help as well. Do not place that on the wounds, for those the best thing is ice especially at the port site. Warm tea should be decaf. I forgot to mention that and it will also help break up the gas. Walking and moving around is the best advice don't get back to bed too much do more sitting up and walking around. sleep and rest when your tired but move around. Your doctor should have given you a post op diet to follow and that's what you should do always follow the Dr.'s advice as many people have different post-op diets. Mine was for 2 weeks of liquids then mushy foods blended up for a week and then a week of soft solids then to regular solid foods as tolerated.
  20. lisacaron

    I just had lapband surgery yesterday

    Agreed and while you are healing friend also don't forget to get your fluids in, especially with pain meds. I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but it is very important to stay hydrated. Warm tea was my savior, and still is on occasion Best for a speedy recovery and welcome to band land!
  21. lisacaron

    The unfill

    Now that should be the slogan for Lapbands! It's got to be right, not too tight! Love it, I'm adopting it! You should coin the phrase Bandi!
  22. lisacaron

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    It can take up to 2 weeks for a fill to settle in so don't worry about not feeling anything. You shouldn't feel it. If your not hungry then it's working for you!! You should be able to eat everything just want to eat much less of it. Always be chew chew chew chewing the food you eat so you don't have anything getting stuck in the stoma. Watch your portions and work on your eating mechanics. Staying in the 20-30 min time frame for a meal. Eating a cup of solid food. If you find your eating more then a cup, then you may need additional fills. If not then you may be 1 and done for now. Best of luck to you while you rock that band!
  23. I agree with all of the posters above, but I know how GCake is feeling. I have days where I go over my calorie limit, mostly because I failed to plan the day well. Or even worse...I have planned the day GREAT packed the Breakfast and lunch and then rushed out the door and left the bag sitting on dam counter! So now I'm forced to substitute and make adjustments in what is already a crazy day for me. Occasionally, I will get very upset and angry at myself when I can't do it all!!! Really it's true, I know I need to give myself a break and take it in stride and eventually I do...but in that moment I want to kick my own ass. I have to tell you GCake that KFC makes me sick. Upset stomach, from both ends...(I know TMI) ever since I have been banded and it really doesn't matter what bite of the chicken I have. I think it's the grease, but even their potatoes don't love me so I just steer clear of the place now. Our PH in our bodies can be changed in so many ways by the foods we eat and the way our body breaks down food etc. Don't worry about how/why the tubing got that way now. It's nothing you did or didn't do right. It happened and thank goodness your Doc was on top of it and replaced it all for you and you are healing focus on that. Soon you will be back in the groove rocking your new band, feel free to come and vent any time. None of us are above a bite or two of something that we know is not the best for us.
  24. lisacaron

    5weeks and im hungry

    The reason the doctor chose not to give you a fill this time around is most likely due to your stuck episode. You are very newly banded and having already been stuck would mean that: A) your still a bit swollen and still healing from surgery (this was supposed to be a B.) you have become additionally swollen from having a stuck episode already and most definitely C) your eating mechanics are not where they need to be to be compliant with the band. These are not the reasons you are over eating but the reasons that your doc. decided to wait on putting any Fluid into the band. While you are waiting for your appointment, my advice is to do what Carolina suggested and work on getting your fluids in, as well as your control over what foods you consume and the way in which you consume them. Choose a diet heavy on the Protein side which will over satiety longer then carbohydrate laden foods. Also work on cutting the bits of food into small bites and chew chew chew chewing them until they are smooth enough to slip through the band and not cause another stuck episode. Having fluid put into the band before you have mastered these eating mechanics could cause many more issues that could lead to band failure and loss. Best of luck to you as you move forward on your journey!
  25. lisacaron

    NSV: Golden Girl

    To advocate here..I have been on both sides of this. I have been a thinner woman working in a mans world. (The gaming industry) and I have been a larger woman working in a mans world. I have been a larger woman working in the corporate world and a larger woman who has owned her own business. I understand totally 100% where PT is coming from. She is right about working in a mans world, men are visual creatures and Texas...come on now it's home of the beauty pageants! When I was younger and thinner and not as knowledgeable as I am today, if I repeated what the owner of the company who was an older larger woman said to the men standing around they listened to me and acted on my words. I was not the owner I didn't pull the strings but they were so busy looking at me it was easy to get them to do what we needed them to do. It was kind of a good cop bad cop routine and it worked for a bunch of ladies trying to run a business in a mans world. As an older woman who has rounded out so to speak, I have worked in several high profile corporate offices and while they all take my knowledge and education seriously, I know it's because I have a pretty face to carry my message home and that's why they pay attention to me. It also helps that most corporations now have women at the top and not just men. Let me tell you ladies though that pretty face and body works with women at the top as much as the men and can also backfire if another woman feels threatened by you. Ah so that said...I'll say it again...take 'em for all they got cause your a smart awesome woman that knows how to work it!

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