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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. @@josiek1988 I want to start by saying that you are not too big to have Lapband surgery if that is what you choose to do. The Lapband is a tool like all WLS options and you can gain weight back with each modality if you are not ready to commit yourself 100% to making the lifestyle change required. The reason that I chose to have Lapband surgery over the other surgical options is because I did not want to experience the malnutrition component that comes along with having your internal organs forever changed. The Lapband is adjustable to my life and my lifestyle and I love that about the Lapband. You will not lose weight quickly with the band though some have, so I can not say that you won't. That however is yet another reason I choose the band. I watched friends lose 100 pounds in 6 months and they looked sick and scary. I have lost over 60 pounds in a year and I look healthy and vibrant and I feel awesome! My husband who was banded 3 days after me is the same. He just had hip replacement surgery 4 weeks ago and as he is recovering he looks and feels amazing. He is doing so much better then I believe he would be doing if he had another WLS that would prevent him from getting all the nutrition his body needs to heal and recover after the hip replacement. We chose the band to fit our life, when we need to have it loose to recover from illness or surgery as my husband is now we are able to adjust it for that, you can not do that with the other surgeries. They are what they are and you must always be on supplements and Vitamins and watching what you eat. Now I won't say the Lapband does not have it's share of maintenance and of course you have to watch what you eat with the band as well, but you won't have issues like dumping which can make healing more difficult. You must comply with all the bands maintenance for fills and for un-fills. You must not over eat and stretch the stomach over the band to cause a slip or erosion and you need to keep in contact with your Dr. for constant follow up and support but I think that should be a mandatory thing for any surgical patient. Not just get surgery lose weight and go away, but that's another story all together. I have a few friends who started where you are, and they are doing amazingly well...and there are some on the board who started at weights even higher and are totally AMAZING with their loss so never think you are too big for anything. Do your research and make a choice that fits your life and your style that you can live with that's the key, then no matter what you choose you will be successful and happy! Best of luck to you!!
  2. lisacaron

    Getting Started

    Do you need a referral from your Primary for surgery? What you can do is what @@betty_s and go to a free WLS seminar for the WLS of your choice they are usually free and they have all kinds of literature then when you go to your visit with your PM you can simply say " I went to this seminar and I am very interested in this surgery. I have booked a follow up appointment with said Dr. and my insurance requires a referral from you would you mind providing one for me?" Thank you. Good luck, let us know how it goes!
  3. lisacaron


    Ah ladies and gentleman have no fear! Take those meds! Use a sip of warm tea or decaf coffee or what have you. The warmth will help relax the stoma and open it up and down the pill will slide. Rarely do things like pills get stuck in the stoma. You may feel them go down if your newly banded and swollen but there is really no need to crush and mush 'em. Trust me I take some pills you could give a horse, and even with a nice amount of fill I have never had an issue with a pill getting stuck. Put them in long ways not side ways and down they go
  4. Hehe...I just went through this since I started taking a Water class. I wasn't sure what size to buy and I had to try on about 100 (well it felt that way). I have a large bust and you know you don't want that saggy belly hanging out the bottom of the high cut bottoms...so it can be hard to find the right fit! Since the class was a fitness class with lots of cardio and jumping around..I wanted a one peice since the two piece really just was not working and the skirt one just ended up in my face most of the class It was a rough go of finding it..but I will tell you honestly I went to K-mart...(and I am sooo not a Kmart shopper!) and for $14.99 on sale I bought a couple of one piece suits in different sizes and if they last the month and I need new ones the cost was minimal compared to what some can run. I was so happy to find them there of course they were in the plus size section but I realize that no matter what I am always going to be big busted and when it comes to swim suits that is the size you work from
  5. lisacaron

    How to get rid of your muffin top

    Me too if you find out let us all know! I was thinking a good plastic surgeon was the answer to that question! Or pants that fit correctly
  6. lisacaron

    Now what, looking for non-sugar coated truth!

    @@enjoythetime @@gowalking Ok I guess I could tell you both that I could stand to be more like you both. Then again after thinking about that for a minute...nope I don't have time in my life for obsessions, passions maybe not obsessions about any one thing The serious point here friends, ALL friends is that this behavior is not good for you. Underweight is as dangerous as overweight. I'm sorry to be the one to bearer of the bad news here, but you asked for not sugar coated right?! Part of this whole journey was psychological care, and maybe it's time for a bit of follow up now that your on the other side of the obesity marker. I'm not saying your nuts..so don't think that... but it doesn't take bones protruding to have an anorexic like thoughts or behavior, and often times we can switch out one eating behavior for another all too easily. Eating only tiny amounts of food, and eating less and less when your body needs more and more is what anorexia nervosa is. By definition "Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat." Your body won't level out for you when your don't losing weight. You have to know when your too thin when to listen to your Dr. and eat more. Do it nutritiously, make good choices of food, things that fuel your body and make your body happy. Proteins, fruit, vegies, sometimes a treat or two. Whatever that means to you and it doesn't have to be trigger foods...and if your obsessing or upset about it, feeling off give yourself a break and have a talk with a friend, see a therapist, go for acupuncture, get a massage, and just live your life and be happy! How's that for sugar free????
  7. lisacaron


    @@amber81499 How long ago was your surgery and what type of surgery did you have? I personally take Advil when I have a headache or muscle pain when I need to. As a banded person it can make the band a bit tighter, though that is not always the case. I have not had any issues with stomach upset from taking it and vs feeling being miserable and having an upset stomach due to migraine or headache it's a toss up. The best advice though is to of course call and check with your doctors. When calling always express to them the extent of the pain you are experiencing and the fact that you have tried the Tylenol first so they take that into account Feel better!
  8. lisacaron

    What does restriction feel like to you?

    Well...yes and no...look at someone like yourself who has not had a single fill and lost over 100 pounds. It's not all about the fill. Much of the band work is the mind set. There is a reason why Dr.'s are conservative. I don't agree or disagree, I think it's all in what you do with the time it takes you to get to that optimal fill level. I think it's time you need to take to get your mind set right, to learn the basics about living with your band for your whole life. To destroy those old habits and establish new ones, to start a new way of eating and living and moving put an exercise plan in place. I am over a year out and I have not lost all my weight, I have been losing conservatively with my band. Why you might ask? Why not go in and amp up that fill and stop eating so much and lose all the weight and get to goal? Isn't that why I got banded? Nope that's not why. I didn't get banded to lose weight or to be thin. I got banded to be healthy. I don't want to have an eating disorder, I don't want to be stressing about food or nutrition or exercise or living my life. I got banded to live. I want to live my life with my band healthy and happy. I enjoy eating foods, and I enjoy not overeating them too I enjoy that life of moderation that I didn't know how to enjoy before. I have not gained a single pound since being banded. Some months I lose more, and some I don't lose as much. Sometimes I am disappointed in myself and I think I could have focused a bit better on the weight loss aspect of it, but then I remember all the things I did that day, that week that month, and I say oh yeah right...that's why I'm burning the candle from all ends and something's gotta give So there is something to be said for conservative. That said..if it's not for you..then sure get your self in there and amp it up. Either way though my friends, you are going to have to work at this. There is not magic to it. It's work, it takes time, it takes commitment and it takes effort. We are all in it together, banded together here we go! It's summa time!!! We can do this!!
  9. Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  10. Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  11. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Awesome Debbie now we just gotta get ya to smile in those photos
  12. lisacaron


    @@Averiex You got lots of sound advice here. Remember you just had major surgery and give yourself a break. You need some TLC not more bad feelings. You have not failed you have not even begun this journey. Surgery is but the open doorway that you have just caught a breeze from and have yet to cross the threshold of. As many have said it takes time, you did not get to be the size you are over night and it will not go away over night. If it did you would be just as unhappy for the results as I have heard many other friends who have had alternate surgeries and lost weight quickly only to find themselves struggling years out with weight gain. The beauty of the band is that as you lose slowly and adjust to your optimal fill levels you learn the basic mechanics of the band and you have the time to make the life style changes and learn to work along with your band in harmony. This is something that other WLS modalities don't necessarily have afford you the time to learn, and patients find themselves learning after their initial weight loss that it takes that permanent life long lifestyle change not just a diet mentality to keep them healthy and their weight maintained. So don't feel down, come to the boards and share your journey and seek support that's why we are here! You have a great group of people who have been down the road are on the road and we are always learning and growing and sharing with each other!
  13. lisacaron

    Couple basic insurance questions

    Most insurance companies these days require you to be on a 6 month medically supervised diet. Mostly that entails going to your General Doctor and having them monitor your weight loss and/or gain over the course of 6 months on a supervised nutrition diet plan that they give you. (It's a formality) They do it to be sure that you are 100% compliant in that if you don't do this for 6 months the chances that you will use the weight loss surgery tool and be successful with it are minimal since WLS of any type takes 100% compliance on the part of the patient. You are not going to have surgery, lose weight and live happily ever after never to be obese again. If you do not follow the Dr.'s guidelines along the way and you don't commit to yourself to a life style change 100% the chances of failing are greater. So they are not asking so much that you lose 5% of your weight during this time but that you comply with the rules, and follow the 6 months take your weights and have the Dr. report on it to them. Submit the paper work they require any testing they require and you should be good to go. The surgeon's office you choose will have an advocate there who can help you to understand what your insurance company requires for approval and they can guide you through all the steps along the way so your not having to have interaction with the insurance company directly if your uncomfortable with that. Reach out to the surgeon's office and set up a meeting with their surgical coordinator and see if they can help you sort it all out, they are always an excellent resource to start with.
  14. lisacaron

    private FB groups?

    Oh no...https://www.facebook.com/people/BariatricPal-Lisa-Liz-Tracy/100004424087934 This one should work. What's up with these stalkers....report them!
  15. lisacaron

    Who can relate?

    My bonnet always weights me down in the morning!!
  16. lisacaron

    I just don't believe this...

    WooHoo! Put down that MFP and that scale and enjoy those walks and the Y and the beach and LIFE that is what it's all about after all. Your looking great and what's even better is that you are feeling great, even with some aches and pains your getting out there and doing all kinds of fun things!!
  17. Do not love allergies....sniffle sniffle

    1. dlamp112


      Sorry friend - my kid is suffering too :(

      I feel for all you allergy suffering peeps

  18. Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  19. lisacaron

    private FB groups?

    Here is a link for our private FB page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004424087934
  20. Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  21. lisacaron

    June Welcome

    Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  22. lisacaron

    June Welcome

    Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  23. lisacaron

    June Welcome

    Happy June 2nd!!! This year is speeding by...the weather so far today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI/ tri-state chapter of Bariatric Pal is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC there is no place like it! If you find your self in the NY metro area, Long Island, Westchester or even in NJ take a beautiful summer drive or cross the Hudson on the ferry, we would love to see you!!!
  24. lisacaron

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    Happy June 1st!!! This year is speeding by...the weather on Long Island today is looking lovely! I hope everyone is able to get outside today and enjoy some of the bright sunshine. Just a reminder that the NYC/LI chapter is meeting this month on June 14th from 2PM till 4 PM We will be meeting at The Atrium at 805 Third Avenue. The building is on Third Ave between 49th and 50th Streets. The Atrium is at the back of the space on the lower level past the shops. We are looking forward to seeing many of our forum friends there for a fun filled afternoon. We hope to share a bit of information, education, and ultimately support with our friends and we also have a few special surprises planned for those in attendance!!! So mark your calendars today forum friends and make plans to spend a beautiful summer afternoon in NYC. If any Jersey friends want to attend, please feel free to cross the Hudson and join us.

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