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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@SillyAuntDi I totally understand that and I agree 100%. You know right before hubby and I got married a family member was going in for WLS. It was a great choice for him, he has some pretty bad medical issues and though most of the family were not supportive I was totally in his corner I thought wow this is awesome I hope it all works out for him, and I really wanted to see all the photo's etc as he lost weight and "got healthy". We had a brunch celebration for our family when we came back from our wedding (no one was invited to that not even our 5 kids!) There was food galore at Lombardi's everything and anything you could possibly think of or want. I felt bad when I invited him that he might not be able to eat the food there and asked the catering hall if they would accommodate any special dietary needs he might have. So I reached out and asked him what that might be so I could let them know I knew nothing about WLS then but was starting to research it. He told me don't worry he would be able to eat anything. I didn't take that to heart until, he really was ready to eat anything. Thinking the surgery was the fix it and now he could stuff the pie hole with anything and everything and the weight was going to peel away. Yeah well that didn't happen. I cringe when we are at family parties now that both my hubby and I have had WLS and I watch the volumes of soda (straight sugar high test soda) and the piles of food on the plate, hoagies and all. I think to myself maybe it's all my eyes are bigger then my tummy, would have to be after sleeve surgery right? Wrong, cause by now that tummy is right back where it was, and all that food went in...and I watched and was sick. (really physically I had to walk away, my band was hurting! Not really but in my mind it was) So for those that think there is magic in that band or sleeve or RNY, they need to know that the magician makes the magic happen and the magician is YOU. It is dam hard work WLS or not. Getting fat was the easy part, open mouth insert food chew swallow and don't move for 3-4 months success! Getting rid of that fat...is HARD ass breaking heart pounding breath taking work! I fight for every ounce I lose as I am sure you all do too Now off to the dentist! UGH, all my healthy eating chipped a filling... I really do hate having to go to see the dentist. (no offense to those of you who are one....but I really do hate it.)
  2. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    I'm not sure that I agree I would not let anyone person's comments new, veteran or surgeon run me off. You know some one told me opinions are like A**holes right everyone has one and some people just are. So I when people bug me I think about that and laugh cause the visual is hysterical! Then I don't judge them, ignorance is a sickness as much as obesity is. They don't have to like what I say, but they don't have the right to treat me badly nor do I them. I don't preach to the choir I sing in harmony. (Match pitch anyone lalalala clearing voice and quieting down cause my desk mate thinks I'm wacko or went out drinking for lunch) If I asked you are you cured of your obesity? Would you say yes because you have lost 100 pounds or more? Would you say yes if you lost 200? We are all in this together and the newbie (even the ones who just are) has something to say and teach us as much as we have to say and teach them, even if it's simply how NOT to be, and what NOT to do. So I take it in stride and I comment as I feel it and I don't when I don't and if I get sling back that's nasty I can hash it out with the best of em, but I really try not to stoop, I save the bending for squats f they know better after one day then you do after X amount of years and weight lost then OK revision slips what have you that's for them to learn and experience at their own risk and share in entertaining and not so entertaining ways later, when/if I read it. Some of them could be part of the next Steven King novel the way they tell the story of how the band destroyed the Universe and blacked out the Sun. So I ask you have you got this band thing nailed and down pat? Cause I know I don't, and all I can say is what I have experienced and nothing more, I can be supportive to those that want and seek support even if that means some tough love. Just ask my kids I rock in that department! So friends please try not to let it rattle you, people are just people they can't help it they were born that way Sometimes I like my cat better...even when he talks back.
  3. lisacaron

    Lost and alone

    @ I want to say first that I agree with everyone here! I wish you the very best and much success. I appreciate your perseverance to get healthy. As CowgirlJane said in her post, I would want to get to the root of "why". All WLS no matter the modality requires a major change in life. As well as a change in your lifestyle or the way you live your life. Our choices even the ones we make only in our mind and may or may not act upon play a big role in our success and/or lack of success. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to say that "you" are the failure here. If I were you though I would want to understand for myself why and what failed with the other modalities of surgery. I think a behavioral therapist and psychologist might be a few good places to start. It helps to sound off to someone outside the scope of our lives to see what they see. We can be too close to have a good perspective, and there is something liberating about opening up the closets and letting someone peek inside and see that hey maybe that wasn't so scary at all and all I need to do is move that childhood item to the top shelf and solve a million and one other issues. Think about it friend, and keep on researching so you know all there is to know about this new surgery and the life style that goes along with it and how you can make it part of your life to have that success and make it all yours! You are so determined I have no doubt that you will be successful this time!
  4. lisacaron

    1 year, 50lbs...only?

    I am in the same boat as you. Paddle paddle paddling along. I look at it like this, I didn't gain my weight in one year and it won't take me just one year to lose it all and to be healthy. My weight crept up and up over the years, and today my weight creeps lower and lower. I feel healthy and I look healthy. Not much saggy baggy skin to complain about. I go to the gym now, I lift weights but I'm not sore and hurting every single day and I don't want to be. I don't like the idea of no pain no gain, after all I want to lose not gain right So I practice making a life style change every single day that will sustain me waaaay into the future. Not just in the foods I choose but in the way I eat them and don't eat them. The way I move and don't move, and it takes some time. I'm not a light switch that goes on and off. I can tell myself today I'm going to eat right, but never understand what right is and why I am doing that today, when tomorrow comes and I'm under pressure or distracted and the old habits come back. They do come back because they are just that habits, so I am working on not only breaking those habits but creating new and healthy ones to replace them. So it's second nature to reach for Water and not coffee when I need a pick me up. So I reach for Protein and not sugar when I am running low on steam around 3:00. To choose to remember to eat Breakfast lunch and dinner at some point in my day and not shove all the calories in after work when it's more likely I'm going to rest and get to bed then it is for me to take a walk after dinner. So 50 pounds in one year is GREAT! I say HOORAY for you! Keep up the good work, and I will be right there with ya!
  5. lisacaron

    Not about the patients...really

    I have to tell you that I am really upset to hear that this office won't even work with you. Talk about hard a** what is up with that? Not everyone can fit themselves into the office schedules. Did you try looking up another Dr. in your area that does the lap band on this site? Give it a go, you might find someone closer to you that can work the fills for you.
  6. lisacaron

    Had my 1st fill

    @@rose2014 The feeling you are having is what restriction feels like. As others above said stick to the liquids and mushy foods for a while. Every doctor has a different protocol when it comes to giving fills. I didn't have one until nearly 12 weeks out from surgery, but that is the way my Dr. works. He is very conservative when it comes to adding Fluid in the band. Since you are already feeling the band as you eat and drink I would say a few more days on the liquids and mushy foods can't hurt you. I know that's not the best foods to choose from but you don't want to force food down when it sounds like you are still a bit swollen from surgery and now a fill. Give yourself a bit of time to heal. I had a regimen of 2 weeks liquids, 2 weeks mushy and 2 weeks soft after surgery as I said my doc is very conservative after the surgery. I had a similar issue with one of my incisions being short and short waisted my lower incision and port incision were always getting bumped and rubbed and irritated. The waist incision burst on me and fluid drained and it eventually healed up nicely. Keep them clean and dry and as bandista said maybe try a gauze pad to keep it from rubbing the scab off.
  7. lisacaron

    Not about the patients...really

    @@monkeysnana09 I love what @@Kitt3000 suggested. Give them a call and speak with the doctor directly. Let them know all that you have been going through and where you hubby is and that you are there on Wed. for your hubby and really need the help if they can provide you with that same day. I'm sure the doctors will help you out that's what they are there for. Don't tell the snot at the desk or the person you get on the phone why you are calling just ask to speak with the Dr. directly. It's personal and urgent. They will put you through and hopefully they will be able to work with you. We all understand the busy life of Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses and PA's but sometimes we need a little help also. Let us know how it goes!!
  8. lisacaron

    Tweaking the fill, part deux

    I agree 100% it is a real art and not every doctor or PA is a great artist. I have to tell you I have come across my share of them and they don't make me very happy. There are days when I feel like I need to stand on my head to have a fill and if I request an un-fill for what ever reason like the one and only time I did because I was sick...I know they are looking out for my best interest and the health of my body and the band, but really isn't that what "adjustable" is all about? If I wanted to diet, I would not have had surgery. So hearing the PA tell me well that x amount of fill should work for you..what exactly does that mean?! What works for her...oh wait she is not banded. How do you know what works for me? I think I am the only one that is going to be able to determine that....please tweakers..tell me if I am wrong here, cause it's been about 3 weeks since that incident and it still has me P.O'd.
  9. It's Motivation Monday...what's yours?

    1. lisacaron


      Love these motivations! @go not yet..been working like crazy at the day job, and training for my first 5K end of this month!


    2. gowalking


      5K?? Spectacular!!

    3. lisacaron


      I know I must be crazy right?! Yeah I signed up with a couple of gals from work. So now I got to get my butt to the gym every day and get ready for this thing! I'll take photo's should be interesting to say the least! Ken is finally at the pool, I think today was his first day of course I am at work though!

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  10. Ima give you motivation....I love you and you are the bestest banded sista eva! Lets go to the gym together!

  11. Happy Friday All!!! Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Crystal76


      Thanks, you too.


  12. lisacaron

    3 month progress pics

    You look great. Loved the last photo great BIG smile!!
  13. lisacaron


    Just be sure that they are healthy. Lopsided and all today we can correct and make those look good, it's being healthy so you have some boobs to worry about! Get those Mammo's and sonograms as necessary and if things look and feel odd to you don't wait to check it out!! Breast cancer doesn't discriminate based on age, you don't have to be old to get breast cancer or even a woman to get breast cancer so make sure you are doing your self check and seeing a doctor regularly. Trust me I have lost friends before the age of 30 from Breast Cancer and I have lost family of all ages from it as well. My sister in law was diagnosed at the age of 34. Her story, she had those uneven boobs (no weight issues) and she was too embarrassed to have them checked out when she needed to. She waited just a little too long and survived stage 3 breast cancer. Bottom line, love the boobies and take care of them symmetrical or not. Sorry for the sermon just passionate about this issue
  14. lisacaron

    What's wrong with me?

    @@Outerbeauty13 don't worry. Stick to your pre-op diet if you had one and keep on the path. The smallest thing like an infection or a cold or even arthritis can raise your white blood cell count. They will come and let you know and tell you where to go from here. Relax give yourself some TLC this weekend and before you know it you will be on your way. It's better to be safe then sorry so it's a good thing they are making sure that you are 100% before going into major surgery.
  15. lisacaron


    @@destinyford Oatmeal is not bad for you. Is it healthy to eat everyday..sure it can't hurt you. Is it the best choice to eat every day...probably not for a WLS patient. The reason I say that is because it does not have any Protein in it. Even though it can be high in carbs, they are complex carbs that are not easily digested as are refined carbs such as in white flour. So technically they can keep you feeling fuller for longer. As someone above mentioned if you mix in some Protein Powder it can be a win win. Look for oats that don't have a high content of sugar, such as steel cut oats and mix in that protein, make it thin enough so you are not stuck on a gob of it and enjoy!
  16. lisacaron


    Here is the caveat when it comes to bread and bread like products. If they are soft and doughy no matter how much you chew them there is always going to be some chance that it can get stuck. Even a tiny bit can get down there and then swell up in the stoma and cause a very uncomfortable feeling. That said I will tell you that I eat bread though not much of it, (simply because I have no desire for it) when I do I usually make sure that it is toasted and not doughy in any way. So I don't eat bagels or rolls or buns since even when you toast them the inside can remain soft and doughy.
  17. lisacaron

    2 question

    Let me ask you one more question. When you are belching in the morning is anything coming up with that? Like a reflux or heartburn feeling? If not then it could be as @@Lady Lap Band said and it's just trapped air and that can happen if you snore at all or have your mouth open (drool lol) or even if you grind your teeth at night. I would be concerned if you had any kind of reflux or heartburn then I would think your band might be a bit too tight. Right now I would ride it out and see how you are in a few days. Keep track of the air push back in the mornings and if you have some reflux give the doc a call to check it out.
  18. lisacaron

    How long is too long?

    It doesn't hurt to give the doctor a call and double check. If they gave you that protocol there is probably some reason for it and they should tell what that reason is. Even if it's just the way they do things in that office you want to know because that doesn't "have" to be the office you go to. You can always check in with other doctors to see if they have a protocol that works better for you, that you can abide by and make it to surgery and beyond. I wish you all the best of luck! On a personal note...as a banded patient I had a 2 week prep, both my husband and I started 1 month out rather then 2 weeks so that if we had issues would be work them out in the first 2 weeks to be sure that our actually 2 weeks of liquids would be 100% and with no slips. Maybe that is what your doc is thinking too....you never know until you ask
  19. lisacaron

    Study Done on Accuracy of Activity Monitors

    I didn't think the article was so horrible. I love my fitbit, but I am a techie I love all the bells and whistles that chime along with the newest craze in technology. That said if your not a techie a regular pedometer will do ya. I think we have always known that, but if having one strapped to your wrist or your bra, that does it job silently and reports those stats to me directly via my phone or computer gets me to get up and moving and pushing myself to reach a "badge" level or gives me incentive to beat my friend who's number are higher then mine and ultimately gets me off my ass and moving more I say HOORAY! and I would tell everyone to go out there and get yourself one!! cost be dammed. The article and research is just telling us what we already know. It wasn't written in a mean spirit and it doesn't discount the benefit of the devices, even if it does call it into question their 100% accuracy. We know if we are eating an entire cheese cake and walking for 45 minutes no matter what numbers we put on that device it's not going to equal up the amount of fat and calories we consume. People are not as dumb as they want us to think they are, in fact we can be pretty smart at playing dumb but are only fooling ourselves
  20. I have to tell you that both my husband and I were banded in the same month and we go out to eat all the time. I don't pick at my meals like a bird, I eat. We order each what we like and if we have extra we take them home and have another meal. I usually take it to work the next day for lunch. It would be great if ordered something to "share" and we are very compatible about what we like to eat but I often find that when we are out I want something and he wants something else, and it works out well for the most part. I eat steak often but I always get the most tender cut like Filet Mignon. I cut it up small and chew well and I love it every now and then.
  21. lisacaron

    Losing my office!

    You will make it work and it will be a nice change of pace for you. Finding new ways to work out in the office on breaks etc. Taking longer walks away from the office if needed A chance to get rid of the old stuff that builds up in our drawers over the years etc. Get some nice summer flowers for your new office and make it home. Let the new guy sweat it out with the unwanted visitors and thermostat issues. Your gonna do great in your new space!
  22. lisacaron

    Medications and whatnot

    You will have some antibiotic in the hospital but you should not need anything after that unless you develop an infection. I have never needed to crush up my medications, I take them all just fine and some are very large pills. I would take them one at a time if you are taking more then one thing just to be sure they go down and clear the stoma that is created by the band after surgery. You are going to be swollen inside and though you won't feel it you need time to heal, if you like you can take your pills with some warm beverages or you can crush them up. Don't break or crush up time release pills as mentioned above, if your not sure check with the pharmacist they will know what can be broken/crushed and what can not. Congrats on your surgery! Let us know how you are doing.
  23. So I will share this phrase that my nutritionist uses all the time. If a meal takes you more then 20 minutes to eat you are eating your next meal! So if that sandwich and chips took you 2 hours to eat..you have eaten breakfast lunch dinner and a snack. Next time kick the bread to the curb along with the mayo and those chips! Eat the turkey and if that takes you 20 minutes your good. All that other stuff is fat and carbs (sugar) that you don't really need if you are trying to lose weight. If you find your hungry after the turkey, say an hour later then you need a bit of a fill. If not then your good to go. A meal should hold you for 3-4 hours before you need to eat again, it should only take you 20 minutes to finish eating and it should always have a good source of Protein first, vegetables second and carbs last if you can fit them in after.
  24. lisacaron


    @@richard mazzari I agree with what @@2muchfun said above. Now that you have a large fill in your band, it could take a couple of weeks for you to feel the full affect of it. So don't over eat and stuff that pouch because you could cause some dangerous damage to your esophagus and stomach that could result in losing your band and irreversible damage. Keep going to the gym and limit your intake to band size portions and you should do great!

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